Counselor's Corner
December 2024
Counselors' Message
Hopefully, you all had a GREAT Thanksgiving break and are rested, rejuvenated, and ready to face the Holiday season head-on. We each have so much to be grateful for and I hope that you were able to spend some time off with those that you love most! In the school world - the time between Thanksgiving break and the semester break feels very fast. The end of the semester will be here before you know it!
This month, we will be "Decking the Haskell Halls!" To help us get in the Holiday spirit we will have dress up days beginning next week! We would love for our students to join in on the fun so please see the calendar listed below for more information on our dress up days. In addition, our Haskell Leadership Team will be spreading some Holiday cheer during car drop off this month, so be on the lookout :)
Lastly, here's to a fantastic end to a wonderful first semester! As always, should you have any questions, ideas or suggestions please feel free to reach out to either of us!
Alisha Tharpe
(405) 726-4236
PreK-2nd Grade Counselor
Krystal Williams
(405) 726-4203
3rd-5th Grade Counselor
Featured Books of the Month
Tough Cookie
The Crayons Christmas
The Christmas Selfie Contest
Resource Feature of the Month: PBS Kids for Parents
An online resource for parents and caregivers that provides developmentally appropriate content and strategies to support children's development.
Try It At home: I-Messages
"I- Messages" are a great tool for children (and adults) to use when advocating for themselves in a respectful way.
13 Ways to Raise a Caring & Compassionate Child
When it comes to kindness, you are your child's primary teacher. Here's how to develop empathy in your child as a character trait and value.
Like many things, kindness is a quality that children learn over time and through practice. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to encourage your child to be a kinder, gentler person. (For starters, you can share books that encourage kindness.) Research has found that the desire to help and comfort comes just as naturally to humans as being self-centered or hurtful. An online resource for parents and caregivers that provides developmentally appropriate content and strategies to support children's development.
1. Believe that your child is capable of being kind.
2. Model positive action.
3. Treat your child with respect.
4. Coach your child to pay attention to people's facial expressions.
5. Let your child know often that how they treat others matters to you greatly.
6. Don't let rudeness pass.
7. Acknowledge kindness.
8. Understand that your child's perception of differences in others comes into play.
9. Be sensitive to messages that your child picks up from the media.
10. Explain that calling someone names or excluding him from play can be as hurtful as hitting. 11. Avoid setting up competition within your family.
12. Show your child how to help people in need.
13. Be patient with your little one.
While this time of year is fun and exciting, we recognize that it can also be a stressful and hard time of year for students and their families. If there is a way we can support you and your student(s), please don't hesitate to contact us.
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Please let us know if you are needing help with providing Christmas presents for your child and/or food assistance for your family.
Important Dates
5th Grade Leadership Meeting: December 5th
3rd Grade Play: December 12th
Winter Break (No School): December 20-January 6th
Counselor Referrals
How does a student see the counselor?
- Self referral
- Teacher referral
- Parent referral
- Administrative referral