PBIS Tip-of-the-Month
October 2024
Moving Forward
Celebrating What Was & Embracing What Is
Welcome to Fall & October!
Almost two months into this school year and navigating the AEA changes has indeed resulted in a variety of emotions, thoughts, perceptions, and steps. It is my hope that through these changes we focus on what we can control, celebrate successes, and remain centered on the 'why' of what we all do to positively impact youth.
"In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety."
~Abraham Maslow
"You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won't happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, 'I don't care how hard this is, I don't care how disappointed I am, I'm not going to let this get the best of me. I'm moving on with my life.'" ~Joel Osteen
VIDEOS about change:
Navigate and Embrace Change | Simon Sinek (4 minutes 32 seconds)
Overcome the Fear of Change | Simon Sinek (2 minutes 1 second)
Wishing you a happy fall!
Melissa K. Wurth
PLAEA School Psychologist / SEBH Consultant / PBIS Coordinator & Trainer
A Focus on Continuous Improvement
PBIS Apps:
The September PBIS Apps Teach by Design article, Unlock Your PBIS Potential With a Continuous Improvement Cycle, brings to life that "implementing PBIS means continuously looking for ways to improve what you already do." The continued and repeated evidence of the PBIS Framework has shown that to "achieve the [intended] academic & behavior outcomes requires a sustained level of implementation and 'a continuous regeneration of the practice through processes of monitoring, assessment, practice adaptation, and continued improvement.'"
This article goes on to describe a well-known continuous improvement process by Dr. W. Edward Deming referred to as the Deming Wheel or Deming Cycle. This process consists of the following four steps, which are designed to be repeated for engagement with continuous improvement:
1. Plan what's needed
2. Do it
3. Study what worked
4. Act to improve
Check out one more article, 3 Keys to Evolving as a Lifelong Learner. In connection to the above information, this Edutopia article describes how "engaging in a process of learning, unlearning, and relearning puts educators on a path to continuous improvement."
Connecting to Self & Others
"On the Road" & Action for Happiness
Bringing back a couple of resources shared in last year's PBIS monthly tips, the following links include a video from Steve Hartman's "On the Road" collection and the October 2024 Action for Happiness Calendar.
"On the Road" Video (20 minutes 54 seconds):
Kindness 101 with Steve Hartman: Optimism
If watching this video in its entirety in one seating is not possible, I encourage you to start with at least the first 7 minutes or from 1:40 to 7:00. The living example of optimism shared in this section of the video is a great reminder of what can happen if someone believes in something (or someone) even when others do not.
Action for Happiness Calendar:
Optimistic October 2024 and Join the Optimistic October Challenge
"Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress."
~Nicholas M. Butler
"Optimism isn't a belief that things will automatically get better; it's a conviction that we can make things better."
~Melinda Gates