Klatt Weekly News
Friday, August 23rd, 2024
😁 Welcoming NEW faces to Klatt Staff 😁
Valerie Johnson
part-time, Assistant Principal
Mindy Galyon
Sara Benfer
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Itinerant
Mrs. Michelle Oleske
Special Education, Preschool teacher, for our 3 year old program.
Andrea Baluyot
Special Education Paraprofessional, in Mrs. Oleskes Class
Mrs. GG Chang
Special Education, Preschool teacher, for our 4 year old program.
Rebecca Garcia
Special Education Paraprofessional, in Mrs. Changs Class
Katie Gamez
Special Education, Preschool teacher, for our 4 year old program.
Paris Carter-Amorin
Special Education Paraprofessional, in Mrs. Gamez Class
Mrs. Laura Eide
Speech & Language Pathologist
Ms. Sierra Sarver
Speech & Language Pathologist Assistant with Mrs. Eide
Mrs. Taylor Cabrera
Kindergarten TA in Mrs. Davis' Room
📆 Keep in MIND 📆
Popcorn Fridays
Popcorn Fridays start next Friday 8/30.
Pay for the entire month or week by week.
Vision Screening
Thursday, September 5th
This is a test to identify children with possible visual defects which place a child at risk for developing amblyopia (lazy eye). This is a quick screen using an optical image in which the student will sit in a chair and ask to look at a camera.
*** It is very important the child wears his glasses if they have already been prescribed.***
Fall Picture Day
📸 Klatt is using a NEW company for pictures!!! 📸
Please make sure to keep your eye out for the following flier
This year a handout will be sent home with your child's school ID on it.
🌟 Please do not throw it away 🌟
Multicultural Night
We Need YOU!
Volunteers are needed in all parts of the school....
* Popcorn Fridays
* Field Trips
* Classrooms AND more!!!!
💃🏼 REMINDERS for 24-25 School Year 🎉
DROP -off
Pickup Procedures & Expectations:
Kindergarten will ENTER & LEAVE Klatt from the main entrance of the building
Preschool will ENTER & LEAVE Klatt, through the side door, to the left of the main entrance
Changing Transportation Needs:
For more information.......
Contact us at:
907.742.5769 or at AskKlatt@asdk12.org
Alison Young-Marquez
Klatt Administrative Assistant
Kat Bitters-Schwarz
Klatt School Secretary