Hamilton Elementary
Lions Lines Updates, December 20, 2024
Students return from Winter Break on January 7, 2025
Hamilton Elementary Calendar
Stay up to date with events happening at HES by viewing our online calendar: https://hamiltones.cfisd.net/hamilton-escalendar
Classroom Group Picture Day is coming...
Classroom group pictures will be taken on Friday, January 10th.
Order at mylifetouch.com using Picture Day ID: EVTZ9WZC7
Following Instructions
This week, students learned how to follow instructions. First, they look the person in the eye. Next, they will make sure they are listening closely and respond with “okay”. Then, they will complete the task right away. Following instructions is something our Lions will have to do in and out of school. We hope our Lions are practicing this skill everywhere they go!
5th Grade Memory Book Picture Request
Helpful Resources
Hamilton Staff - Who to Contact
Principal: Sage Papaioannou (sage.papaioannou@cfisd.net) / 281-320-7064
Front Desk: 281-370-0990
Diagnostician: Lisa Novak (lisa.novak@cfisd.net) / 281-370-0990
School Nurse: Kerri Lamance (kerri.lamance@cfisd.net) / 281-320-7056
Registrar: Gayleen Swafford (viva.swafford@cfisd.net) / 281-320-7051
K, 1, 4
Assistant Principal: Kerry Iselt (kerry.iselt@cfisd.net)
Counselor: Alison Peters (alison.peters@cfisd.net) 281-370-0990
PK, 2, 3
Assistant Principal: Lorie Gregurek (lorie.gregurek@cfisd.net)
Counselor: Cara Agundez (cara.agundez@cfisd.net) 281-370-0990
Hamilton Elementary: hamiltonelementary@cfisd.net
Hamilton Elementary
Email: hamiltonelem@cfisd.net
Website: http://cfisd.net/hamiltones
Location: 12050 Old Kluge Road, Cypress, TX, United States
Phone: 281.370.0990
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HamiltonLions
Twitter: @Hamilton_Lions