Tuesday Newsday
Back to School Newsletter 2024-2025
In this newsletter:
- Middle/High School Family Information Letter (Spanish version click here)
- Welcome 6th Grade Families Letter (Spanish version click here)
- Student Expectations for Academic Success
- FamilyID School Information (Spanish version click here)
- Bell Schedules *Please note, bell schedule has changed
- Family Information Sheet
- How to find out your child's schedule for the upcoming school year
- 6th Grade Orientation date and details!
- Supply Lists for middle school grades
*Please see important information below regarding a new url to access your Parent Portal and Student Portal accounts.
We hope you continue to have a great summer ahead of sending your kids back to school!
Thank you,
Vince DiGrandi, Principal
Kathleen Murphy, Assistant Principal
What's Happening - Upcoming Events
8/28 - 6th Grade Orientation, 9-11am
8/28 - Welcome 9th Graders, 10am
9/2 - Labor Day, Schools Closed
9/4 - BOE Meeting, 7:30pm
9/5 - Schools Open
9/17 - MSHS PTO Meeting, 9:00am
9/17 - Senior Portraits, 2-8pm
9/17 - Virtual Financial Aid Workshop, 6:30pm
9/18 - Virtual Standardized Testing Workshop, 7pm
9/19 - Senior Portraits, 2-8pm
9/20 - Homecoming Dance, Grades 9-12, 7-9pm
9/25 - BOE Meeting, 7:30pm
9/26- MSHS Open House, 6:00pm (more information to follow)
9/27-9/28 - Homecoming Weekend
As we constantly look for ways to improve the learning environment there has been, and is, an ongoing discussion, both nationally and within NY State, about cell phone bans in schools. We have asked Middle Schoolers to place their cell phones in their lockers and have them turned off during the day for the last several years. Since we have moved to a 1:1 environment with Chromebooks, the educational necessity of cell phones has diminished greatly.
The reduction in cyberbullying (data showed 1-2 incidents per week reduced to approximately 1 per month with the "away for the day" implementation) for Middle School students was significant. The data on the impact of learning interruptions and the potential negative impact on student mental health is constantly being documented - for instance one HS teacher during a 40 minute period with 10 students asked them to document the number of notifications they received (phones were on silent) and she (and they) were shocked to note that over 400 notifications were received - about 1 per minute per student - between social media and text messages. Just think about the interruptive nature that has on a students ability to focus.
The often heard response to banning cell phones in schools surrounds emergency incidents. As Governor Hochul was recently quoted, "children are less safe an environment when they're distracted with the cell phone as opposed to following the leaders of the of the adults who are trained to know what to do." Others simply state that we should teach proper cell phone etiquette and use - which we have tried with limited success due to their addictive nature.
I have spoken to our staff and before any decisions are made for the upcoming year with regard to cell phones in the High School (Off and Away for the Day will still be a MS expectation in grades 6-8) I wanted to hear from parents and students. So if you have a minute I would appreciate your thoughts - please feel free to email me at vdigrandi@northsalemschools.org.
"Away for the Day" - website and data
Washington Post Article about Bethlehem NY School
NYC Proposed Ban on Cellphones
Mr. DiGrandi
Parent Portal Link Update
Please note that the link to access both the Parent Portal and Student Portal has changed. Please see below for the new links:
- Parent Portal - https://parentportal-lhric.eschooldata.com
- Student Portal - https://studentportal-lhric.eschooldata.com/NorthSalemCSD
The North Salem Schools student information system, eSchoolData, had a host change. Due to this change the urls for its various components will have changed. You can also access the ParentPortal link on the North Salem Schools website under the Parent Logins. Students will be able to sign into their Student Portal through their ClassLink or OneSync.
This change only affects the eSchoolData systems, not your email, Google Classroom,
or anything else.
Each school day officially ends at 2:10 p.m.. If it is necessary to leave school before dismissal time, students must bring a note signed by a parent/guardian to the Attendance Desk in the Main Lobby or be signed out directly by a parent/guardian. In order to minimize disruptions in Period 9 and to provide a safe end-of-day and bussing dismissal we ask that, unless there is an emergency, students are not picked up for early dismissal after 1:55pm
Tardies: Once a student is tardy, the system keeps track of how many they have. Automatic emails are sent to inform parents.
Parent Drop-Off and Pick-Up: Use the main entrance circular student drop-off area.
The east driveway opposite Bloomer Road is reserved for use by school buses only. NO STUDENT DROP-OFFS OR PICK-UPS CAN OCCUR ON THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING DUE TO THE ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF BUSES and for overall student safety.
In the case of inclement weather, or other reasons, parents will be contacted by the School Messenger program. Please make sure we have your current contact information updated in ParentPortal.
For the welfare and safety of all students, it is requested that students do not arrive at school any earlier than 7:00 a.m.
There is no supervision prior to this time.
The first bell rings at 7:20 a.m. and the tardy bell rings at 7:28 a.m.
Classroom instruction begins promptly at 7:28 a.m.
All bus route and bus stop information can be found on the ParentPortal.
Parents driving their child(ren) to school are asked to stay to the right on the front driveway entrance from June Road and use the circular student drop-off area at the front of the building. Please pull to the end of the circle to allow students to depart and please do not leave cars unattended in this area. Use the circle to pick up students at the end of the day as well. Please note that the east driveway opposite Bloomer Road is reserved for use by school buses only, NO STUDENT DROP-OFFS OR PICK-UPS CAN OCCUR ON THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING DUE TO THE ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF BUSES.
Student parking is reserved for Seniors only. Please be sure to complete a parking application with the Main Office.
Please be aware that students who arrive at school tardy will be documented by the Attendance Desk. Parents of students arriving at school late will be required to send a note in with their child.
Please report all absences to the Attendance Desk (mshsattendance@northsalemschools.org)
All visitors must check-in at the Security Kiosk. Visitors during the school day must have an appointment.
We share report cards at the end of each quarter which are accessed through the ParentPortal.
Beginning August 2nd, schedules will be posted to the ParentPortal. Please review the preliminary schedule carefully. Our counselors will be available on the dates indicated below to assist you with your schedules.
Counselors are available to assist you on the dates listed below. (*Dates are subject to change- if you would like to meet with a counselor, please call or email to schedule an appointment.
- Ms. Melissa Smith: August 1, 27, 28, 29, 30*
- Mr. John Davis: August 2, 6, 7, 8, 27, 28*
- Mrs. Beth Loughran: August 6, 7, 8, 27, 28, 29
- Mrs. Jennifer Galligan: August 1, 6, 7, 8, 27, 28*
6th Grade Orientation
Wednesday, Aug 28, 2024, 09:00 AM
230 June Road, North Salem, NY, USA
Welcome 9th Graders
9th Grade students are welcome to stop in and walk their schedules on August 28th from 10:00-12:00. Mrs. Smith & Mrs. Diaz will be available for questions.
Wednesday, Aug 28, 2024, 10:00 AM
230 June Road, North Salem, NY, USA
North Salem Middle/High School
Website: https://www.northsalemschools.org/
Location: 230 June Road, North Salem, NY, USA
Phone: (914) 669-5414
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorthSalemSchoolDistrict/
Twitter: @NS_Tigers