November 25, 2024

Monday, November 25, 2024
The Mountaineer Minute digital district newsletter is shared with Iron Mountain Public School families on Monday mornings.
Find past issues of the Mountaineer Minute here.
What is the best Thanksgiving side?
New Butterfly Garden at North Elementary
Earlier last month, Rebecca Krans with the Michigan State University Extension planted a butterfly garden for North Elementary School to enjoy and learn from! This garden will be registered as a Monarch Waystation as it will provide nectar and shelter for Monarch butterflies, as well as other important pollinators.
Showy goldenrod, New England aster, pale leaf woodland sunflower, grey headed coneflower, Joe pyeweed, early goldenrod, foxglove bearded tongue, bergamot, calico aster, pale purple coneflower, wild strawberry, butterfly weed, and Marsh blazing star were all planted to encourage pollinators to pollinate and take shelter. It may take a few years for it to grow, but once it does, it's going to be a very special place at North Elementary.
Thank you, Rebecca and the MSU Extension for your donations of materials and hard work to make this dream a reality!
Learn more about Monarch Waystations here: https://www.monarchwatch.org/waystations/
Remembering Gabe
Additional fishing books for all reading levels were donated to the North Elementary Library in honor of the late Mountaineer, Gabe Richtig. Thank you, Richtig family for the generous donation! Gabe's memory continues to live on in the hearts of the Mountaineer community.
Please bring your donations to school for this year's TV-6 Can-A-Thon! The class that brings in the most goods at North Elementary School will win a PIZZA PARTY for their class! 🍕 The seminar class/homeroom that brings in the most items will win a special prize from the Iron Mountain High School Student Council! PLEASE DONATE FOR THIS IMPORTANT CAUSE!
AdvantaPrint End of Year Sprit Store Sale- in time for Christmas!
AdvantaPrint introduced an awesome new design for the End-of-Year IMPS Fundraiser apparel sale! The new "Fear the Mountaineers" logo is on the back of most pieces. Please see site for details and to view all items available: https://ironmountain-2024-fundraiser.itemorder.com/.../sale/
Many types of adult and youth apparel as well as accessories are available in time for Christmas!
Order soon, the sale ends at midnight on Sunday, December 1. Orders will be delivered prior to December 20.
Check out the backs of each piece of apparel!
Joggers and sweatpants available
Hats, beanies, blankets, and backpacks available!
Congratulations to the 5-12th Grade Student of the Week, Khloe Jayne!
Khloe Jayne, eighth grade, is the daughter of Krista and Kevin Jayne. Khloe is a very polite young lady. The respect she shows to her teachers, classmates, and school is first-class. Khloe consistently displays the characteristics that are the foundation for a bright future. She shows strong academic abilities and excels in all subjects. Outside of academics, Khloe participates in basketball, volleyball, softball, student council, and babysitting. She is also manager of the girls varsity basketball team! Great job Khloe!!!
Pasty Pick Up
TODAY, Monday 11/25
2:30-4:30 PM
Izzo Commons
Contact Mrs. Peddycord with any questions!
Ms. William's art classes have been creating self portraits! Check out our amazing wall of North Elementary students! We are so thankful to have Ms. Williams on our team. Our hallways have never looked more beautifiul.
Thank you to the local Women's Club for their donation of jackets, hats, and gloves for our students from GFWC Clothing for Warmth!
Ms. William's Art classes at North Elementary School have been hard at work creating turkeys for Thanksgiving and robots to help with the work of the holidays! Great work, everyone!
This week at IMPS
Upcoming Dates
Half Day for Students
November 27
Thanksgiving Break
November 28 and 29
Scholarship Information Night for Seniors and Guardians
December 4
6 PM
Don't miss the action this winter with Hudl!
Dear Mountaineer families and fans,
We are excited to debut "Hudl", our new athletic streaming platform to replace "NFHS".
(Note: NFHS will still be used for MHSAA tournaments)
Streaming prices are as follows:
$5.00/sporting event
$20.00/season/sport (all levels included)
$60.00/year (All broadcasted sports: Football, Basketball, Wrestling, Volleyball, Soccer)
Families are encouraged to set up an account here.
Thank you and go Mountaineers!
Introducing the Winter Mountaineer Athletes!
Thank you to those who signed up to help with concessions and to the IMHS Athletic Booster Club for providing cookies and punch!
We need your help with concessions this winter!
Please! Sign up for a slot to help our amazing IMHS Athletic Booster Club with concessions this winter season!
Lunch Menus
Mountaineer Bulletin Board 🗞️
The Iron Mountain PTO needs your help!
If you have pictures that you would like to submit for our North Elementary Yearbook, please e-mail them to im.northyearbook@gmail.com. Please include the student's names and grades in your e-mail.
You can also upload directly to our Google drive:
Scholarship Check Distribution
(Procedures for securing and cashing scholarship checks)
Scholarship recipients are encouraged to adhere to the following time
frame when securing their scholarship checks if possible. Parents may also secure checks, as long as they have all required documentation.
Winter checks will be distributed from
December 18-20, 2024 (8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
December 30, 2024 (8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
January 6-8, 2025 (8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
Checks must be cashed within 60 days
NOTE: First time scholarship recipients picking up their winter payment
MUST bring in a college transcript indicating credits and GPA earned. This
will be the procedure from this time forward. NO payments will be given
out without a college transcript showing all required information.
The Mountaineer Minute weekly e-newsletter is distributed on Monday mornings to district families via SwiftReach.
Alumni and Mountaineer families!
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Iron Mountain Public Schools,
217 Izzo-Mariucci Way, Iron Mountain, MI 49801