Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Car Culture
National Drive-Thru Day on July 24 celebrates the fact we can pick up and eat a meal without having to leave the comfort of our car. Pick your favorite drive-thru and go grab yourself a bite to eat. The first drive-thru is believed to have been at Red’s Giant Hamburg on Route 66 in Springfield, Missouri in 1947. The drive-thru became so popular that it started to influence car design. In 1983 the cupholder as we know started to appear in cars.
Week of July 27th - Recovery Phase 2, Step 2
The length of each step within Recovery will vary. Masks are required in all indoor public spaces until August 23rd.
Monday, noon - Hospital Board of Trustees,
Tuesday, 4:00 pm - Municipal Court, 6:00 pm - Planning & Zoning
Wednesday, noon - West Side Committee
Thursday, 10:00 am - Housing Authority
Friday, 7:30 am - Council Work Session
Council Actions
On Monday, the City Council approved liquor license @ DICK's with new managing officer subject to satisfying business license requirements; Sherri Branson-Hurt was appointed to the Community Center Board to fulfill the unexpired term of Kim Sanson, Ambrose Buckman was appointed to the TIF Commission & BZA to fulfill the unexpired term of Bill Griffey II, James Hilderbrand was appointed to Price Chopper CID Board, & Melinda Mehaffy was appointed to DEP CID to fulfill unexpired term of Steve Marriott; adoption of a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan prepared by MARC; emergency purchase of Crescent Lake Pump Station VFDs; renewal of Eastern Clay County Ambulance District Contract; consideration of rezoning of the Old Roosevelt High School to RP4 Planned Medium Density Apartment District & special use permit for the commercial rental of the Auditorium/gymnasium; and appropriations.
Staff Credits
Recognizing our employees for adjusting to our new normal, wearing masks while we work. I must say I don't enjoy it, but it is getting easier. Researchers emphasize there are two main reasons to wear masks. There's some evidence of protection for the wearer, but the stronger evidence is that masks protect others from catching an infection from the person wearing the mask.
Key Project Updates
The Royal Hotel changed owners, city will meet with new owner next week to discuss their plans; H Highway sewer mains are installed & 17 connections to main have been made [Funding: CIP] WHY? eliminates pollution, also improves property values; the design engineering & geotechnical for digester project is complete, when the environmental review is finished the bid opening will be scheduled [Funding: Sewer Bond] WHY? project provide redundancy in sewage treatment train; City Hospital is seeking input to their customer satisfaction survey [Funding: Hospital] WHY? To gain business from community & discover opportunities for improvement; agreement with AT&T is under review to use Siloam Mountain tower to improve cell coverage [Funding: GF] WHY? offset cost of police communication system contract maintenance agreement; Communities of Excellence has branded their work in the community under the banner "Thrive Excelsior" WHY? to improve community awareness of this important work; Thrive Excelsior formed a nominating committee to appoint an Ethics & Equality Committee, WHY? to ensure broad representation in work to improve our community's quality of life for all.
Choose Your Attitude!
I found living here is more than historical sites, attractions, & mineral water; it is truly home. I moved from New York City & love it here. The pace is slower, but don't let the pace fool you, the city is bustling with fun & excitement. Some of the cool areas to go includes the Trolley Wine Tour & Fence Stile Vineyards & Winery. Both places gave me an opportunity to learn more about wine & how it is made. The trolley tour was my favorite, I think I am going to make this an annual fun thing to do. Posted on www.areavibes.com, May 2018
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752