Friday Focus
January 31, 2025
In this Issue...
- A Message from Marcie
- Valentine's Day Reminder
- Read-a-Thon Update
- Winter Booktacular
- Parker's Picks
- World Language Night (5th Grade Only)
- South Park VIP Day is Coming!
- Reminders about Phones and Watches (2nd Posting)
- Tech Tip Digital Hub
This Week in Pictures
- News from Early Learners
- Other Important Info
- Skate Night Sign up- 2/23, 5:20-7:20pm
- Mom's Night Out Sign up- 2/26 @ 7pm
- Domino's Pizza Fundraiser Cards for sale soon
- Volunteers Needed for the Winter Booktacular, 2/5
- Volunteer at Feed My Starving Children, 3/15, 2-3:45pm
- Valentine's Day Party photographers needed
- Bulls Game Fundraiser- 4/4 @7pm
A Message from Marcie
Dear Families,
This week, we noticed many students responding warmly when greeted at school or while walking through the hallways. Their thoughtful gestures help make our school feel like an even warmer, more welcoming place. It's wonderful to see kindness being shared and returned throughout our community.
Next Thursday, February 6th, we will wrap up the Kindness Challenge with one of our favorite philanthropy projects called Uncle Pete's Lunches where our students will make lunches for people in need. As you are doing your grocery shopping this weekend, we wanted to include the food list for the lunches so that our families can be prepared to pack the lunch sacks that were sent home yesterday.
All lunch sacks should include:
- 2 sandwiches (meat) on white or wheat, each in a plastic bag (no condiments or cheese)
- 2 hard-boiled eggs
- 1 small bag of potato chips or other chips/pretzels
- 1 piece of fruit: apple or orange (no bananas)
- 1 packet of cookies or a candy bar
- 1 small bottle of water or juice
- 1 napkin
Please consider participating in this worthy cause by packing a lunch in the provided lunch sack that was sent home this past Thursday and sending it to school with your child on February 6th.
Have a great weekend!
Valentine's Day Reminder
Our students will celebrate Valentine's Day with their classes on Thursday, February 13th. Per the District 109 Food and Allergy Management Plan, "Classroom parties, including holiday parties as well as birthdays and other celebrations in the classroom, shall be food-free. Students shall not bring food to give as gifts or share with other students (such as with Valentine’s cards)."
Thank you for your cooperation!
Read-a-thon Update!
We are happy to report that our Read-a-thon is off to a strong start! Our penguins have read 30,000 minutes and counting! Students will receive prizes at the end of the fundraiser for reaching benchmarks of minutes read, not to mention the Penguin Pride trophies for our top classes! Currently, Ms. Laughlin’s class has read the most at grades 3-5, Mrs. Merens’s class has read the most at grade K-2, and Mrs. Tadel’s class has the most donations! There’s one week left to join the fun. Contact Mrs. Jahng at kjahng@dps109.org if you need assistance getting your child signed up.
Winter Book-tacular
Winter Book-tacular is next week! This family event on February 5th from 5:00-6:30pm, is the highlight of our annual Read-a-thon. Come enjoy several different activities for families including blanket forts, storytime, VR, and reading to therapy dogs! And don’t forget to grab some hot cocoa and a picture with Parker Penguin! We hope to see everyone there!
Parker's Picks
Over the past week, a series of Masked Readers have been sharing their stories with the South Park students. While the characters might be familiar, our students have to guess which of the South Park staff are reading these familiar tales. Can you guess? The masks will come off Wednesday in our first-ever Masked Reader assembly!
We are in a Book! Watch Elephant and Piggie discover that a reader is reading them! How will the book end? Keep on reading!
Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons Pete loves the groovy buttons on his awesome shirt. But when they keep popping off and rolling away, will it ruin his day? Goodness, no!
Knuffle Bunny Knuffle Bunny is Trixie’s favorite stuffy. Trixie has never spoken words. How will she tell her daddy that Knuffle Bunny ended up in the washing machine by mistake?
Scaredy Squirrel Scaredy Squirrel is very cautious about leaving his nice, safe nut tree. The unknown is full of so many hazards! But when an unexpected event forces him to evacuate, will he learn that the outside world isn’t so scary after all?
- The Duckling Gets a Cookie?! Pigeon never gets what he wants! Why is Duckling such a lucky duck?! Watch as another of Pigeon’s classic complaints plays out differently than you might expect.
World Language Night for 5th Grade Families
Join the Caruso staff on February 20, 2025, from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. for a virtual Middle School World Language Night! Members of the DPS 109 World Language Team will provide valuable insights about the language options available at the middle school level.
World Language Night Meeting Link
Following the meeting, a copy of the presentation will be emailed along with a form to submit your student's first and second middle school language choice. Please be advised that minimum enrollments are needed to run 6th grade sections. Language selections will be due by Wednesday, March 5 at 8 a.m.
Also, on February 21, your 5th graders will have the opportunity to see the current middle school students perform skits and answer their questions about taking French, Hebrew, and Spanish in middle school.
South Park VIP Day is Coming! Save the Date Info Below!
Reminder about Phones and Watches (2nd Posting)
We have noticed many more students coming to school with new personal devices since Winter Break. This information was shared back at Curriculum Night, but in case you missed it:
- Phones should not be seen or heard at school.
- Watches should not be used to initiate or respond to text messages during school hours.
- If either becomes a distraction, the school administration will take student devices and parents/guardians will be responsible for picking them up.
Parents, if your child texts you during the school day, we encourage you to resist the urge to respond immediately. Instead, this is an opportunity to guide your child toward seeking help from the adults around them.
I understand how hard this can be—I’m a parent, too. When my own daughter texts me during school hours, I typically send her a simple emoji to let her know I’m here, but I don’t engage in a conversation. If she needs support, I reply with, "Please find an adult to help you."
By practicing this approach, we can work together to help our children develop self-advocacy skills and build confidence in trusting others to assist them. Thank you for partnering with us in fostering their growth!
Missed a Tech Tip? We got you covered!
In October, we began sharing weekly tech tips in our newsletters to encourage digital safety. If you missed a tech tip or just want to review them, we have a Digital Hub for you to view them at your convenience. Make sure to keep your eyes open for more tech tips to come in the following weeks!
This Week in Pictures
1st Grade Music Concert: Cookies!
5th Grade Music Concert: Snow Biz
Congratulations to the Proud Penguin of the Week!
News From Early Learners
When I Grow Up Day was a fun culminating celebration to end the week and our community helpers unit! Our students came to school dressed as so many different types of future professionals! It's a wonderful way to encourage them to dream big, while reminding them of our important message: "No matter what job you have when you grow up, we hope you will always be kind." Alongside this fun day, our classrooms are wrapping up their unit on community helpers, where we've explored the many ways people contribute to our communities and the different roles they play.
As we continue to focus on building literacy skills, our little learners are making great strides in encoding and writing. They’ve been "finding their brave" as they begin putting letters to paper, developing confidence in their writing skills. Our classroom communities are thriving, and we're proud to see students taking on leadership roles, whether through helping their peers or contributing to group activities. Early learners are excited to finally enjoy a bit of warmth during the winter months, making the most of the milder weather for outdoor fun! It’s been a joyful and productive week all around!
This week in Grady's Group, we focused on sharing and fair ways of playing, reviewing three key methods: Play Together (using toys jointly), Trade (switching toys), and Take Turns (waiting for a toy while the other plays). We also discussed how conflicts might arise during play and ways to resolve them. The group read Llama Llama Time to Share by Anna Dewdney, which highlighted Llama Llama's struggles with sharing his lovey. For home practice, parents are encouraged to use these vocabulary words with their children, guiding them to identify which of the three methods to use when conflict arises, and a timer can help manage turn-taking.
Early Learners Week in Pictures
Students Practicing the Grady's Group Skill
Impromptu Kite Flying Experiences
When I Grow Up Day Dramatic Play
Other Important Information ⚠️
- All visitors to South Park School MUST bring a valid driver's license or state ID card to the main office before entering into the building. Beginning this year, we will collect IDs during your visit and return it to you as you leave.
- If your child is going to be absent from school, you need to call or email us by 9:00 that morning. ** Call 847-945-5895, ext. 2103 and leave a message OR ** Email Nurse Nora Moskos.
- Please follow our morning procedures, and drop your children off at their regular grade level doors. If you choose to drive through the front circle at arrival, kindly stay in your car when you drop off to help us reduce morning congestion.
- K-5 drop-off is between 8:35-8:45 a.m. Students who arrive after 8:45 a.m. will need to enter through the front door of the school, as all other doors will be locked.
- Dismissal for all Kindy and 1st-grade walkers and car riders will take place at their grade level door.
- Early Learners drop-off/pick-up info can be found here.
- When parking in our Birchwood parking lot, please remember that our preschoolers are dropped off and picked up by the west end (closest to the school). Sometimes, their parents' cars can block a parked car from exiting for a few minutes. To avoid that, we suggest that you park closer to Birchwood Avenue.
Important Dates 📅
Friday, February 14th
- No School - Teacher Institute Day
Monday, February 17th
- No School - Presidents' Day
Thursday, March 20th (corrected date)
- Early Release at 11:40 a.m.
- Spring Conferences from 1:00-8:00 p.m.
- Non-Attendance Day
- Spring Conferences 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Monday, March 24th-Friday, March 28th
- Spring Break
2024-25 Music Concert Dates:
5th Grade - Wednesday, January 29th @ 6:00
4th Grade - Wednesday, February 12th @ 6:00
3rd Grade - Wednesday, April 9th @ 6:00 (new date)
2nd Grade - Wednesday, February 12th @ 5:00
1st Grade - Wednesday, January 29th @ 5:00
Kindergarten - Wednesday, April 9th @ 5:00 (new date)
Early Learners - Thursday, May 1 @ 5:00