April 28, 2023
Contact Information
Denae Wilker, Principal
Candace Mathis, Assistant Principal
Lyndsey Christopher, Counselor
Through the collaborative efforts of all who pass through our door, we provide a safe learning community that develops lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
Location: 9001 Cochrans Crossing Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77381
Phone: 936-709-5000
Twitter: @GalatasCISD
No Campus Visitors During the Week of May 1
Due to the Math STAAR Assessments the week of May 1,
Galatas Elementary will have a closed campus from May 1-5.
We will not be able to host volunteers or lunch guests on these days. These steps and procedures are necessary to ensure test security and confidential integrity for the administration of this exam. Thank you for your assistance and understanding with this important matter.
The Galatas Spirit Wear Team is excited to offer this early opportunity to order Galatas Spirit Wear! The online store is open now through May 8, and your orders will be delivered during the last week of school. Please visit the Spirit Wear Store link below to get a head start!
Lost and Found
Lost clothing and other personal items are seeking to be reunited with their owners! Lost and Found items have been collected. If an item has a student name in it, we will return it to your student's classroom.
Please check the Galatas PTO Facebook page for pictures of unlabeled items that have been left in the Lost and Found. The post and pictures should be up by Friday, April 21.
If an unlabeled item belongs to your child, please comment on the picture with your child's name and section number, and the item will be brought to the classroom.
Items not claimed by Monday, May 1, will be donated to Interfaith.
PreK, Kinder, and New Student Registration
Do you or someone you know in your neighborhood have a child that will be 5 on or before September 1, 2023? Help us spread the word: PreK, Kindergarten, & New Student Enrollment for 2023-2024 is open!
Please be sure to register as soon as possible; it is important for us to know how many new Greyhounds we are expecting so that we are ready to welcome them to Galatas in August!
Registration is online, and you can upload all of the needed documents right to the registration application. Please click below for a direct link to the CISD registration page. Then, click "Family Portal 2023-2024" to begin registering.
If you have any questions please e-mail Robin Curtis, Galatas Registrar, at
**Please note: Parents of current and returning students will complete a CISD enrollment verification (Snap Code) to be sent out this summer.
Get Involved at Galatas
Galatas Yard Signs for Sale!
ExxonMobil Grant Program
Please sign up here and you will be contacted by the ExxonMobil Coordinator with further details.
CISD Summer School/Enrichment Programs Information
For information and registration for CISD Summer School and Enrichment Programs, please visit this link:
For questions about the programs, please email our Counselor, Lyndsey Christopher at
SMART Tag Student I.D. Information
The District is excited to announce a new addition to student safety with the implementation of the SMART tag™ I.D. system. Students in your child’s school will begin using this system on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, with the initial use to scan bus riders boarding or exiting a bus. SMART tag™ uses safe passive technology which enables your child’s I.D. card to be programmed with a unique student number. This number can only be read by the SMART tag™ tablet installed on each CISD school bus, and the I.D. number is the only digital information in the card. The goal is to have the SMART tag™ system fully implemented throughout the District by May 2023.
Upon full implementation, parents/guardians will have the ability to sign up to receive text notifications of when their child’s bus will arrive for pick up in the morning and drop off in the afternoon. When a student boards or exits the bus, the student will touch their SMART tag™ I.D. card on the SMART tag™ tablet (RFID reader) at the top of the stairs. This will allow the bus driver to determine if the student is on the right bus, as well as confirm that the student is getting off at the correct bus stop. The GPS capability is in the SMART tag™ tablet on the bus not the SMART tag™ I.D. card. All students will receive a SMART tag™ I.D. card and a lanyard in the coming days. The success of the program in large part depends on students having their SMART tag™ I.D. card with them when they get on and off the bus. We ask for your help in this regard.
The District is excited about offering its families this new service to increase safety, and we ask for your patience as we implement this new program. In the near future, your child’s SMART tag™ I.D. will also be used for cafeteria purchases and library book check-out. For more information on the program including how the passive technology works, please visit the District’s SMART tag™ website. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the Conroe ISD Transportation Department’s The Woodlands Center at 832-592-8800 or visit our transportation website.
Conroe ISD Transportation Department
Please check back regularly, as camps are added frequently!
Parent Information Sheet
Galatas Student Handbook Addendum
CISD Child Nutrition Information
The CISD Board of Trustees has approved the 2023-2024 calendar. For your convenience, please download the calendar here:
Thank you in advance for scheduling vacations and travel during school breaks and holidays.
Reporting Student Absences and Attendance Information
When your child is absent, please call the school attendance line (936-709-5014), the front office (936-709-5000), or email Robin Curtis ( before 9:00 AM to explain the reason for their absence. To ensure the accuracy of your child's attendance records, please call or email each day your child is absent.
Attendance is recorded at 9:00 AM each day. If your child is absent at 9:00 AM due to a doctor’s appointment, he/she will be counted present if you bring your child back to school on the same day with a doctor's statement that verifies the appointment.
If your child will be out for an extended period, please let us know by emailing Robin Curtis at the email above.
Transportation Changes
Please use the Transportation Change forms any time a student needs to go home in a different way from the permanent designated mode of transportation. If you need a notepad, please let your child's teacher know and we will send one home.
All transportation changes must be received in writing by 2:00 p.m. We are unable to accept a phone call. You may send a written note to your child’s teacher (place it in your student's PAWS folder), or fill out a form in the front office. Please include the date, your child’s full name, section number, bus number (if applicable), and your signature.
If an emergency arises, you may send an email to . The e-mail must include all of the above information, including a parent signature, and must be received before 2:00 p.m. If you submit a transportation change by email, it must go to the email address referenced above; transportation changes should not be emailed directly to the teacher.
Please send a new note for each day the change occurs; we cannot accept notes for multiple days or with multiple changes. District policy states that a student may only ride the bus they are registered to ride.
Join the PTO and Support our Greyhounds
Please support our school by joining our amazing PTO. The link below will take you to the Galatas PTO website, where you can join the PTO and explore ways to get involved at Galatas.
It is a great way to get connected with our Galatas community and other parents.
Lunch Visitor Information
Lunch visitors are invited to enjoy our outdoor dining area (weather permitting). On rainy or other inclement weather days, we will have seating available in the Activity Room.
** Please consider limiting lunch visits to once or twice per month for each student, so that all parents have an opportunity to visit for lunch.
**Please limit the number of visitors to no more than four.
**A driver's license or government issued photo i.d. is required for adults each time they visit Galatas. We are unable to accept a photo of an i.d. Please allow time (about 5 minutes) to complete the required check-in at the front office prior to your child's lunchtime.
**We want to ensure the safety and security of everyone as they enjoy time together. If a grandparent, family member, or adult other than the parent of the student wants to visit your child during lunch, the parent must send in written permission to the front office. The note will only need to be sent in once, and at that time a notation will be made in the visitor system so that the school will have a record of the permission being granted. If a note is not sent, we will call a parent to grant permission before the visitor is allowed to join a student for lunch.
Lunchtime is limited to 25 minutes. A staff member will be monitoring the door, and will assist your child in returning to the cafeteria to join their class. Then, please head back to the front office to return your visitor sticker.
Kindergarten 11:30 AM-11:55 AM
1st Grade 11:15 AM-11:40 AM
2nd Grade 12:00 PM-12:25 PM
3rd Grade 12:25 PM-12:50 PM
4th Grade 11:50 AM-12:15 PM
Please be mindful that the next grade level parents are also excited to visit their children for lunch. We require parents to exit promptly at the designated time, to allow the next group to have lunch together.
Campus Visitors
All visitors must be able to provide a government issued, photo I.D. at each visit. Photos of the I.D. will not be accepted. Visitors will check in at the front office and receive a Visitor Badge which must be worn at all times in the building. When leaving the building, visitors must check out with the front office and return the badge.
Galatas Volunteers
In order to volunteer at school, a Volunteer in CISD Application must be completed.
Please visit volunteer-in-cisd to complete the process.
Drop-off Procedures for Forgotten Items
Please help your student be fully prepared for their day by ensuring that they have all needed materials (backpack, lunch, water bottle, etc...) before leaving for school in the morning.
To minimize interruptions to classrooms, please limit drop-offs to the following items:
- Water bottles and lunches may be placed on the Drop-off table before 10:00 a.m. at the front office. These items should be labeled with your child’s name and section number to ensure proper delivery. Items are taken at 10:00 a.m. to a drop-off table at the end of each hallway, so please email the teacher to let them know that you have dropped off the water bottle or lunch.
- If you need eye glasses delivered to your child, please do not put them on the drop-off table. Bring them to the office staff for immediate delivery to your child.
- Any class work or homework that is dropped off will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox to be picked up during the day.
Delivery of flowers, balloons, etc. to students at school are not permitted.
Water Bottles
Student Cell Phone/Smart Watch Expectations
Over the holidays, some students received a cell phone and/or a smart watch. As a reminder, smart watches and cell phones should be turned off and placed in the student's backpack during school. Students should not use their devices to send or receive messages during the day. Please help us reinforce expectations by reminding your child of these procedures.
A Message from the School Nurse
Please keep your child home if they are showing any signs of illness or reporting that they do not feel well.
Medication at school: If your child needs medications while at school, please email the nurse at to schedule a drop-off time. Students may not bring medication to school; all medication must be checked in with the School Nurse by a parent or guardian.
Prescription medications must be in the original prescription container and unexpired. Scheduled prescription medications must have a specific scheduled time on the prescription label, not a time range, and be in the original prescription bottle. Over the counter medications must be age specific and have directions on the manufacturer's label for your student's age.
All students who require an Action Plan must have a new and up to date form completed by the physician for the 2022-2023 school year.
Extra change of clothes: Please include a change of clothing in each student’s backpack in case of a spill, fall in the mud, or restroom accident. The nurse has a very limited supply of extra clothes and will try to find something suitable for the student to wear, but having their own set of clothes will save time and help the student be more comfortable.
If you have questions about COVID-19, please refer to the District's informational web page here.
Thank you,
Katy Riggs, RN
Monthly Vaccine Clinic
Celebrate Teacher & Staff Excellence!
- Log in to Parent Access.
- Click on communication.
- Choose Teacher/Staff Excellence from the drop down menu.
- Select the employee to receive recognition from the drop down menu.
- Click create TAE.
- Click any of the pre-populated choices that apply.
- Type any additional comments in the Additional Comment box.
- Click the box labeled Create Teachers Achieving Excellence button.
Parking Lot Request
If all the visitor spots are full, we ask that you please park at either Cattail Park, the row of spots closest to Galatas in the Community Baptist Church, or the closest end spots at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. These two churches have graciously offered these spots to us as our Galatas Family grows.
Thank you for your help with parking!
Student Early Check-Out
If you know that you will need to check-out your child during the school day, please let their teacher know so that they can help your child gather their belongings and prepare for an early departure.
As a reminder, to ensure the safety of all students at dismissal, the latest a student can be checked out of school is 2:45 p.m.
Safety Reminder: no pets on campus
With the exception of service animals, dogs and other pets are not allowed on school grounds, including at the top of the hill during arrival and dismissal.
This is for the health and safety of our students and staff members.
School Zone Safety Tips
In addition, cell phone use in a school zone is prohibited. As you enter areas around schools, please end your calls and put your phone away.
The CISD Police and Montgomery County Sheriff's Department patrol our school zones to ensure everyone's safety, and will issue citations if necessary.
Thank you for your help in keeping our community safe!
School Dismissal Safety Notes
--Only cross at crosswalks! Our crossing guards and staff are here to keep everyone safe and ensure that families cross intersections in an efficient manner.
--Please do not park behind staff cars in the school parking lot. Please park in a parking space, as blocking cars could cause a safety concern in case of an emergency.
--Please be considerate of our neighbors at Hayden's Run and Wyndspire South. Please keep the sight lines at the entrance clear for entering and exiting vehicles.
--Please be considerate of our neighbors at South Silvershire Circle. Please do not park on the grass or lawn of the homes. Take care not to block driveways and leave enough room for residents to easily drive in their neighborhood at all times.
2022-2023 CISD School Calendar
Upcoming Events
1-5 STAAR Testing-Campus Closed to Visitors
2 STAAR Math, 3rd and 4th grade students
9 PTO Meeting: 10:00 a.m.; Volunteer Appreciation Celebration 11:00 a.m.
11 4th Grade Program: 6:30 PM
15-17 Galatas Science Camp
23 Yearbook Signing
25 4th Grade Clap Out: 10:00 a.m.
25 Early Dismissal: 12:10 p.m. Last Day of School