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In the Middle
August 26, 2024
From the principal's desk...
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we start a new school year, I want to extend a warm welcome to each of you and share some thoughts about the journey ahead. It is a privilege to be the principal of a school community that values the growth and well-being of every student. I am committed to leading with compassion, and that commitment will be at the heart of all we do this year.
Middle school is a unique and sometimes challenging time for students. As they navigate academic demands, social changes, and personal growth, it is vital that they feel supported and understood. Our goal is to create a nurturing environment where every student feels safe, valued, and encouraged to be their authentic self.
Let’s focus on building a community where kindness, understanding, and respect are the foundation. By prioritizing compassion, we can create a school environment that not only challenges our students academically but also helps them grow into empathetic, resilient individuals.
Thank you for your continued trust and support. I am excited about the year ahead and look forward to the wonderful things we will accomplish together. Don't hesitate to contact me at dana.morel@scituateschoolsri.net or 401-647-4123 ext.2002 if you have any questions or concerns.
Warm regards,
Ms. Dana Morel
Important Dates
August 26th - 6th Grade Chromebook Distribution and Locker Night (See below for more info)
August 28th - First Day of School for Students
September 2nd - No School (Labor Day)
September 10th - No School (State Primary Day)
September 17th - Open House 6:00 - 8:00 pm
September 25th - PTO Meeting 7:00 - 8:00 pm
6th Grade Chromebook Distribution & Locker Night
Incoming sixth graders are invited to join us in the middle school cafeteria on Monday, August 26th to swap out their old Chromebook for a new one and receive their locker assignment. They can bring their school supplies to store in the lockers and get some practice using their combination lock. We've found students do well with a standard combination lock or the one with a 4-digit code that you can set to their lunch code. Linked HERE is an example. Our sixth grade team leader, Ms. McCarthy, will also be joining us to answer any questions. To cutdown on the influx of students arriving at once, please arrive at the time according to the information below.
6:00 pm Last Names Beginning A-D
6:30 pm Last Names Beginning E-M
7:00 pm Last Names Beginning N-Z
School Supplies Lists
First Day of School
Students are encouraged to print or save their schedule so they are prepared for the start of school on Wednesday, August 28th at 7:45 AM.
Doors open at 7:20 am.
Students should report directly to their designated location.
6th grade - middle school cafeteria
7th grade - high school cafeteria
8th grade - auxiliary gymnasium
Traffic Reminders
- The middle / high school uses a one-way traffic pattern entering from Trimtown Road, looping around the middle school, and exiting onto Rockland Road.
- No vehicle should pull through the main driveway or enter the circle during morning arrival.
- All students being dropped off in the morning must enter the auditorium parking lot, turn right, drive around the middle school and students should enter the door near the greenhouse/Caito Field.
- The Student Drop-Off Door closes at 7:45 AM. After that, middle school students should get buzzed in through the doors near Guidance.
Welcome Back from Nurse Makowski
Dear Spartan Families,
Welcome back to the new school year! This letter contains some useful information and links for the upcoming school year.
Over the Counter Medication Administration
The school nurse is authorized to dispense over the counter medications to students with parental permission. If you prefer the nurse not call prior to administering an OTC medication, please complete this google form for the upcoming school year.
Physical Exam and Immunization Requirements
Emergency Care Plans
Medication orders and care plans do not transfer from year to year. Attached below are health forms for the upcoming school year. Please have your child’s physician complete any needed forms and return them to the Health Office on the first day of school along with their emergency medication. Students may self carry inhalers and Epinephrine auto injectors with written authorization from their prescribing physician.
Please remember to update the health office yearly with any new health problems, diagnoses, immunizations, allergies and medications that the school may need to be aware of. This should be indicated on an updated physical.
Remember, if your child is participating in school sports they must have an updated physical on file. I am looking forward to another school year! Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Sarah Makowski RN, BSN, CSNT
School Nurse
Scituate Middle and High School
Scituate Middle School (401) 647-4123 (Fax) (401) 647-4104
Scituate High School (401) 647-4120 (Fax) (401) 647-4126
Chartwells Information
The Scituate School Department has partnered with Unite Us to streamline the process of applying for free and/or reduced lunches.
Please click the link which will take you to the meal benefit application on the State of Rhode Island Department of Education website.
Please fill in all fields. Be sure to select Scituate Public Schools in the field “Select the school district that your child will receive school meals from”.
If you have any questions, please call: Jennifer Carnevale, Executive Finance Assistant at 401-647-4100 option 2, then option 3
Student Attendance Policy
The purpose of the Scituate School Department (SSD) Attendance Policy is to bring students and teachers together so that learning can take place. Attendance at school is a serious matter and time lost from class, including tardies and early dismissals, is irretrievable. Studies show that attendance is directly related to a student's success in school. Attendance records are also part of a student's permanent record, which may be passed on to any organization seeking references. Rhode Island state law (RIGL 16-19-1) requires all students between the ages of six and sixteen years to be registered in and attend school regularly.
Recording and Reporting Absences, Tardies, and Early Dismissals
1. All absences, tardies and early dismissals are recorded and reported as unexcused until an appropriate excuse is provided in writing.
2. A parent/guardian is required to call the school to report their student's absence. The school will attempt to contact the parent/guardian regarding absences if the school has not been notified. This contact does not imply that such absences are excused. Parent/guardian permission, in and of itself, is not recognized as a legitimate excuse for absences.
3. Teachers shall take daily attendance and class period attendance at the secondary level. Teachers shall notify administration when a student is not in class and not listed as absent on the daily attendance sheet.
4. A list of absent students will be generated for each school day.
5. Any combination of six(6) tardies and/or early dismissals shall be considered one unexcused absence.
6. Following four (4) unexcused absences, which may include tardies, and/or early dismissals, the school will contact the parent/guardian to notify them of the attendance concerns and provide a copy of the attendance policy for their review.
7. Following eight (8) unexcused absences, which may include tardies, and/or early dismissals, the school will contact the parent/guardian in writing requesting a meeting. A referral may be made to the Attendance Officer.
8. Following ten (10) unexcused absences, which may include tardies, and/or early dismissals, a referral will be made to the Attendance Officer and/or Truancy Court.
9. The timelines indicated in 6-8 shall be proportionally adjusted for students who are enrolled for less than one hundred and eighty (180) days.
10. Appointments with doctors, dentists, and other healthcare providers. should be made at times other than during the school day when possible.
11. Students with any unexcused absence, tardy and/or early dismissal on the day of a school-related activity ( e.g., dance, play, athletic event/practice) may not attend that activity.
Rhode Island defines being chronically absent as missing 10 percent or more of the academic year, or two days per month. The new data from School Year 23-24 demonstrates that statewide, chronic absenteeism declined by about 4.2 percentage points from the 2022-23 school year. This represents over 244,000 fewer absences! Throughout the last two years, we have decreased chronic absenteeism by nearly 10 percentage points.
Important Links
Happenings in the Community
Northwest SELAC (Special Education Local Advisory Committee)
The meeting schedule for the 24/25SY are listed below. The meetings will take place at Ponaganset Middle School, Room 150 at 6:00 pm.
Dec 10, 2024
Feb 11, 2025
May 13, 2025
Science Saturday 2024
Join us on September 7 between 10 AM and 4 PM for a family-friendly day on URI’s Narragansett Bay Campus to learn about the latest in coastal and ocean exploration, discovery and science. Along the shore of Narragansett Bay, URI faculty, staff and students will welcome friends, neighbors and future scientists to participate in behind-the-scenes tours, interactive experiences and conversations with a wide variety of ocean experts.
For the most up-to-date details and registration information, visit the Science Saturday webpage.
The Scituate School Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, religion, national origin, color, creed, political affiliation or disability in any of its educational programs and activities, and in employment and application for employment, as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1965, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and other federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Equal Employment Officer, P.O. Box 188, North Scituate, Rhode Island 02857, Telephone: (401) 647-4100; Email: EEO@ScituateSchoolsRI.net. You may also direct inquiries directly to: Office for Civil Rights (Boston Office), U.S. Department of Education, 8th Floor, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109-3921, Telephone: (617) 289-0111; Facsimile: (617) 289-0150; Email: OCR.Boston@ed.gov. If you require an accommodation to attend a meeting or program at a school, call the Equal Employment Officer at least two business days in advance of the meeting or program.