Aspire Awareness Academy
August 2024
This month's topic is courage. I chose courage because my birth month is August and I am a Leo, a symbol of courage and bravery. It works!
I found a wonderful website that does a great job covering this topic and I have used some of the material here. SoulSalt, "Be true. Be strong. Be focused" is in the business of Courage. Check them out here: https://soulsalt.com/about-us/
As defined by Dictionary.com, Courage is the quality of being ready and willing to face negative situations involving danger or pain. A close synonym is bravery. Showing courage is often thought
of as facing such situations without fear, but it also involves facing them despite fear.
An even better definition comes from Brene Brown, researcher and storyteller who's spent two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. Brene says, "Courage is a heart word. The root of the word courage is cor - the Latin word for heart. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage meant "To speak one's mind by telling all one's heart." Over time, this definition has changed, and today, we typically associate courage with heroic and brave deeds. But in my opinion, this definition fails to recognize the inner strength and level of commitment required for us to actually speak honestly and openly about who we are and about our experiences -- good and bad. Speaking from our hearts is what I think of as "ordinary courage.”
SoulSalt provides 10 ways to develop courage:
Do Something That Makes You Nervous
Practice Vulnerability Courage Exercises
Celebrate Every Win, No Matter How Small
If you click on the blue hyperlinks above, SoulSalt explains each step to becoming a bolder person.
I have supplied you with a fillable digital form to use as you go through these steps, click on the button below.
Courage Creators
I am currently working on an online course which is in the pre-launch stage. This course will take you on a self-discovery journey, providing various tools and strategies to help you navigate conflicts, anxiety, goal-setting, and more. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting venture with the tentative title: "Awaken Your Inner Force" (TBD).
Additionally, I have begun collaborating with NextPage Publishing to write my book. While it is still in the early stages, I have developed an outline with a set deadline and have commenced the writing process. Although I have considered several potential titles, I intend to finalize the title either when I am deeply immersed in the writing or upon completion. Look out for updates regarding the book's progress.
Later this month, I will be releasing a newsletter specifically tailored for "Empty Nesters," offering support and guidance for parents/caregivers transitioning into a new chapter of their lives. If you are interested in preparing for this significant life shift, I invite you to schedule a conversation with me to discuss further. Additionally, I will be opening up coaching slots for college students seeking guidance in managing academics and navigating the challenges of growing up, whether away from home or staying put. Stay tuned for more details on these upcoming opportunities in August.
COMING SOON: LOOK FOR ASPIRE'S NEW BRAND!! It is exciting, a new logo, a new brand and a new website!!
You Need To Read COREAGEOUS by Valerie Walsh
I highly recommend Valerie Walsh's book(s) on courage; you won't be disappointed. Drawing from her own experiences that required immense strength, she shares valuable insights and practical skills. Her work not only guides you toward a heart-centered life but also helps you cultivate resilience along the way.
Valerie Walsh
Corporate Flight Attendant, Author/Mental Health Advocate, CPT/COREAGEOUS Coach
How are you treating yourself this summer?
My Story of Courage
After spending some time on www.soulsalt.com, I began reflecting on my courage, bravery, and resilience. I decided to pinpoint four significant acts that required courage. Delving deep into my memories, I made a concerted effort to recapture the emotions I felt during those pivotal moments.
When I have to summon my courage (often not readily accessible, requiring a bit of digging), I experience a tingling sensation in my chest that radiates up to my throat. Taking deep breaths to steady myself, I prepare for the moment, knowing that I may feel a sense of suffocation as I confront what needs to be done. Sometimes, rather than anxiety, I am filled with a sense of excitement when I draw upon my courage.
These are the top four experiences that demanded courage from me:
- 1. Venturing off to college despite being a less-than-stellar student and disliking school
- 2. Embracing parenthood- no one told me all that can happen, what a trip!
- 3. Overcoming my relationship with alcohol (now celebrating almost 8 years of sobriety)
- 4. Walking away from a 19-year career, making 6 figures, and jeopardizing my pension, to take care of myself, my Dad, and my Mom who needed me during a family crisis.
During this reflection, I encountered a mélange of emotions, including the fear of failure, feelings of inadequacy, and moments of self-loathing. These intense emotions shook me to the core, instilling a deep sense of fear. However, through courage, I found a source of pride and personal growth, allowing me to navigate through these challenges.
How about you, what experiences did you have that required finding the strength and courage needed?
I want to thank Lyn Christian, who is a Master Certified Coach, 30 years in the business, and author of Soul Salt: Your Personal Field Guide to Confidence, Purpose and Fulfillment. Their website is awesome and I can't wait to read their book!
Lyn also co-produces the "What's Your Conversational Intelligence® Podcast with Judith Glaser https://lnns.co/_CX-8mzJcG0
Courage under the surface, when we are protecting those most precious to us.
Hello, I am Amy Jacques, an empowerment coach and the proud owner of Aspire, LLC. My primary focus is assisting women in crafting their next life chapter, delving into their passions, and finding their true purpose to live a fulfilling life. At the core of my coaching philosophy lies the concept of energy and its role in shaping our existence. Through various self-discovery and self-awareness exercises, I guide my clients toward empowerment, as I believe self-awareness is the cornerstone of personal growth.
I also coach men, though most my clients are women. But I am all inclusive.
Occasionally, I offer openings for high school to college-aged students
primarily focusing on executive function skills and fostering independence as they navigate the transition into adulthood.
For those interested in coaching, exploring more about my work comes at no cost—simply schedule an appointment to learn more.
Aspire, LLC
New Milford, CT
Virtual sessions, if you are local to New Milford and want
to meet in person please call or email me to let me know.