Edgewood News
May 2023 Newsletter
Dates to remember
May 8 - 12 - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 9 - 3rd Grade Walking Field Trip
May 9 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Statehouse
May 10 - 4th Grade Creekview Visit
May 11 - 2nd Grade Walking Field Trip
May 15 -19 - 1st Grade Edgewood Camp
May 16 - PTO Meeting
May 16 - 4th Grade Program
May 19 - KG Water Day
May 22 - Edgewood Field Day (1-4 Grades)
May 24 - KG Graduation
May 24 - Last Day of School
Edgewood Office
News from SRO Officer Mr. Nichols
Ohio Revised Code Section 4511.204 Driving While
This law was changed effective April 4, 2023 and now states: “ No person shall
operate a motor vehicle, trackless trolley, or streetcar on any street, highway, or
property open to the public for vehicular traffic while using, holding, or physically
supporting with any part of the person's body an electronic wireless communications
What does this mean? Since the law is now a primary offense, you can be stopped by law enforcement
for simply holding, or even touching, your device. No other probable cause is required for the stop.
While it is not likely you will get a ticket, for the first 6 months, there are still plenty of other things that
can come up during a traffic stop that you would likely be cited for. These incude, but are not limited to;
failing to wear a safety belt, improperly restrained minor children, suspended or expired driver licenses,
equipment violations, etc.
If a person is cited for this unclassified misdemeanor offense, the penalty is a fine of not more than $150
dollars. A second offense within 2 years is a fine of not more than $250 dollars. A third offense within 2
years carries a maximum possible fine of $500 dollars and a license suspension for 90 days.
Parents in the pickup and drop off lines: We have seen a number of individuals holding personal
communication devices in the car lines. This is especially unsafe when dropping off and picking up your
children. Please refrain from using your device while in the car. It only takes one minor mistake to turn
a “normal routine” into a tragedy. Put the phone down; for our kids sake.
For the safety of everyone around you, please don’t text and drive.
Edgewood School Resource Officer Jason Nichols.
News from the Nurse
~News from the Nurse~
The weather can change quickly! Make sure you are layering your kiddo up and sending them with a coat and appropriate shoes so they are warm at recess.
Recess: Rain comes and goes frequently this time of year. We still try to send the kids outside whenever the weather breaks. There still may be puddles outside so make sure your kiddos are dressed appropriately and have a change of clothes just in case they get wet.
Clothing items in the clinic are limited. Please consider always keeping a change of clothing in your child's backpack. No matter what grade they are in. Spills, puddles, rips, and accidents can happen to anyone! Be sure to check as the weather changes that the extra clothes are appropriate for the temperatures outside. If your child does borrow clothes from the clinic, please wash and return them so that I have things available for the next student that needs them.
**I will always gladly take any donations of clothing items!
Illness: We have seen a significant increase in illnesses recently. Please talk to your student about the importance of hand washing. Also, please watch for symptoms of respiratory and gastrointestinal issues. If your student is vomiting, has diarrhea, and/or is running a fever they need to stay home until they are able to go 24hrs without any symptoms without medication.
Cough drops: If you are sending cough drops into school with your student, please be sure to make sure the cough drops are nonmenthalated and are not the lollipop kind. A good brand to go for is Luden’s or Halls Breezers. Also be sure to include a signed note giving your permission to administer the cough drops to your student.
Birthday reminder: We love celebrating birthdays! However, we do not allow food treats to be sent in anymore but we are always happy to pass out nonfood items such as pencils, stickers, crayons, plastic toys, crafts or fidgets. Please reach out to your child's teacher for guidance or recommendations.
It's hard to believe that an estimated 300 million pairs of shoes go into America's landfills. The majority of these shoes can still be worn. My name is Caden, an 8th-grade student at Bunsold, and I am doing a fundraiser collecting gently used and new shoes. The shoes that I collect will be kept from landfills and will help others in developing countries start micro-businesses that will create a sustainable income for their families. Can you collect a few pairs to help me reach my goal of 2,500 pairs of shoes/ With many people doing a small thing we can achieve great results! A collection box is located in the front entry way.
What's Going on in Kindergarten?
During the month of May, we will be doing our ABC countdown. Each day leading up to the last day of school, we will celebrate a letter of the alphabet. The activity corresponds with each letter. There was a calendar sent home to refer to for each ABC activity day. Our writing will also correspond with each letter, practicing these skills: to begin our sentence with a capital letter, use a space in between our words, spell sight words correctly, stretch out unknown words to write the sounds we hear, and ending punctuation
We will also be studying community helpers and goods and services. Parent volunteers are welcome to come into Edgewood (with teacher permission/class sign-up) and talk about their career or their role in the community.
For science, we will be learning about frogs, butterflies, and sea creatures. Lots of nonfiction information coming our way!
Kindergarten graduation will take place on May 24th! There is information coming from teachers and there was already information sent from the office about this special event. Please reach out if you have any further questions.
Few notes below:
Snack and water: please follow the allergy safe snack list and only send in water (juice gets sticky in the room
Recess: Please remember that as the weather is warming up for spring there are still colder days and we will go outside as much as possible for recess. Please send kids to school with coats, hats, and gloves when appropriate. If you are in need of any of those things, let us know and we can figure something out for your student.
Fantastic 1st Grade
Snack and Water Bottles: We are still doing a mid-morning snack to help us focus and keep learning until our 12:30 lunch time. Water bottles start becoming a MUST as weather gets warmer but please no juice, tea, or pop.
End-of-Year testing is in full swing so, know that reading groups are not able to happen as all of first grade assessing (except anything on the computer) is one-on-one. Thanks for your understanding.
In reading we are learning about homonyms and using context clues to understand the meanings of words. In phonics we are learning a lot about coding words and dividing multisyllabic words to make them easier to solve. In writing we are working on Ohio animal reports and reviewing all of our writing skills. In math we are working through our higher level word problems with missing parts and comparisons and then moving to fractions by the end of the year. In science we are learning about Ohio habitats and Ohio animals and how their habitats meet their needs.
Camp Edgewood is coming May 15-19! Please turn in your tshirt money and permission slips/volunteer forms. Our camp picnic will be May 19th at Legion Park and families are invited to come hear us sing our camp songs and picnic with us! Please see your teacher's newsletters, emails, and information sheets that have come home already for more details!
As always please let us know if you have any questions!
Spectacular 2nd Grade
In 2nd grade students have been working on point of view, fractions, writing a 5 sentence paragraph and learning about fossils! We are getting ready to build our worm habitats and study how living things impact our environment. We will also round out the year with our reports on endangered animals.
We also have many fun activities planned for the end of year. Look for information coming home soon on our walking field trip and our classroom lemonade stands! We also hope to see everyone at the Edgewood Extravaganza!
Don’t forget to keep reading 20 minutes each night and to practice math facts. Summer fun is just around the corner!
Terrific 3rd Grade
Important Dates for 3rd graders:
April 26th & 27th - State Math Test
May 9th - Walking Field Trip (permission slips have been sent home)
Third grade students have been doing an amazing job on all of their end of year assessments. We are so proud of all of their progress! We will be retesting reading & math standards for those who haven’t mastered them yet.
In math, we have been working on telling time to the nearest minute & finding elapsed time. We will also be working on 3 different types of graphs: bar graphs, pictographs and line plots.
In reading, we have been working on nonfiction text features as well as knowing the difference between a poem, play and story. In writing the students are working on researching an animal and typing a report.
Third grade always ends the year in pirate style! Look for information about a pirate dress up day & treasure hunt. We are incorporating our geography/mapping unit for social studies into our pirate studies!
Fabulous 4th Grade
Although we have finished all of the SEL lessons for the year we continue to work on Problem Solving. We continue to remind students of the STEP process for solving conflicts. (S - say the problem, T - think of different solutions, E - Explore the outcomes of the solutions, P - pick a solution). Please continue to encourage your child to use the STEP process at school and home.
It’s almost May! We have a lot of fun activities planned for our fourth graders. A May calendar will be sent home soon. Please put this on your fridge to reference all that will be going on. There will be special days for students to wear their 4th grade shirts, which will be noted on the calendar.
Writing: students will be writing a narrative. This is a fun writing for most.
Math: we will continue our work on our Geometry Unit and review for the test next week.
Social Studies: we will begin our Economics unit. This is a fun unit which results in our Economics project. Our students work in groups to create a product which they will then sell to all Edgewood students during our Market Day sale. This year we will have a preview day so that students can have an idea of what they would like to buy. The profits from the Market Day sales go to purchase something for the community and/or something for Edgewood. Our students vote on what this will be.
Although we aren’t sending home a reading log students should be reading 20 minutes as it is such an important piece of their reading development.
Unified Arts
News from Technology
In Technology class this month, we are going to have a lot of fun! 3rd and 4th Graders will be editing their own underwater green screen photos. Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade will be experimenting with ScratchJr on the ipads to code their own animations. All grades will continue to spend about 10 minutes each class improving their typing skills and we will try various Hour of Code activities to mix things up a bit periodically! 3rd Grade is wrapping up their stop motion videos they created out of skittles. We officially got through ALL grades and classes for morning announcement recordings!! The kids did such an amazing job. To finish off the year, staff members are now doing the recordings and their students are loving seeing their superstar teacher on the big screen! In Coding Club we finished building one robot and are super close to finishing the second. We should be able to have some fun coding them around the Tech Lab over the last few weeks of school.
What’s going on in Phys Ed?
What’s going on in Phys Ed?
Students have finished their fitness testing and are now participating in a bunch of different fun activities. We have even got to use the scooters! Second grade students will be finishing up the Ohio Physical Education Evaluation. This assessment will measure student success in meeting the benchmarks contained in the Physical Education Academic Content Standards.
This year's Field Day is scheduled for Monday 22nd. A flier information regarding field day was sent home with students at the end of April. All interested volunteers must have their screen pointe completed and turned into the office in order to volunteer during field day.
***REMINDER: The weather is changing, and warmer weather is on its way (Finally!!!) Please remember to have your students wear or bring proper gym shoes with them on their scheduled gym day.***
B Day: 3H, 1S, 1/2H, 4C, 1C, KM, 4Q
C Day: 3D, 1T, 2B, 4T, KH, KB
E Day: 3A, 1G, 2K, 4Z, 2M, KW, 3V
News From the Art Room
*Art with Mrs. N (Niezgoda)*
Kindergarteners have started creating Texture Sandwiches inspired by their texture exploration and the book, Hannah’s Tall Order: An A to Z Sandwich. First and second grade artists are going to begin exploring the work of contemporary artist, Gennine Zlatkis, and her use of mixed media and birds. Third graders are going to begin practicing drawing forms and using value to create 3-D artworks. The month of May will celebrate the Fourth graders’ music performance. They’ll be creating artwork to accompany their show.
News From Library
It is hard to believe, but we are on the home stretch for the school year! Beginning the week of May 8 all library books will need to start making their way back to the EW Library before the end of the school year! Keep an eye out for emails regarding books that may be checked out to your student. Lost book notices will also be sent home as always in backpacks for grown ups. Your help in locating books that have escaped and are lost is greatly appreciated! Please note that because the books are district property the library fines that are acquired on your student’s account will not go away when they transfer schools and can affect their ability to check out a book at their new school! It is always my goal to bring all the books home to the library rather than collect fines for them, so your help is always appreciated in finding and returning the books to EW!
Our BOGO Book fair is back for Extravaganza! Bring your family and check out those favorite books you have been waiting to get on sale! Lots of great book choices to get ready for summer reading and tons of fun for the family at Extravaganza! Can’t wait to see you there!!
EW Library Private Facebook page: