BonDeCroft Lion's Roar
Nov. 25th - Nov. 29th
Help Grow Vocabulary
We are in need of your help. Our students are struggling with building their vocabulary. Each week we will be sharing some vocabulary words of the week. Please help us each week by incorporating those words into your daily lives as frequently as possible. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your support!
Here We Go!!!
Every student who has perfect attendance during each month will receive a special reward. I am working on a bigger reward for any student who has perfect attendance for all of the months listed below!
Important Events:
11/27: No School
11/28: No School - Happy Thanksgiving
11/29: No School
12/9: Santa Pictures
12/5: Musical - Pre-k through 2nd will perform at 12:30 p.m. 3rd -5th will be at 1:00 p.m
Our Commitment to Positive Behavior
Parents, We have developed a school pledge with staff and students that shows what we value as a school. We hope that you will encourage and remind students of the important virtues throughout the school year, brag on your child when he or she receives and award for exhibiting these behaviors, and work with us to correct behaviors that do not line up with our pledge. We are excited about the great things happening at BDC with our staff, students, and families!
Lions Pledge
We are Lions
We have GRIT
For what we have.
To all we meet.
We are INDEPENDENT thinkers.
We make our own choices!
We earn TRUST
By our actions!
We are Lions.
We Don't Quit.
November Menu
PTO News
12/9: Santa Pictures
Title I Tidbits
Reading: Speaking and Listening
- Family Game Night: Play board games that involve reading instructions and communicating with others.
- Debate: Choose a topic and have a family debate. This can help children develop critical thinking and public speaking skills.
- Storytelling: Encourage children to tell stories to their family and friends.
- Charades: Act out words or phrases for family members to guess.
Math: Math Bingo:
- Create custom bingo cards with math problems.
- Call out numbers or equations and have players mark the corresponding squares.