Erickson Elementary School
2024/25 School Year
October 2024
Start of the School Year Essential Items
- Bus Registration: Please register your students here.
- School Fees: Our $40 supplies fee can be paid online here or at the front desk.
- If your family is experiencing financial hardship and the school fee is a barrier, please contact the Principal, brian.hamm@sd8.bc.ca.
- Permission Forms: Please review and sign the essential forms sent home the first week.
- All students are recommended to bring a backpack, indoor shoes and a non-glass water bottle.
- Volunteer Information: We require that all volunteers have a criminal record check completed for the school year as well as the Volunteer Package. Click here to complete the process.
EES School Spirit Day and Monthly Themes
Everyday Erickson: September
School Planning Day Feedback
FIRST Lego League
FIRST is a sport where every kid can go pro.
Join us by emailing brian.hamm@sd8.bc.ca
Student Accident Optional Insurance
Did you know . . .
As a parent or guardian, you are responsible for expenses for student injuries that happen on school grounds or during school activities? Your child is not insured through the school district.
You have the option of insuring your child for unexpected accidents that occur while they are at school or elsewhere.
SD8 recommends that parents consider contacting an insurance provider or broker to find a company and a plan that suits your family’s individual needs for accident insurance. Any insurance provider or broker in your community can provide more information. You can also find consumer advice at the Insurance Council of B.C.
Below are two options for voluntary purchase of student accident insurance, listed for your convenience. This list is not exhaustive, but offers two commonly used B.C. insurance providers specializing in student accident optional insurance.
Learn more by visiting our website here.
Update: New Cell Phone Policy
Starting in September, in harmony with other Creston elementary schools, students will be encouraged to leave their personal electronic devices, like smartphones, smartwatches, and Bluetooth earphones, at home. We are committed to nurturing a warm and engaging learning environment where students can fully enjoy social interactions, build meaningful relationships, and express their creativity. By limiting the use of personal devices, we hope to create more opportunities for the kind of play and connection that make our school special. If a student brings a cell phone to school, it will be safely kept in the office and can be conveniently picked up by a parent.
Please review our updated Erickson Code of Conduct outlining this modification below.
Thank you for your understanding.
Update: Parking Lot Changes
Thank you for your understanding.
Important Allergy Alert: Nuts
A child in our Erickson Elementary community has a life-threatening allergy to nuts, which can result in an anaphylactic reaction—a severe and potentially fatal condition. Even minimal exposure to nut products could trigger this reaction, making it essential for us to create a safe environment for all students. The request does NOT include seeds like sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and flaxseed.
To ensure the safety of this student and others with allergies, we kindly request that all families and students refrain from bringing any products containing nuts or nut traces to school. This includes snacks, lunches, and treats for classroom celebrations.
Creston is a close-knit and caring community, and we know that with your support, we can help protect the well-being of all our students. Please carefully check food labels before sending items to school and speak with your child about the importance of avoiding nut products while at school.
If you have any questions or require additional information about allergy-safe foods, please feel free to reach out to our office at clerical.erickson@sd8.bc.ca or call (250) 428-2363.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in making Erickson Elementary a safe and inclusive environment for everyone.
Essential Information
Bell Schedule
Start: 8:30 am
Recess Start: 10:30 am
Recess End: 10:45 am
Lunch Start: 12:15 am
Outside Time: 12:30 am
Lunch end: 1:00 pm
End of Day: 2:30 pm
The Month Ahead
Sept 30: National Day for Truth & Reconciliation - No School
Oct 1: Cross-Country Meet @ Canyon Park 2:00-4:00
Oct 7: EES Cross-Country Meet @ Wildlife Center 2:00-4:00
Oct 9: Photo Day 9:00am
Oct 14: Thanksgiving. No School
Oct 16: Early Dismissal 1:30pm
Oct 17: Early Dismissal 1:30pm
Oct 25: Professional Development Day. No School for Students
Oct 31: Halloween Parade
How to Access and Setup your MyEd Parent Portal
Foundational Skills Assessment for Grade 4 and 7 Students Info
The Erickson Elementary School Staff:
Erickson Elementary School promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law – prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation – in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service and facility in the school environment.
SD8 Strategic Plan 2024 - 2029
The Administrative Procedure and Policies below may be helpful for reference throughout the year. Please review them if you are unfamiliar.
Policy 410: School Choice and Catchment
Policy 430: Fees, Deposits, and Financial Hardship
AP 3312: Possession of Weapons or Explosives
AP 1101: Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity (SOGI)
AP 1106: Parent Involvement in Education
AP Appendix 1503 A: Animal in Schools for Curricular Purposes - Prohibited Animals
AP 2303 Volunteers: AP Appendix 2303 - School Volunteer Package Form_0.pdf.
Erickson Elementary Volunteer Webpage with Criminal Record check info and Volunteer Package.
AP 3203 Care and Handling of Sick or Injured Students at School
AP 3204 Student Medication: AP Appendix 3204 Request for Medication at School Form
Erickson Elementary School
Email: clerical.ees@sd8.bc.ca
Website: https://erickson.sd8.bc.ca/
Location: 3523 HYW 3, Erickson, B.C.
Phone: 250-428-2363