WLWV School Board Briefs
May 7, 2024
The West Linn-Wilsonville School Board held a public meeting on Monday, May 6.
School Board Recognizes High School Student Reporters
The West Linn-Wilsonville School Board thanked West Linn High School Senior Beatrice Gilroy, Wilsonville High School Seniors Venecia Gonzales and Trenton Bonfiglio, and Riverside High School Sophomore Laurel Vanagas for their commitment to keeping the Board informed this school year. High School students provided regular updates throughout the school year on important events and activities taking place at each high school.
Board Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week
The West Linn-Wilsonville School District passed a special resolution on May 6, recognizing Teacher Appreciation Week and thanking WLWV educators all that they do for their students. The Board gave a special thank you to WWEA President Matt Bell, who was in attendance on behalf of WLWV teaching staff.
Superintendent Dr. Kathy Ludwig Provides 2024-25 Budget Message
Superintendent Dr. Kathy Ludwig presented the 2024-25 Budget Message during the May 6 meeting, outlining the K-12 funding landscape and funding challenges that districts across Oregon are currently facing.
On April 30, the district announced the need for a $10 million reduction to the 2024-25 school budget. Reserves have been significantly depleted and rolling over the current level of staffing and programs is unsustainable. Reductions in expenditures are needed due to continued labor cost increases, goods and services increases, utilities increases, unfunded recent legislative mandates, and the discontinuation of federal pandemic relief funds among other factors.
Read the full budget message for more information about state funding and proposed budget reductions. The Proposed 2024-25 Budget can be reviewed on the district website.
Budget Committee Appoints Chair, Vice Chair
The West Linn-Wilsonville Budget Committee appointed Kishore Kollu as Budget Committee Chair and Gina Day as Budget Committee Vice Chair. The Budget Committee will convene on May 20 for a Budget Committee Meeting to review the 2024-25 Proposed Budget. Review the full Budget Process Timeline on the district website.
Board Passes Two Resolutions
The School Board passed two resolutions on May 6, a Transfer of Appropriations and Postponement of Inter-Fund Debt Payment.
The Transfer of Appropriations is process that takes place at the end of the fiscal year to ensure the district stays within budgetary allotments and appropriations levels. The Postponement of Inter-Fund Debt Payment will delay the annual inter-fund loan debt payment of $150,000 from one district fund to another for two more years, providing the district with increased financial flexibility and fiscal sustainability.
Other Reports
Upcoming Events
May 14 — Fentanyl Awareness Community Forum
May 20 — Budget Committee Meeting
June 10 — School Board Meeting
About West Linn-Wilsonville
Email: kilstroa@wlwv.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us
Location: 22210 Southwest Stafford Road, Tualatin, OR, USA
Phone: 503-673-7000
Facebook: facebook.com/wlwvschools
Twitter: @wlwvdistrict