Central Park East II
CPE II Updates -Tuesday, September 7, 2016
Beginning of school checklist
- Purchase backpack without wheels
- Check your child's hair for lice (see below)
- Arrive at school by 8:10 on Thursday, September 9 (early dismissal for Pre K and K)
- Register for school email list (click below)
- Early bedtime for successful school day
Parent Welcome Breakfasts will be held at both the Middle School and the Elementary School. Come into the cafeteria after you say goodbye to your child.
Corbin Hill Farm Share at CPE II starting Wednesday, September 14th. Sign up by Wesnesday
10 Distributions with optional additions such as cheese, eggs and juice.
Pick up your produce when you pick up your kids.
To sign up go to:
Choose Kind
Many of our students know the book, Wonder. It is a book about kindness.
It is full of precepts such as "no act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted"
One act of kindness can inspire many more, so please look at this pledge with your children, sign the pledge to Choose Kind and encourage others to do the same.
Go to: http://choosekind.tumblr.com
Box Tops
Volunteers Needed
First Day of School - Elementary School
When does school start?
All students will begin school on Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 8:20AM.Pre K and Kindergarten students will have early dismissals on Thursday 9/8 and Friday 9/9. All other students in grades 1 - 7 will have full days.
Where do students go?
- Pre K students will gather in the small play yard on 103rd Street.
- Kindergarten student will gather in the large yard (on Madison) by the garden.
- Students in grade 1 - 5 will gather in the large yard (on Madison) where they will line up by class.
Where are students dismissed from?
On Thursday and Friday Pre K and Kindergarteners will be dismissed at 11:30AM from the small yard on 104th street. After that they will be dismissed from the cafeteria.
Elementary Students are dismissed from the cafeteria. Each class has a table.
Sixth Grade Orientation
First Day of School - Middle School
All students will begin school on Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 8:20AM.
Where do students go?
Students in grades 6 and 7 will gather in the small yard on 108th Street (just East of Madison).
Where are students dismissed from?
Middle School students are dismissed from the 108th Street yard.
Supplies & School Forms
Every child gets a "Purple Folder". This is a home/school communication folder that is carried back and forth every day.
Students do need a back pack (no wheels please).
Most supplies are shared, with students having independent access to them as they are needed. The parents association does collect a $40 supply fee on the first day of school. Look for an supply fee envelope as well a few forms that need to be filled out.
What about uniforms? No, we don't have them.
Teachers and Classes for 2016-17 School Year
Kindergarten Juanita & lisa
Kindergarten Karen
1st grade Julie & Melissa
1st grade Kerry
2nd grade Alison & Naomi
2nd grade Joianne
3rd grade Cristel & Valerie
3rd grade Tiffany
4th grade Lee Ann & Rajihah
4th grade Nell
5th grade Billy & Jessica
5th grade Megan & Yvonne
Middle School 6th grade (Advisors will be assigned)
Middle School 7th grade (Advisors will be assigned)
Middle School teachers
ELA team: Selena and Latrice
Math team: Chantel and Matt
Social Studies/Science team: Clarissa and Rashidah
Have questions?
Middle School After-School at CAS
Fall Fair October 15 Save the Date
Class placement for elementary school students
For elementary school students only: If you do not know your child's class for students in grades 1 - 5, please send an email to Naomi (Nsmith3@schools.nyc.gov) with the words CLASS PLACEMENT FOR and then your child's name.
What about 6th and 7th graders?
Middle Schoolers will start the school year with community building activities. They will find out their home room classes by the second week of school. On the first day of school, students will gather together in the small yard on 108th Street (just East of Madison) at 8:20.
Lice - It happens every year
Every year in every school a child or two come to school not realizing they have lice. Within a few months it spreads. Lack of cleanliness does not cause head lice. Lice can land on anybody. Based on past experience, we are posting Yhane's now famous tips about lice.
EVERYONE should take a few moments to check your child's hair for lice and nits.
Who gets lice?
We have had black, white, Asian, Hispanic, bi-racial, multi-racial children with long, short, straight, wavy, thick, curly hair, clean hair, relaxed hair and hair with hair grease get lice and nits. Don't assume it's the other kids who get lice and not yours.
How to check
A good, thorough check only takes a few minutes - let's say 5 minutes. Set a timer and check your child's head for 5 minutes - even short hair.
Start at the nape of the neck, make sure you check behind the ears, start at the roots and work your way along the strands of hair, work your way to the crown of the head. Check the entire head.
Ask your child if they have any itchy areas and give that area special attention.
Lice are fairly easy to see, but they run into thicker parts of the head as you are looking through the hair.
The nits are hard to see. They might look like flakes of dandruff or lint, BUT if you are not able to wipe it off of the strand of hair, it is probably a nit.
How to treat
The nits need to be combed off of the hair with a lice comb.
DO NOT think that just because you use a lice shampoo or oil, that you got rid of all of the lice and nits. Those products are a good start. But you will still need to give the hair a thorough combing with a lice comb. Not just once, but every day, for 1-2 weeks.
The nits are the eggs, and if you do not get rid of the eggs they will hatch into bugs, which will lay more eggs, and they will hatch into more bugs and so on…
Even if you cut off the hair, you should still check the hair.
If you need a lice comb, I have plenty in the office. Send me an email and I will be happy to send one home with your child.
Notification/DOE Lice Policy
It isn't necessary, but as a courtesy, if you let me know that your child has lice, I can let the other families know, so that they will be sure to check their children's hair. We will not broadcast your child's name. (See, I didn't mention anyone's name in this message.)
The truth is, even if the parents don't tell the teachers, in most cases, the kids tell us, or it is obvious because the child scratches their head so much. (Or comes to school smelling like tea tree oil.)
DOE policy says a child with lice CAN NOT attend school.
If your child has nits, the DOE says your child CAN attend school.
There really isn't a sure way to prevent getting lice, but there are effective ways to cut down on new cases of lice:
1. treat the hair thoroughly and properly for at least 2 weeks. That means coming the hair every day with a metal lice comb until you are able to wipe the comb with a tissue and the tissue is clean (no nits, no eggs, no bugs).
2. check the hair thoroughly and properly every week or every bath time as a parent expert suggests.
3. keep hair up, braided, etc. Remind kids not to share hats.
Thank you for your giving this your attention.
Some additional information can be found at:
After-school Options
CPE II Taller Latino After-school
CPE II will have a school-based, Taller Latino, after school for students in Pre K and up. This program offers Spanish through music and art, study time for older students and a variety of other activities. It will start on Tuesday, September 13, 2017 and operate from 2:40 PM to 5:30 PM on every full school day through Thursday, June 22, 2017. The cost for the full week program (2:40 to 5:45) will be of $70. Part time, drop in, and early dismissal options are available. This program is parent funded, with limited scholarships available. Email Naomi at Nsmith3@schools.nyc.gov with the heading TALLER LATINO ENROLLMENT. To sign up go to:
Other programs that CPE II children attend. Please note these are mostly for the elementary school. We are looking into more middle school options.
Free or low cost.
- Rising Stars Program at Union Settlement Ages 6 to 12 in year-round activities, including homework assistance, tutoring, computer instruction, visual and performing arts projects & recreational activities. Washington Community Center 1775 Third Avenue (98th Street). The contact person for intake is: Kinnisha Simpson, Program Director ksimpson@unionsettlement.org (212) 828-6132
- Children’s Aid Society The Children’s Aid Society East Harlem Center (East Harlem Center 130 East 101st Street) after-school program provides school-age children (ages 5-10) with a diverse range of activities and services focused on the social, academic, physical, emotional and cognitive development of children. Contact: Shameek Cunningham (shameekc@childrensaidsociety.org) Center Phone: (212) 348-2343
- Boys’ and Girls’ Harbor 212-427-2244), extension for elementary school is 475 extension for Harbor Teens is 145. Located on 104th and 5th, provides recreational and academic programs. Its after-school programs run five days a week until-6:00 p.m. Pickup is provided.
- Boys Club of East Harlem 321 E 111th St New York, NY 10029-3003 (212) 534-2661 PICKUP MUST BE ARRANGED.
- RBI has established a new afterschool program in collaboration with PS 171. The after school program will be open to grades K-5 and operate from 2:40 to 5:30 from October through May. This is a free program. We will send out information when it becomes available.
92nd St Y picks up from the school all five days, take them to 92y, where kids select a class, and can stay there until 6pm pick up. Kids can be picked up one to five days a week.
The link is https://www.92y.org/Noar for sign up. The best person to contact with questions would be: Julian Levine <JLevine@92y.org>
Breakfast and Lunch
You can find the lunch menu here:
If you want to send a home lunch, please be mindful of our healthy food policy which does not allow sweets (cookies, candy, cake, pudding, jello, sugary cereal etc) and chips. Fresh fruit, pretzels, crackers are ok. Only 100% juice, plain milk or non-dairy alternative or water. Please label containers and lunch bag.
September at a glance:
- First day of school: September 8, 2016
(Full day for students in grade 1 - 7, early dismissal for PreK and K)
- Second day of school: September 9, 2016
(Full day for students in grade 1 - 7, early dismissal for PreK and K)
- Monday September 12th Eid al-Adha School Closed
- Tuesday September 13th Full day of school for all students.
- Tuesday September 13th First day of Taller Latino afterschool
CPE II's Curriculum Night at the elementary school will be the evening of Thursday, September 22nd. This is an adult event to familiarize parents and guardians with the routines and plans for the school year.
Please note that on the web site there are proposed dates for family conferences, however, as usual, we will send out the CPE II dates at the beginning of the school year.
In addition we have 4 additional early dismissal days for professional development. On these days students are dismissed at 11:30 AM. This year they are
For a full 2016-17 SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR
NYC's Best Playgrounds: 14 Parks Worthy of a Subway Schlep
Jody Mercier is a CPE II parent and this is one of her very useful articles related to living with kids in NY.