Mustang Round-Up
Calm, Clarity, Compassion, Courage
Principal's Message
January 2025
Hello, TES Community!
I am happy to report that we have kicked off 2025 here at school in the best fashion. Students quickly settled back into the routines and structures of school after the long winter break. They are diving into mid-year assessments and showing us some impressive growth. And just as important, they are having fun! I have witnessed lots of laughs, connections, and genuine friendly reunions. All of that warms my heart in this chilly winter month. Thank you for sharing your fun-loving kids with us!
You will see below that we have more good things coming our way. First, this week we have a spirit assembly to honor our students on Friday which is followed by the monthly Fun Run. Then, next week we have auditions for the annual Talent Show. Choir also starts very soon! And, the Future Chef competition is here. All of these enable our students to succeed in important ways that aren't always reflected in regular school measures. I highly encourage you to help your child get involved. With a little encouragement, these little lights will shine brighter than ever!
On a more serious note, you have likely heard or seen information about our district's attendance campaign: Rise and Shine; Every Day Matters. We have been digging into our on-going challenges to understand why some students aren't coming to school on a regular basis. Though this problem isn't unique to Phoenix Talent, it is one that we take very seriously. We are already seeing the long-term effects of missing 10+ days a school year. It is not good, y'all.
The state sets a target of 90% regular attendance rate for schools. This equates to about 18(!!!) missed days a year. Which, in my humble opinion, is far too many. Our curriculum is designed for students to engage and participate every day so content knowledge and skills practice builds upon itself. When a student misses even 1 day, they come back out of the loop. Can you imagine doing that 18 different times during a 9 month period? I, a fully developed, educated adult, can barely miss one day a year at work without feeling behind or missing key information. Learning is a social process and when our kids miss this opportunity, holes grow bigger and bigger. Unfortunately, those holes can become isolating mirrors of self-doubt that turn into disengagement with school. This is a well-documented outcome from chronic absenteeism.
I share this with you not to make anyone feel bad or shame in any way. I truly believe that knowledge is power. As a single parent of a 2nd grader, I am living this reality with you. All of it can feel overwhelming and impossible. That is so real for many of us. But I am here to express that we, as a school and community, are here with you through the challenges. We have tools and resources to support you and your children reach every goal you want to set. The sky is the limit and we can (collectively) dream big!
I will be reaching out to families who have students in our target zone (less than 90%) to make plans for support. If you have a student(s) who struggles to attend school regularly, please start thinking about barriers we can help remove and supports we can put in place. Our community is here in partnership to take care of you, your family, and each other.
Thank you for everything you do for our children. These little humans all hold space in my heart and bring me hope for our future. I witness their care and compassion every day and leave work inspired to do better for them. It's an unreal gift that I will never take for granted.
Let's make 2025 one for the books and shatter every glass ceiling of possibility!
With every little ounce of my love,
💫 Ms. Lowe
Proud Principal, TES
Yearbooks On Sale! $12.00
Don't Delay, Ensure Your Copy Now!
Pre-order and pay for your yearbook by clicking this link
For cash/check payments, paper order forms are available in the office.
Please note all pre-orders must be received by May 30th.
Calling All Our TALENTed Students...
We can't wait to see our student's talent showcased at the Talent Show February 5th. Please read through the guidelines carefully, guardians must be present with their student. Reach out to the office if you have any questions.
Future Chefs Competion
Open to All 3rd-5th Grade Students
Fire up those ovens, it's the 15th Anniversary of the Future Chefs culinary competition! This year's theme is Main Dish. Please take special note of the following submission dates;
Online submission are preferred and due January 31st. Use the QR code to access registration and your recipe submission. Paper submissions are available and due January 30th.
TES Choir Returns 🎶
We are excited to once again offer this special after school activity for all our TES students. Choir only requires a commitment to practicing and participating. Practices will take place on Fridays, beginning January 31st and run through Friday, May 2nd 2:45-3:45. We will hold a spring concert scheduled for May 6th...mark your calendars!
Informational flyers and permission forms have been sent home.
*Please note, a student may not attend without their signed permission form returned to the office.
Become A PTA Member
Participating in our PTA requires very minimal volunteer time, but the pay-off of shaping activities at your student's school is huge.
Scan this QR code and easily complete the membership form, to become a TES PTA member. A family membership is only $10.00 per school year. Help support our school!
Remember, being a member does not mean to have to attend every meeting or function, it means you support our school and could be available to help occasionally.
Upcoming Events✔️
- Friday, January 17th 1:30 ~ 5280 Run
- Monday, January 20th ~ Martin Luther King Jr. Day ~ No School
- Wednesday, January 22nd 5pm-6:30 ~ Talent Show Auditions Grades. K-2
- Thursday, January 23rd 5pm-6:30 ~ Talent Show Auditions Grades. 3-5
- Friday, January 24th ~ Inservice Day ~ No School
- Monday, February 3rd ~ PTA Meeting in per or via Zoom
- Wednesday, February 5th 6pm ~ TES Talent Show @ PHS
- Week of February 10th ~ Spirit Week & Book Fair - Watch for more information
- Thursday, February 13th ~ Love of Learning Family Engagement Evening
- Monday, February 17th ~ Holiday, No School
Talent Elementary School ~ Home of the Mustangs
Principal: heather.lowe@phoenix.k12.or.us
Website: www.phoenix.k12.or.us/tes
Location: 307 Wagner Creek Road, Talent, OR, USA
Mailing Address: PO Box 296 Talent OR 97540
Phone: 541.535.1531
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TESMustangs/