Irving Elementary
Month of March
Mr. Everett as Abraham Lincoln
Music Programs A Success!
Students' favorite songs were "One Green Jelly Bean Down in my Belly Bean"
"Down at the Beach" They had fun learning the words and the actions and did a super job!
Awesome performance! Students did such a great job of performing a challenging rap, " Sounds all around Us."
They sang the state song "Home on the Range," and demonstrated a partner dance to the Nobel Duke of York!
An outstanding performance was provided by the 4/5 grades!
Students led us back through history with drama and music to pay tribute to our country's democracy. Students portrayed notable historical figures of the time, and in class, we studied these people and the meaning of the words, and when the songs were written such as "Yankee Doodles Pony", the "Pledge of Allegiance Rap," and "America the Beautiful."
The concert also included amazing solos on the songs "Free At Last" and "the Heart of America."
Mrs. Wall in Semifinals for Teacher of the Year!
Pizza Bingo! Pizza Bingo! Pizza Bingo!
Irving PTO Awarded Grant
2nd Grade Happenings!!!!!
There has been so much happening in 2nd Grade during March!
We had a Mystery Reader come and read a story about George Washington crossing the Delaware River. The class loved meeting Mr. Brewer and are looking forward to having him join us again.
We concluded our Water Safety Course after 10 ten weeks of learning how to stay safe around water and precautions they can take. Students really looked forward to going every week; and thoroughly enjoyed their Free Day on that last day.
2nd Grade also participated in a Vision STEM Unit from the School of the Blind. There were 7 hands-on stations of various activities to include: Circuits, Robots, Braille, Walking Stick, using blocks to build 2-D & 3-D objects with visually impaired goggles. Students were ecstatic to participate in all relative activities and enjoyed the experience.
Boy oh boy were those 2nd graders close to catching Shaymus O' Sullivan! Very close to being trapmasters...........until that day we set up our traps in hopes Shaymus would come back to our room to visit and HE DID! Not only did he visit, he destroyed their traps and hard work! He flipped desks in the classroom and took all of their gold! Their traps were clever but not as clever as he is!
Only a few gold coins were left. The leprechaun had not only escaped but he was rich with gold too! 2nd grade classes really enjoyed collaborating with a partner, bringing materials and putting their ideas into one!
He left goodies for them and all of their trouble they went through to build the traps! They enjoyed a green leprechaun cake and goodie bags that helped them celebrate their hard work!
Vision STEM Unit
2D and 3D Object Building
What a Mess!
Last Day of Swimming
Swim Class Fun!
Free Day Swim
Kindness Makes the World Better
K-2 Students Recognized for Kindness
3-5 Students Recognized for Kindness
Class of the Month
Mrs. Hedges and her award winner Cambrie!
Aaron showing off his certificate after being nominated by Mrs. Dougherty
Irving Cheers On Students
Irving Door Greeters
Kindergarten Art
K-5 will start exploring glow art, 5th grade will start their final painted canvas project.
Winfield Public Library Cards
Note From the Nurse
Spring Allergy Season Strikes Again
An estimated 36 million Americans are keeping their tissue boxes close by in preparation for the peak of spring allergy season. Spring’s budding trees and blooming flowers mark another battle against sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose and congestion for allergy sufferers.
Allergies are triggered by substances called allergens, such as pollen or mold spores. Many trees, grasses and weeds contain small and light pollen that are easily carried by the wind, causing allergy symptoms to flare up in the spring.
One of the best ways to help prevent allergy attacks is to start taking medication prescribed by your allergist about a week before peak allergy season in your area begins, With continued use of medication and avoidance of potential triggers, allergic symptoms can be minimized.
In addition to timing medication, here are some tips to help allergy sufferers find some relief this spring:
Do a thorough spring cleaning. Windows, book shelves and air conditioning vents collect dust and mold throughout the winter that can provoke allergy symptoms.
Minimize outdoor activity when pollen counts are high. Visit The Weather Channel Website for pollen levels in your area.
Take medications at least 30 minutes prior to outdoor activity. Consult with an allergist/immunologist to ensure medications are helping you and always report when reactions to medications occur.
Shut windows in your house on days pollen counts are high. Avoid using windows or fans that may draw pollen inside.
Wash bedding weekly in hot water.
Dry laundry indoors. Sheets hanging on an outside line are an easy target for blowing pollen.
Shower and wash your hair before bed. Pollen can collect on your hair and skin.
Keep pets off of furniture and out of the bedroom. Pollen can cling to the dog or cat after being outside.
Keep car windows closed during peak season. Use air conditioning and point vents away from face.
When mowing lawn or doing gardening, wear a filter mask.
If you are an allergy sufferer, visit your doctor to discuss treatment and environmental control options.
Speech Happenings
This school year the speech students have been watching for the
seasonal changes with the enchanting bulletin boards designed by
our speech para, Miss B.
These have helped our students celebrate the changing seasons. It
helps them anticipate new vocabulary words. The speech students
have been conscious of incorporating art into their speech and
language . Art assists the brain in its search for patterns and it
activates another side of the brain. Miss B and I have seen
“another” personality when our students combine both art and
speech skills. Their conversational speech seems to flow more
This season, spring, the speech students and the speech room are
protected by colorful Gnomes.
Library STEM Fun
Basketball Coding
Using Our Engineering Skills
April Happenings
April 7th-No School District Closed
April 10th-No School Teacher PD
April 12th-Late Start Day (doors open at 9:15)
April 17-20th-Buy One Get One Free Book Fair in the Irving Library
April 19th-Exploration Day at Irving
April 24th-No School Refresh Day
April 27th-Kindergarten Round-up at 5:30 pm
April 28th-Irving Field Day
April 28th-PTO Pizza Bingo Night-Winfield High School 5:00-8:00 pm
Irving Elementary
Email: jeff_everett@usd465.com
Website: https://irving.usd465.com/
Location: 311 Harter Street, Winfield, KS, USA
Phone: 620-221-5140