Northeast News
September 6, 2024
We had a wonderful week with all students in the school building! Our youngest learners in the PreK and Kindergarten did an amazing job adjusting to school! Not many tears at all! They are doing a great job! We are so proud of them!
Emergency cards were sent home last Thursday. Please be sure to look them over carefully and make any edits necessary. We must have your up to date phone numbers and emergency contact information on file. Once you have looked it over and made any edits, please return it to school. Health forms were also sent home for your signature and should be returned to school.
As a reminder, there are no cars aloud in the front of the school. That lane is for school buses and vans only. If you are dropping your child off late or picking your child up early, please do not drive in or park your car in the "school buses and vans only" lane. Thank you for your cooperation.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Tenaglia
Thursday, September 12 - Healthy Waltham Food Pantry
Saturday, September 14 - Waltham Day on the Waltham Common from 11:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday, September 25 - Early Release Day for Staff Professional Development. 1:00pm Dismissal and no afternoon PreK.
Thursday, September 26 - Back to School Night. 6:00-7:30pm. Open House format. Students are welcome to come with their adults.
Thursday, September 26 - PTO Restaurant Fundraiser - Jake and Joes
Thursday, September 26 - Healthy Waltham Food Pantry
Monday, September 30 - PTO Meeting @ Northeast Cafeteria - 6:30pm
Please see the following information about Northeast's Back to School Night on Thursday, September 26th from 6:00-7:30pm. This will once again be an Open House format where you can drop in to see teachers and classrooms any time within the time frame. Northeast students are welcome to join their adults to help show them around, however, all students must remain with their adults at all times.
Northeast Elementary School
Ms. Kelly McAvoy, Assistant Principal
Location: 70 Putney Lane, Waltham, MA 02452, USA
Phone: 781-314-5740