Norton Middle School
September 2 - September 6
Events This Week
Monday, 9/2
- No School
Tuesday, 9/3
- MAPs testing to begin this week. See grade-level updates for details.
Wednesday, 9/4
- NMS Home Football, 5:00PM and 6:15PM
- Beginning Band Instruments Fitting, 7:30PM -NMS Cafeteria
Picture Day - Order Here
Picture Day is Sept. 10th
- Link to Order Pictures
Grade Level Updates
School locks are in!
- We will begin selling locks on 9/2 at lunch.
- Locks are $7 for a new lock and $3 for a used lock (while supplies last).
- As stated in the welcome back letter sent in August, school issued locks are required. We have keys and combinations to these locks. If a student has a different lock on their locker, it will be cut off during locker searches.
- Student should take locks home to practice before putting them on their lockers.
- Fifth graders will be given additional time to practice locks before teachers request they go on lockers.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Lunch Menu
Pay School Fees and Lunch Accounts
Upcoming Dates
- 9/10 - Fall Pictures
Trisha Snowden
Trisha is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters