Monthly Newsletter(Holladay ES)
November 2024 (Where the Arts Come Alive)

Message From the Principal
Embracing Kindness: No Name Calling November
Dear Holladay Families,
Happy November! I am thrilled to share our anti-bullying campaign, "No Name Calling November," inspired by the incredible legacy of living legend, Ruby Bridges. At just six years old, Ruby bravely integrated William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana, facing daily hostility and intimidation. Yet, she never missed a day. Her unwavering spirit and commitment to education shone brightly, reminding us of the power of resilience.
Reflecting on her experience, Ms. Ruby Bridges said, "We must absolutely take care of one another," and that sentiment resonates deeply with our mission this month. As we honor her courage, let’s commit to fostering an environment of kindness and respect within our school community.
In a world where negativity can often overshadow positivity, we each have the ability to uplift one another through our words and actions. This November, let’s challenge ourselves and our children to practice kindness in all forms—be it through a compliment, a helping hand, or simply choosing words that inspire rather than diminish.
Together, we can cultivate an atmosphere of support, joy, and respect.
Warm wishes for a thankful November! 🍂✨
Principal Humphries-Gholson
Ruby Bridges with Friends
We must absolutely take care of one another. - Ruby Bridges
October Recap
Harmony High (Fourth Grade)
Fall Fest
Quarter 1 Awards Assembly and Ambassador Coating
We loved celebrating our Redhawks who meet their goals. One of our school-wide goals is maintaining 95% - Excellent Attendance. Congratulations to all award winners!
Folklorico Rising
Our Folklorico dancers performed with a live mariachi band for Old Pueblo Community Service's ribbon cutting. Housing First is a homeless assistance approach that prioritizes providing permanent housing to people experiencing homelessness, thus ending their homelessness and serving as a platform from which they can pursue personal goals and improve quality of life.
Character Values
Social Emotional Learning
Each Monday morning, students get together in small groups to learn, discuss, and practice social emotional learning skills and concepts.
This month's themes are RESPECT & GRATITUDE.
- Week 13 - 14: Respect November 4th, November 12t
- Week 15 – 16: Gratitude November 18th, November 25th
November Calendar
6: Folklorico Performance for Children's Museum
8: Rincon Dancers Performance at Holladay
11: NO SCHOOL, Veteran's Day (Thank you for your service!)
14: Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day
15: Hearing Screenings at Holladay
28 - 29: NO SCHOOL, Happy Thanksgiving!
Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day!
Parents are Invited to Walk with Students
2nd, 4th, and 5th Grades
Walking from Quincie Douglas to Holladay
8:45am Depart Holladay
9:45am Depart Quincie Douglas
Walk to School Day
On November 14th 2nd Grade, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade will Walk to School from Quincie Douglas Recreation Center. The walk will be a culminating activity to remember Ruby Bridges brave walk to integrate schools and serves as part of our No Name Calling November Campaign. Parents, please complete the volunteer application if you would like to participate and walk with us! If you have questions, please reach out to Steven.Freeman@tusd1.org.
Point of Contact: Steve Freeman, Community Liaison
Special Guest: TUSD Board President, Natalie Luna Rose
Speakers: Paublo Pugh and 4th grade Ambassadors
Host Site: Mr. Neeley, Quincie Douglas
We would like to send advance thanks to PTO, Quincie Douglas, TUSD School Safety and the Tucson Police for partnering with us for this walk.
Ruby Bridges Portraits
by Second Grade Students
Basketball Season!
What: Boys and Girls Basketball
Who: 3rd, 4th and 5th graders
When: November 4, 2024 – January 25, 2025
Practice will be after school M,T,TH,F
Cost $3
Schedule TBD
Volunteers Needed: Referee, scorekeeper, time keeper
Please reach out to Leza.Stembridge@tusd1.org if you are interested.
Staffing Updates
We are thrilled to have welcomed our new Librarian Assistant, Ms. April Rodriguez. Ms. April is an experienced TUSD Library Assistant with big ideas. She is eager to provide students storytime and to help students check books in and out of the library.
Our 2nd Grade teacher Mr. Paublo will be leaving Holladay. His last day will be November 15. We are so grateful to him for all that he has done for Holladay and in TUSD. We wish him all the best in Mississippi! Once a Redhawk, Always a Redhawk!)
The school is actively searching for a permanent teacher and/or long term substitute. Substitutes must be employed through TUSD and hold a valid sub certification.
Become a Volunteer
Fill out the Volunteer Form Now
We can always use your support as monitors for recess and lunch or in the classrooms as readers.
Quarter 2: Attendance Goal = 95%
Every Student, Every Day for the month of NOVEMBER!
Daily Attendance impacts our school's letter grade. As a small school, even a few students absent drastically affects our rate of attendance.
Attendance by Grade
K - 82%
1 - 85%
2nd - 89%
3rd - 84%
4th - 91%
5th 90%
Site Council, PTO, Family Engagement
Site Council
Next Meeting: December 11, February 26, April 30
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Next Meeting... November 20th
Family Engagement Survey
Yearbooks are for Sale!
Do you want to pre-order your yearbook?
Do you want to run an advertisement?
Are you interested in placing a kind note in the yearbook for your child's teacher?
Reach out to Maria in the Front Office to assist you.
TUSD's Family Resource Center
TUSD's Family Resource Center
Family Resource Center services are available to TUSD students and their families, free of charge.
Some services include:
- Clothing bank
- Food pantry
- Help with TUSD forms
- Information and referrals
When you face various obstacles, you do not need to figure it all out on your own. TUSD can help and so can Holladay. Please reach out to our Community Liaison, Steven Freeman, with any questions steven.freeman@tusd1.org
Choose Holladay as your Tax Credit
Everyone pays taxes, but did you know you can choose where some of your tax monies go?
Arizona tax law (ARS 43-1089.01) allows taxpayers a TAX CREDIT of up to $400.00 for married filing jointly and $200 for single filers if they contribute to extracurricular activities in public schools. This tax credit is available only to individuals in Arizona and is NON-REFUNDABLE.