The Weekly Roar
July 25, 2024

October 18, 2024
Hello River Bend Families!
We started the week in blue to support our St. Louis hockey team. We also kicked off our Unit 3 nonfiction unit on Government and Citizenship. 5th grade students went to the St. Louis County Administration Building where they heard from Dr. Sam Page, planned their own city, and saw a bomb sniffing dog. Thank you to 5th grade parent, Kelli Dunaway, for making these arrangements for us! 3rd and 4th graders went to Bellerive for an author visit with Lauren Tarshis of the 'I Survived...' series and our kindergarten students enjoyed interacting with a very special community helper... our mail carrier!
Students practiced bus evacuation, we had a schoolwide drone photo with our construction company and workers, and 50 students received dental care from Dental Safari. Thanks to Nurse Baker!
I am so proud of our teachers as they are always willing to open up their practice to others. Our school is often chosen for other Parkway educators to come and observe our teachers in action. Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Gibbons, Mrs. Bebe, Mrs. Gwaltney, and Dr. Krieger have been teachers visited during these learning walks. Most recently, administrators, coordinators, and instructional coaches from another district came to observe Ms. Biales, Mrs. Flynn, Mrs. Marino, and Mrs. Johnson. What a compliment to our teachers and their hard work!
We hope you are able to come join the fun at our Trunk or Treat next Friday night. See all of the information in the PTO section of the Roar below.
Lastly, I will be sending out a separate email and attachment regarding our upcoming Veteran's Day Celebration on November 8th. Be on the lookout for that soon. Unfortunately, due to space and fire codes, we must receive RSVPs for this event so we can plan accordingly.
Looks like we are in store for another beautiful weekend. Enjoy!
Each child as my own,
Next Week
Monday, October 21st
A Day
Central High Day of Service
Tuesday, October 22nd
B Day
Mosaics Field Trip
Student Advisory Team Meeting
Choir Practice- 4:00 PM
Wednesday, October 23rd
C Day
Honors Choir Rehearsal (Last one)- 8:00 AM
Honors Choir Field Trip
E-Hour Lego Motorized- 4:00 PM
Thursday, October 24th
D Day
Choir Practice- 8:00 AM
1st Grade Field Trip to Monarch Fire Station
4th Grade Field Trip to Faust Park
All District Choir Concert (RB Honors Choir)- 7:30 PM @ The Family Arena
Friday, October 25th
E Day
River Bend Flu Clinic- 8-11 AM
Half Day- 1:00 PM Dismissal
River Bend PTO Trunk or Treat- 6-7:30 PM
Character Development
Over the last several years, River Bend has made significant growth in the area of character development...
- Moved away from Leader in Me
- Created a grass roots character program
- Implemented 6 Core Values and a Mission Statement:
- Implemented a School-wide Second Step Program
- Revamped our PAWSITIVE Discipline Plan
WE NEED YOU! This year we have an initiative to survey 100% of our families in the areas of character development and well-being at River Bend. We want to hear from ALL of you.
Beginning the week of conferences you will receive a survey to be completed on your own. Opportunities will exist for you to complete the survey at conferences as well.
River Bend Book Study
We would also like to offer a parent/guardian book study this year, led by Dr. Schulte. We will be reading the book, The Power of Good News by Hal Urban.
Please complete this form as we gauge interest in participation for our book study.
River Bend Book Study Participation Form
Thank you for all you do to support River Bend! We appreciate your continued partnership in the growth and success of each child.
Wanted! Household Items for Art Class
Last paper towel? Toilet paper roll empty? Last of the cereal? Just poured your last glass of milk?
Don't thrown anything away! Send it to school with your child. We are in need of the following:
- paper towel and toilet paper rolls
- empty cereal boxes
- plastic bottle caps (from any sort of milk, juice, or water bottle)
How To Help Your Child Navigate Social Media
Megan Meier Foundation Guest Speaker
On Oct. 29, West Middle School is hosting a Stop Cyberbullying event with guest speaker Tina Meier of the Megan Meier Foundation. Hear a powerful message about the effects of cyberbullying, strategies to address it, and how to help your child navigate social media. This event is open to all Parkway families.
Date: Tuesday, October 29
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: West Middle Library (2312 Baxter Rd, Chesterfield, MO 63017)
Upcoming Dates
Monday, October 28th- Dress Like a Community Helper Day
Sunday, November 3rd- Daylight Savings Time Ends
Tuesday, November 5th- Election Day, No School for Students
Friday, November 8th- Veterans Day Celebration
Monday, November 11th- Scholastic Book Fair begins, PTO Meeting
Wednesday, November 13th- Early Release 2:00 Dismissal
Thursday, November 14th- Parent/Teacher Conference Evening
River Bend PTO
River Bend Core Values & Mission
To ensure each student a safe and rigorous learning environment where they feel a sense of belonging, and can grow and lead with a global lens of kindness, responsibility, integrity, and empathy.