Lesher Middle School
Community Communication: March 7, 2025
Principal's Message
Upcoming Events / Athletic Information
Saturday 3/8/25
Wrestling District Championship @ Wellington Middle High School
Monday 3/10/25
3:00-6:00 Student Led Conferences
Tuesday 3/11/25
2:45-3:45 6th Grade International Sustainability Project Showcase
Spring Break
3/15 - 3/23
Spring Sport gold cards will be available for pick up form Ms. Roth starting Monday, March 10th
ALL students must obtain a GOLD CARD from the main office prior to the official first practice/tryout:
1. Complete the Online Athletic Registration each season (fall, winter and spring): https://poudreathletics.sportngin.com/middleschools
2. Turn in a hard copy of Current Physical from your Doctor’s office to Ms. Roth in the main office. Physicals cannot be uploaded or completed online. A physical is good for 364 days.
If you have questions about your current physical, please see Ms. Roth
3. Pay the Athletic fee on school pay or by cash or check to Ms. Lamb in the main office. You will need to show Ms. Roth your receipt (you can print receipt or show Ms. Roth a picture).
Fees will be refunded if you do not make the team.
Checks should be made out to Lesher Middle School
Softball Information
Girls Soccer Information
Boys & Girls Golf Information
Weekly Prize Winners
2025 CMAS Information
CMAS Schedules and Information, April 2025
Dear Lesher Families,
State testing is an important way to track student progress and improve instruction. Lesher students will take the CMAS assessments from April 8-16, with schedules linked below. CMAS stands for Colorado Measures of Academic Success. To support a smooth testing process, we kindly ask families to avoid scheduling appointments during testing days so students can complete their assessments.
We view CMAS as a low-stakes opportunity for students to showcase their learning in Language Arts, Math, and Science. While it’s just one data point, it helps us guide course placements for next year. It does not define students’ work ethic, creativity, or other valuable skills, but it does help us celebrate academic growth!
Lesher has a strong tradition of success on CMAS, and we are confident our students will continue to excel. If you’d like to opt your student out, please do so as soon as possible through ParentVue to assist with planning. More details on opting out can be found here.
Thank you for your support!
Calendars and Schedules:
Lesher’s Performance Framework for scores and participation: https://www.cde.state.co.us/schoolview/frameworks/official/1550/5068
Additional Information:
More information about district and state assessments
Additional Opt Out information
Attention 8th grade Parents & Guardians!
It's time to submit your 8th grader’s short video for the Video Montage!
What is the video montage?
The video montage is a compilation of action snips (2-9 seconds long) from EVERY 8th grade student and set to music. The video will premiere during 8th grade day on May 28.
1) Videos should be recent- ideally from this past year
2) Students must be IN the video (It's okay if they are covered up with sporting equipment or far away)
3) LIVE photos work, but ‘still’ photos do not.
What types of videos are the best?
Short, action videos
Ex : dancing, juggling, trampoline tricks, playing with a pet, horseback riding, tubing, skiing/snowboarding, dirt biking, mountain biking, zipline, archery, gymnastics, cooking/baking, sewing, making pottery, school sports (basketball, volleyball, wrestling, softball, track, tennis, golf, football, cross-country), club sports (hockey, lacrosse, soccer, etc.), snowmobiling, painting, rock climbing, acting, playing instruments, mountain biking, surfing, disc golf, robotics, experiments, hanging out with friends, tiktok dances, magic tricks…you get the idea! Some kids do really awesome feats, but for the most part, it's just middle schoolers having fun and showing another side of themselves that might not be seen in the school day
Are you doing any fun activities over spring break? Any big sporting events coming up? These are fantastic opportunities to get video snips.
How to submit a video snip? There are a few ways!
1) Email juliat@psdschools.org
2) Fill out this form and upload the shortened video to the Google Form.
3) Upload your video to Google Drive and share it with juliat@psdschools.org
4) Airdrop the video : Students with iPhones can visit me in Room 4 and AirDrop it to me during lunch, ELO or after school.
Submissions close May 17.
Thanks- I look forward to creating an amazing slideshow for this 8th grade class. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions!
Julie Thompson
8th Grade Day Coordinator
Want to Sponsor Lesher Athletics?
6th Grade ISP Showcase!
Sixth Grade Families!
Just a quick reminder: the Sixth Grade Showcase is next Tuesday, March 11 at Lesher! At 2:45, students will have their United Nations presentations set up in the hallways, eager to show off what they’ve learned about their Sustainability Development Goals. You can swing by anytime between 2:45-3:45. We hope to see you there!
Thank you!
6th Grade Team
Snack Shack Parent / Guardian Volunteers Needed!
The Snack Shack is in need of volunteers! You can volunteer on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays from 2:15-2:45. Here is the link to sign up!
Materials Needed for Embroidery ELO
Dear Parents/Guardians, Lesher is looking for the following items/donations for our 4th quarter Embroidery ELO. We have had tremendous interest and depending on donations we may be able to keep this offering going all through next year.
Embroidery supplies, to include but not limited to embroidery thread, needles, hoops (varying sizes), fabric (can be scraps), and felt. Also, we are looking for vintage postcards and old black and white photos.
Thank YOU!
FCHS Fundraiser
Traffic Safety Announcement
Please remember there are no left turns onto Prospect when the pedestrian signal is activated. Thank you for keeping our students, staff, and community safe.
FCHS Cheer Team Tryouts
Do you have school spirit? Come join the FCHS Cheer team for the 2025-26 school year! We will be having our tryout practices in Gym 2 at Fort Collins High School Monday, April 14th through Wednesday, April 16th from 4:30-8:30pm with Tryout Day being Thursday, April 17th! Make sure to pick up a tryout packet from the front office after spring break and join us for a parent meeting on April 8th at 6:00pm in the FCHS cafeteria to learn more about the tryout process and our team. For more information, visit our website at https://fchscheer.wixsite.com/spirit
2-Hour Delay Bell Schedule
PSD Engagement Norms
In an effort to foster a culture of mutual respect, effective communication, and quality customer service, PSD has created a set of norms for staff, family/guardian, and community engagement. These norms aim to set a positive tone for interactions between staff and parents and community members, whether they happen in person, over the phone, or in writing.
The norms will be posted in all PSD schools and include expectations that:
- Calls or emails that are not emergencies will be acknowledged within three school days.
- Appointments between the parties involved will be established as a norm for addressing concerns or discussing important matters through direct communication.
- Appointments will take place as soon as reasonably possible. Adequate time is needed for preparation and research before an appointment.
- Communication will focus on collaboration and understanding – respectful language and non-confrontational behavior from all parties are expected.
- Boundaries between personal and professional life will be maintained, and sensitive matters will not be addressed in community settings.
It’s important for everyone in our schools and in our communities to feel welcome and engage in mutual respect to best serve students.
Morning Fresh Cash for Caps Fundraiser
If you are a Morning Fresh Dairy customer, please bring in your rinsed milk, juice, cream, or other caps to Mr. Mayer. For every cap that is returned, Lesher Middle School earns money. Please turn rinsed caps in to the box in the front office or to Mr. Mayer’s classroom (room 12). If you are interested in Morning Fresh Dairy, every new household sign up that mentions Lesher raises $25. Click here or ask Mr. Mayer (bmayer@psdschools.org) for more information.
Lesher Pre-Arranged Absence Form
If you know that your child will be missing school a full day or more please have them visit their teachers to fill out this form. When completed please return it to the main office. We will make a copy and return it to the student.
Tardy Flowchart
Lesher Bell Schedule
2024-25 District Calendar
2024-25 Application for Free and Reduced Status
Please Click Here to apply for Free and Reduced status
Lesher's Academic Honesty Policy
Bag Policy
Please Visit us on Social Media
Lesher Middle School
Website: https://les.psdschools.org/
Location: Lesher Middle School, Stover Street, Fort Collins, CO, USA
Phone: 970-472-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LesherMiddleSchool
Twitter: @Lesher_MS