Stanley Avenue School Newsletter
12th April, Term 1, Week 11, 2024
Hello, Kia ora, Chomreabsour, Mālo ni, Ni hao, Kia orāna, Talofa lava, Namaste, Hola, Hallo, Chào bạn, Bula Vinaka, Kumusta, Guten Tag, Mālō e lelei , An-nyeong-ha-se-yo, greetings to all our School Families
RSA Anzac Day Services
This year’s ANZAC Day services in Te Aroha will be significantly different from previous commemorations. There will be no parade, due to the high costs involved.
Members of the public are encouraged to attend, and are asked to assemble at the war memorials in Kenrick St.
Dawn Service assemble at 5.45am
Civic Service assemble at 10.15am
Stanley Ave School will hold our own ANZAC Service on Friday 3rd May at school.
From the Principal's desk....
Tena koutou katoa,
Wow…it’s hard to believe we have come to the end of Term 1. I would like to take this opportunity to wish the students of Stanley Ave a well deserved holiday period with family, whānau and friends. During Term 1, our students have continued to impress me with their efforts and achievements, continuing to ‘Whaia Kia U’ (Strive to Succeed) and I know they will take this momentum into Term 2. Our teaching staff are to be thanked for their incredible efforts and our school community for their ongoing support.
As I sit and write this article I reflect on the outstanding effort from our students who participated in the CB Education Invitational Touch Tournament in Matamata yesterday. We were delighted to see our Year 7/8 Boys team win their competition and the Year 5/6 Boys team come runners up. Results aside the team work, camaraderie and support for one another and the school was special to see.
Staff Update
With Mrs Valencia moving to Te Aroha College, Debbie Hamilton has been appointed the new Team Leader of the Ruru Team. Mrs Hamilton was Acting Team Leader for Team Tui in 2023, whilst Mrs Findlay was on travel leave and did a great job.
Ms Jacquii Malone and Mrs Angela Roskam will work in a job share teaching Room One for Term 2, providing a strong transition ahead of a new permanent teacher starting in Term 3. More details will follow regarding this appointment early next term.
Mā te wā (See you later)
John Byers
Submission to Council regarding Pedestrian crossing and Carparking
The Board of Trustees are making a submission to Council with regard to Council’s support for changes to our pedestrian crossing, car parking and bus bay area in the next Long Term Plan. If you would like to add your support to our submission and share any concerns about the current roading setup, you can click on the link below and give MPDC your thoughts. Homepage ( Once you’re in the website, click on the roading renewals tab, then add your comments at the bottom of the page.
Upcoming Events
- 12 April Last day of Term 1
- 25 April Anzac Services at War Memorial Kenrick Street 5.45am or 10.15am
- 29 April First day of Term 2
- 3 May School Anzac Service 9.30am
- 17 May Pink Shirt Day supporting Stop Bullying and promoting Kindness
- 29 May National Young Leaders Day NYLD
- 3 June King's Birthday School closed
- 17 June Oxford Pie orders close.
- 20 June Tough Guy and Girl
- 26 June Oxford Pie orders delivered
Goodbye Miss V!
Today we farewelled our very own Princess, Miss V. We wish her the very best as she moves on to Te Aroha College to teach the 'Big Kids' after 10 wonderful years at Stanley Ave. Before she left we surprised her with our very own 'Flash Mob' at Assembly and watched a gorgeous video full of memories and well wishes from staff and pupils, past and present. Go well Miss V. Please don't be a stranger!!
CB Education Invitational Touch Tournament - Matamata
As a school we were delighted to be part of the first ever CB Education Touch Tournament held at Matamata Primary School on Wednesday. We competed alongside Pyes Pa School, Green Park School (Tauranga), Matamata Primary School and Horotiu School (Waikato).
A version of Hybrid Touch Rugby was played where players could kick the ball on the last touch! This created a different dynamic and skillset compared to standard Touch Rugby. Our teams across Years 5-8 all impressed with their skill level and support and encouragement for one another.
Our Year 5/6 Team the SAS Broncos played some outstanding running touch to finish up as Runners Up in the Year 5/6 Boys Division.
In the Year 7/8 Division billed ‘The Battle of the Kaimais’ our SAS Warriors team won a narrow final over Pyes Pa 3-2. With one minute to go scores were level, from kick off, Erik Pollock ran almost the length of the field to win it!!!The school spirit in the final was impressive to see.
A big thank you must go out to all of our supporters who came over to watch and support. Special mention must go to the following people for their assistance with transport to and from Matamata: Matt Gwynne, Vinnie Narayan, Sue Tesselaar, Pieta Wikaira, Grant Stockley, Elle Holder and Kristina Watts.
Additionally a big thanks to Vinnie Narayan and Matt Gwynne for their coaching on the day.
Mr Byers
Oxford Pie Fundraiser
It is that time of year again where you get the opportunity to stock up your fridge and/or freezer with Oxford Pies and support the school in our fundraising efforts. This year we are taking orders and money from now until Monday 17th June with the pies delivered late morning on Wednesday 26th June.
Ask friends, family, and neighbours and send in your orders and payment.
More forms are available from the school and I will put one online for you to be able to access if you need it in the holidays!
Thanks for your support!
Di Meyler
Hero App
Stanley Ave School uses the HERO system for recording absences and reporting on our students progress. This is a great way for home and school to communicate. If you have not already, please download the APP and login using your email address. If you are a new user you will then be asked to create a password...and then you will be able to access your childs/childrens information.
Please take the time to do this as we often send out messages and important information via Hero.
If you have any problems, please contact Kim at the office or Di Meyler.
Friendship Zone update - Week 11
On Thursday we adapted our activities due to the rain. Tui and Ruru were invited to play a variety of games that have been gifted to the school. The junior classrooms have been challenged to build a car using Lego while in their classes. Here are some photos.
Hearing and Vision Checks in School-29th April 2024
Information Sheet on Vision and Hearing Checks in School
Vision Hearing Technicians from Community and Southern Rural Health will be visiting our school. The objective of the test is to identify previously undetected vision and hearing problems.
Which children are routinely checked?
- Children who have not completed vision and hearing checks as part of their B4 School Check
- Children absent from previous visit, require rescreens or follow up
- New Immigrants
- Year 7 student’s vision only
If there is a genuine hearing concern, parents/caregivers or teachers may request a hearing check - NB parents must consent to this. The Vision Hearing Technician will only be able to undertake a maximum of 5 screens on any visit. If there is a concern regarding vision, parents/caregivers are encouraged to seek advice from an optometrist. A subsidy is available for families/whanau that have a Community Services card or High Use Health card.
What tests are carried out?
- Audiometry (hearing test)
- Tympanometry – middle ear function test (only carried out when hearing test is not within a normal range)
Long distance vision tests – not a complete visual examination, but a simple screening test
NB All of these checks are non-invasive, safe and should cause no discomfort.
The Vision Hearing Technician will:
- Notify parents/caregivers of all test results
- Enter results on Ministry of Education database (Enrol)
The Vision Hearing Technician will obtain personal details from the school ie; names, date of birth.
If the technician needs to contact parents/caregivers following the visit, addresses and phone numbers will also be required.
Our Service may share this information with other health professionals involved in the children’s care.
If any parents/caregivers do not want their child to be checked, or their child is currently under specialist care for their vision or hearing, they should let the school know.
For more information parents/caregivers may contact a Vision Hearing Technician by phoning 07 838 3565
Purchase your Own New SAS Sports Shirt!
We have gone live on DirectGroup Uniforms with our new Sports Shirts that you are able to purchase. We feel moving forward this is a great option and will save a lot of time issuing and collecting sports shirts. At this time we still have our other sports shirts for anyone that is playing and has not purchased their own yet. Check them out at:
You can purchase the sport shirts and they arrive directly to your address and they even have Afterpay so that it makes it possible to budget. We are looking forward to seeing these appearing on our sports fields.
Manawaru Table Tennis Club
Te Aroha Croquet
Edventure Holiday Programmes & Camp
We are excited to announce that Edventure Hamilton will be back up and running these coming school holidays.
- Edventure Everyday (themed days) - 5-13 yr olds - $50/day
- Dungeons and Dragons with Lewis - 9-13 yr olds - $75/day
Daily activities based at Berkley, OSCAR available, 8.00am - 5.30pm,
Todd is also running a Brand New Camp...
Edventure Young Adventurers Camp 2024 (8-12yr olds)
based at Omokoroa TOP 10 Holiday Park and Thermal Pools (Tenting)- Mon 15th April - Fri 19th April $650. (20 Spaces available)
Please visit to BOOK NOW
School Bank Account details...
Uniform room is open Thursday Mornings 8.30am - 9.30am
Contact Us - Whakapā mai
Location: Stanley Avenue School Stanley Avenue, Te Aroha 3320, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7-884 8479