District Newsletter

May 9, 2024: Work Session
May 23, 2024: Regular Meeting
All meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. in the high school library.
Board of Education meetings are open to the public and will continue to be live-streamed:
Link to Live-Streamed Meetings
Presentations from Recent Board Meetings:
In the spring, the district is in peak hiring season. During interviews, I am often asked what makes Haddonfield such a special place. It is not an easy question to answer, but it is essential to understand who we are. I respond by pointing out that we have students who have passion and work hard in all aspects of their school lives. They are outstanding, high-achieving students; brilliant artists and performers; and they make up one of the best athletic programs in the state.
We are now entering May and the most hectic time of the school year. Our students are highly engaged and driven to be the best in many areas. This unique back-to-the-Haddonfield School District culture makes it a wonderful and busy place. Students are beginning to close out the school year in many areas as they prepare for end-of-the-year activities, the first being standardized testing.
Few of us look back on assessments fondly, but they are an important aspect of education. Feedback and analysis of this work help us by identifying areas of strength and areas that require more focus for both students and the district. We are in the testing cycle. Last month, juniors took the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment. Students in grades three through 11 will be engaged in the NJSLA test for the next three weeks. AP testing begins in the high school from May 6 through 17. Consistently, our students’ scores are the highest in our area.
Our students will shine in another area in which they excel: the arts. Band and choir groups are now preparing for their spring concerts and events. Bulldawgs on Broadway will perform this week (May 4, 7:30 p.m.) at the high school, and elementary performances will be held across the District. The annual Arts in the Courtyard (June 6) at the high school is another chance for students to share their talents.
In mid-May, the Haddonfield Athletic Hall of Fame will induct a new class of 12 members. Events such as this function remind us of the high levels of success our student-athletes achieve. At this time, 14 fall and winter teams have made the playoffs with several winning championships. Our ten spring sports aim to match that level of success as they enter championship season within the next few weeks.
Behind our students’ successes are layers of support that encourage them to achieve high-level success, find a passion, and pursue it to the greatest extent possible. The resultant levels of involvement and achievement are remarkable and virtually unique to this community. This essential support comes from Haddonfield families and staff. Our families encourage, support and cheer for their children as they study, rehearse, and practice. Teachers, district administrators, and coaches spend countless hours helping to prepare their students, performers, and athletes, so when it comes time for them to demonstrate their abilities, they do so at an exceptional level.
Finally, Haddonfield students bring their own talent, drive and diligence to every challenge, dedicating the time and effort necessary to do their very best.
There are very few communities like Haddonfield, and I am proud to be a part of it. I am grateful to our families, staff and students for continuously collaborating in ways that establish and maintain our reputation for excellence.
Chuck Klaus, Superintendent of Schools
New Elementary Math Program Selected
At Thursday's Board meeting, April 25, Math and Science Content-Area Supervisor Matt DiDonato shared a presentation announcing that iReady Classroom Mathematics is the final recommendation from the math committee. Pending Board approval, use of the new elementary math program will begin in September. Review the presentation here.
District Recognized as a Best Community for Music Education
Haddonfield School District (HSD) has been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education (BCME) designation from The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education. Now in its 25th year, the BCME designation is awarded to districts that demonstrate outstanding achievement in providing music access and education to all students.
To qualify for the Best Communities designation, HSD provided detailed information about funding, graduation requirements, music class participation, instructional time, facilities, support for the music program and community music-making programs. Responses were verified by school officials and reviewed by The Music Research Institute at the University of Kansas.
“It is gratifying to bring recognition to such a hard-working department within our district,” said Rob Fox, Fine and Performing Arts Content-Area Supervisor for HSD. “The faculty have worked tirelessly to enhance music education at all grade levels throughout our schools, including finding many new ways to further engage and challenge our young performers. This is just the beginning; stay tuned for more great things to come!”
School Performance Reports Highlight Excellence
On April 19, all Haddonfield School District staff and families received an email about the release of the NJ School Performance Reports. The School Performance Reports reflect the New Jersey Department of Education’s (NJDOE) commitment to providing parents, students, and school communities with a large variety of information about each school and district. These reports can be used as a tool to help evaluate whether all students have equitable access to high quality education.
We are proud of all of our teachers and students and all five of our schools. This year, Central Elementary got particularly high scores – a summative rating of 96.53 and a summative score of 100 – as shared in this news story. The rating is calculated using a formula involving academic achievement based on ELA and mathematics proficiency, academic progress based on ELA and mathematics growth, and the quality of student success based on attendance statistics. Central is ranked in the top 10 schools in the state out of well over 2,000 K-12 schools evaluated. Well done!
Recent Events Recognize Tatem Elementary's 100th Anniversary
At about 1 p.m., Tuesday, April 16, the Haddonfield Outdoor Sculpture Trust unveiled its newest sculpture in the children's zoo garden: a tiger! Students and staff from J.F. Tatem Elementary were invited to see the newest member of the family of animal sculptures because the Tatem mascot is also a tiger. The unveiling was planned in part to recognize the school's 100th anniversary, and the children were delighted. Special guests from the Tatem family added to the celebration!
On Tuesday, April 23, Tatem Elementary School students in grades 1-4 gathered to celebrate Arbor Day with the planting of 100 trees in honor of Tatem's 100th anniversary. With assistance from the Tatem tots, Camden County Parks Department staff planted trees at the Grove Street entrance to Hopkins Pond Park, adjacent to Tatem's school grounds. In class, the children had discussed Arbor Day and the beauty and value of trees, so they were enthusiastic and able helpers. As a surprise bonus, the Parks Department donated 500 trees (four different varieties) to the school so that each child could take one home. It was a wonderful day!
PICTURED BELOW: Tatem students and staff posed with Mayor Bezich (center) and Commissioner Jeffery Nash (dark blazer). Photo credit: Avi Steinhardt for Camden County
SeaPerch Teams Experienced Success
At the Greater Philadelphia SeaPerch Challenge (GPSC) on March 22, both the Haddonfield Middle School (HMS) and the Haddonfield Memorial High School (HMHS) SeaPerch teams finished in first place in the technical design report category, second place in the presentation category and second place overall!
SeaPerch is an innovative underwater robotics program that equips students, educators, and parents with the resources they need to build an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in an in- or out-of-school setting.
This is the 14th year for HMS participation and the second year for HMHS. Beginning in September, both teams began working to create a solution to the theme-based problem of deep water exploration. The teams designed, created and tested ROVs to travel through an underwater obstacle course and complete this year’s challenge which was modeled after deep water vent exploration.
After months of designing, testing and refining their designs, both teams competed at the GPSC, demonstrating their expertise.
"It was a fantastic showing from both groups of amazing young engineers," said Kevin Kozak, HMS science teacher and SeaPerch Team Advisor. "I could not be more proud of all they have accomplished. I look forward to seeing the lasting impacts that they will all have on society in ways that we cannot yet imagine.”
Along with their engineering efforts, both of our SeaPerch teams created proposals for a way to best give back to the Haddonfield Community as part of the GPSC. This category is known as Make-A-Splash, and both teams' plans were honored as top proposals.
The HMS SeaPerch team is currently coordinating efforts with Central Elementary school to make their proposal a reality by running an elementary STEM Fair towards the end of this school year.
Inclusion Expo Brought the Community Together
Tatem PTA and SEPAG (Special Education Parents Advisory Group) collaborated with the HEA (Haddonfield Education Association) this year to host the Inclusion Expo on April 26 at Tatem Elementary School. Expanding upon last year's Autism Acceptance Expo, which highlighted different aspects of the diagnosis, the Inclusion Expo welcomed district leaders to present information on many different disorders and related therapies. Parents also participated this year, giving information on Cerebral Palsy, Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI), and suggestions on how peers can be more inclusive. Families were treated to pretzels, water ice, and pizza, interacted with the school mascot, and children collected fun giveaways from each table.
Here is a link to the story posted in the Haddonfield Sun.
HCA Scholarships Awarded
Three HMHS students were honored with scholarships from the Haddonfield Civic Association at their annual dinner on April 17.
The 2024 Bradshaw Literary Award Recipient: Brady Norton
The 2024 Quanci Visual Arts Award Recipient: Julia Guazzone
The 2024 Kaufmann Performing Arts Award Recipient: Ryan Cataldo
See photos and read more here.
Grand Camp: Youth Leadership Academy Presentations Shared
On Wednesday, April 24, eighth-graders in Tina Papa's Gifted and Talented class presented their Youth Leadership projects to friends and family. During a four-week program, the students had interviewed older adults such as family and neighbors to learn more about them and to develop listening skills. They used what they heard to create hard copy or digital versions of these stories including photos and quotes. The students learned about life during war time, family adventures, hopes and dreams, life in other countries and much more. Watch a video of the students sharing heartfelt responses to hearing these important stories.
Read more about the origins of this intergenerational program in a story from last month's newsletter. Scroll down to "Grand Camp."
Did you see the Eclipse?
Members of our school community met on the blacktop behind Central-Middle Schools to watch the solar eclipse on April 8. Those who arrived early had a great view of the moon's shadow crossing in front of the sun, but clouds obscured the "big moment" of the complete eclipse. Many thanks to Math & Science Content-Area Supervisor Matt DiDonato for his tips and a variety of viewing devices.
HMHS Students Honored Earth Day with Varied Displays
The high school students presented a wide variety of environmental science topics in displays and activities.
We Celebrated Diversity Awareness Month
One of the favorite activities in Diversity Awareness Month was supporting the three special attire Fridays:
- Hats off for Inclusion - wear a hat to school
- Great Minds Think Different - wear tie-dyed clothes to school
- I See Your True Colors - wear your favorite color to school
Thank you to everyone who took and shared photos. Here's a link to the album.
Bulldawgs on Broadway
Saturday, May 4, 7:30 p.m.
Don't miss this annual performance; HMHS students will wow you!
Parent Mental Health Info Session
Parents and guardians of students of ALL ages: plan to attend the second Annual Student Mental Health information session, May 15, 6 to 7 p.m. in the HMHS library. You will hear about what is impacting our children, trends, and resources. There will be time for Q and A. A flyer is on our website here.
National Honor Society students will be available in the cafeteria to play with your young children, making it easier for parents to attend. The Haddonfield Education Association will provide activities for the youngsters and light refreshment for the adults. RSVP here.
Central Fourth-Grade Students Learned Local History
All fourth-grade classes recently enjoyed a very special presentation. Jim Ward, a building sub at Tatem, has done a lot of research on Haddonfield's role during the Revolutionary War. He presented his research and answered students' questions.
His lesson on "Wayne's Cow Chase" – the exciting story of General Wayne's mission to transport cows to the soldiers at Valley Forge – highlighted Haddonfield's important role in the war and helped our students develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the rich history surrounding them.
"Mr. Ward's willingness to go above and beyond to enrich the education of our young learners is a testament to his own passion and a great example of the collaborative spirit of the Haddonfield community," said Chuck Klaus, Superintendent. "Well done."
EH Preschoolers Honored Earth Day
In preparation for Earth Day, Ms. Takakjy's preschool students at Elizabeth Haddon played a game on Promethean board to learn more about Earth day and recycling. Later they planted seeds, picked up trash on the playground and made bubble blowers from water bottles and the netting from bags of fruit.
Photo left: Colin H. is proud of his planted seeds.
Tatem Kindies help to Plant a Tree
As part of the ongoing Arbor Day and Earth Day activities, every Tatem classroom made the journey to Hopkins Pond Park to help plant a tree. Kindergarteners were excited to learn that their tree was a ginkgo. They helped their new friend from the Camden County Parks Department make sure the tree was deep enough and that it stood straight. Finally, they pushed dirt into the hole using their hands and feet.
HMS Play "Matilda Jr." was a Big Success
The Haddonfield Middle School Drama Club performed "Matilda Jr." on April 18 and 19. Students worked tirelessly from January to April to make the show a success, demonstrating their talents both on and off the stage. The stage crew built an impressive set on which student actors delivered an amazing performance.
"'Matilda Jr.' is a story that resonates deeply with us all," said HMS social studies teacher and theater director Caren Izzo. "It's a tale of resilience, courage, and the boundless power of imagination. Matilda captivated our hearts with her unwavering spirit and indomitable will. Through her extraordinary adventures, she reminded us that no matter how small we may feel, we possess the ability to create magic within ourselves and transform the world around us."
HMHS Enjoyed First-Ever Unified Sports Day
Students from the Community-Based Instruction Program collaborated with each gym class on Monday, April 29, for the first-ever Unified Sports Day! Unified Sports is a program developed by the Special Olympics as a fun way to promote social inclusion through sports. It focuses on teamwork, friendship, and respect, providing an opportunity for people of all abilities to participate and compete.
At HMHS, students first joined in a circle to introduce themselves and share an ice-breaking activity (photo below). Then the games began! They played soccer, bocce ball, and kickball. They ran relay races and obstacle courses, supporting one another as teams and as individuals.
"Our students had a lot of fun in activities that foster a sense of belonging and acceptance within our school," said teacher Madison Brzozowski. "I am proud of each and every one."
Schedule for NJSLA Testing
The New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) statewide assessments will be administered on the following schedule:
5/14-16: Math
5/20-21: ELA (5)
5/21-22: ELA (3-4)
5/22-23: Science (5)
5/13-14: Mathematics
5/15-16: ELA
5/20-21: Science
4/30 - Grade 9 ELA, Grade 11 Science
5/1 - Grade 9 ELA, Grade 11 Science
5/2 - Math (All Grade 9, some Grade 10)
5/3 - Math (All Grade 9, some Grade 10)
Take Advantage of ParentSquare, our School and District Communications App
Parents, we use ParentSquare to communicate with you via text or email.
We encourage you to download the app and register with ParentSquare so that you can take advantage of settings such as how and when you will receive school communications. For example, you may choose to receive them immediately or late in the day when you have time to digest the message.
Here are some helpful tips and instructions:
Click here to download the mobile app.
Click here for instructions how to register for PS from the app.
Watch the "getting started" video here.
Manage PS account settings here.
Thank you!
School Lunch Reminder
We encourage parents to consider applying for Free or Reduced-Price lunch. This document explains why and provides further information.
We encourage all parents to become familiar with the Food Services website .
Tell a Friend about HSD Employment
Student Newspapers:
The HMHS Bulldawg Bulletin
Social Media:
District Facebook: @HaddonfieldSchoolDistrict
District Instagram: haddonfieldschooldistrict
District Twitter: @HaddonSchools
- Look for your school's Twitter feed.
- Ask if your student's team or club uses social media.
- Look for your particular PTA on social media. Our PTAs do a wonderful job communicating with families!
SAC Corner:
Enjoy the April issue posted on the HMHS website here. These monthly newsletters include helpful information from our SAC (Student Assistance Counselor), Holly Penna.