Principal's Newsletter
🦁 From the desk of Dr. Tiffany Jacobson
Friday, January 10, 2025
This week in Pre-K students began exploring the Buildings Unit, discussing various types of buildings and their characteristics, such as size, shape, and function. Students built structures with blocks and magna tiles while practicing turn-taking skills through various games. They also continued practicing letter and number formation, letter-sound correspondence, and counting. They enjoyed role playing familiar stories, listening to read alouds, as well as exploring print materials on their own. Some classes also had a special visit from a local dentist to help develop greater independence with oral hygiene. At home, encourage your child to talk about buildings they see around town and practice turn-taking with games.
This week in Kindergarten students worked on phonemic awareness skills, blending and reading short vowel words, predicting stories, and writing uppercase letters. In Readers’ Workshop, students practiced reading strategies, including pointing to words and beginning to read trick/heart words. During Read Aloud, students enjoyed Truman by Jean Reidy. In Writing Workshop, students started their pattern books and embraced brave spelling. In Math, students explored numbers through ten frames, movement activities, and pattern blocks. Social Studies included learning about the invention of Popsicles, while Science introduced the concepts of pushes and pulls through a hands-on digging activity using shovels and excavators. On Friday, students had a blast participating in "Camp Out" day as part of their grade-wide positive behavior incentive.
Enjoy this week's photo gallery -
As winter is upon us, we want to remind you of our Inclement Weather Procedures, available under “District Information” at westfieldnjk12.org. Deciding to close schools or adjust schedules due to weather is rarely an exact process. We base our decisions on the best available information and conditions at the time. In the event of emergency closures or changes, we will notify all staff and families via text, voice call, and email. Updates also will be posted on district and school websites and our social media channels.. Please familiarize yourselves with our procedures so that we can all stay informed and safe this winter.
Online registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now available for Kindergarten and Grade 1.
Please note, currently enrolled students (in Pre-K or Kindergarten) will be automatically enrolled for the next grade. Updated medical or lease documents may be required at a later date.
Grandparents' & Special Persons' Day
Friday, January 17, 2025 will be Kindergarten Grandparents' & Special Persons' Day. Kindergarten students will perform a few musical numbers and enjoy a special treat with their special guests!
Advanced registration for each guest is required. All guests must be registered by Mon, Jan 13, 2025.
SAVE THE DATE for Westfield K-8 STEAM Night on Wednesday, February 5 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Edison Intermediate School. This popular annual event, sponsored by the PTC Gifted Education Committee, is for all district students in grades K-8. Registration will open at 7 p.m. on Monday, January 13. A link to the registration form will be made available at that time on the PTC Gifted Education website.
The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Association of Westfield will hold its 38th annual march and interfaith service on Monday, January 20. The march begins at 1 p.m. at the Dr. King Monument on the South Avenue Circle; the service begins at 2 p.m. at Saint Helen Roman Catholic Church. Students whose essays, poetry, and artwork are selected by the MLK contest committee will be notified next week and will be recognized during the program on January 20.
Mark your calendars for a special seminar on Monday, February 10, sponsored by the Westfield Athletic Department. Parents and athletes are invited to attend this free seminar, "Injury Prevention and Mental Health," in the WHS auditorium from 6-8 p.m.
PTO General Membership Meeting, Thurs, Feb 20
SAVE THE DATE: The PTO Executive Board cordially invites all families to their next General Membership Meeting:
Date/Time: Thurs, Feb 20, 2025 @ 7:30 PM
Location: Lincoln School Multipurpose Room
Topic: April 2025 Facilities Bond Referendum - more information available HERE
Featured Speaker: Dr. Raymond A. González, Superintendent of Schools
🚗 Pedestrian Safety
Please remind caregivers who drop off and pick up to observe pedestrian safety measures:
allow the crossing guard to ensure all traffic has come to a complete stop, look both ways when crossing, remain in the crosswalk, and leave all emergency lanes on Westfield Avenue clear for buses and emergency responders.
⏰ Timely Arrival
We appreciate your cooperation getting students to school on time each and every day! Late arrivals interrupt the flow of the class, and the late comer requires time to catch up with what the class has already accomplished.
📥Parent Pick-Up & Changes to Dismissal Plans
When the dismissal plan of a student is a parent pick up, it is the expectation that a parent or guardian will pick up. Any change to the plan must be communicated in an email to the teacher and the main office secretaries on the day of the change. The designee for pick up will have to show the teacher a government issued photo ID. These practices help us to manage the safe dismissal of all students.
January is Muslim Heritage Month, in celebration of the rich cultural traditions, invaluable contributions, and diverse experiences of Muslim Americans, as we reaffirm our commitment to fostering understanding, respect, and inclusion for all.
This month we celebrate the dedication and leadership of our Board of Education. These committed volunteers work tirelessly to ensure our students, staff, and community have the resources and support needed for success. Thank you!
17: Training Day | Kindergarten Grandparents' & Special Persons' Day | NO PTO PIZZA Friday
20: District Closed | MLK Jr. Day
24: PTO Pizza Friday
31: PTO Pizza Friday
3: School Counseling Week
6: Wild Symphony Field Trip to Edison Intermediate School (permission slips forthcoming)
7: PTO Pizza Friday | Winter Family Social
11: Pre-K and Kindergarten Report Cards Issued
13: Valentine's Day Class Parties
14: School Closed
17: School Closed
21: PTO Pizza Friday
27: Dental Hygiene Assemblies
28: Pre-K Training Day | PTO Pizza Friday | Ramadan (begins sundown)