EACC Connections
Spring 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to EACC Connections, the quarterly email newsletter from the Elkhart Area Career Center! Our goal with this newsletter is to keep you updated about events and opportunities at the EACC with news that is informative and quick to read.
Please be sure to follow our EACC Facebook page for day-to-day activity at the EACC and check out our EACC website for detailed information about our programs!
Mock Interview Day 2024
Each spring, EACC students put their best foot forward for their first industry job interview through Mock Interview Day.
What is a Mock Interview?
A mock interview is a simulated job interview. EACC students are matched with a professional volunteer from an employer related to their field of study. Mock interviews last 15-30 minutes and students are given feedback from the volunteers.
How do EACC students prepare for Mock Interview Day?
EACC students are focused on career goals and the steps necessary to achieve them from the moment they step foot into the career center.
Preparing for mock interviews means that students have fine-tuned their resumes, become familiar with what apparel is needed for a job interview in their field, practiced interview questions, and gained an understanding of how body language can impact the outcome of a job interview.
Mock Interview Day 2024
On March 21, over 180 industry volunteers from a wide range of job fields gathered at the EACC to interview students. Throughout the day, students buzzed with nervous excitement over the opportunity to discuss their resumes, qualifications, certifications, and career goals. Over 900 students participated, with some completing multiple interviews. An estimated 1,200 interviews took place over the course of the day!
See all the photos here: Mock Interview Day 2024
Feedback from Industry Volunteers
"I was happy to have an opportunity to connect with students who are looking towards a career in our field. We need talented, passionate people and I saw a lot of talent and passion in these young people!" -Veterinarian
"Some of the students were very eager to ask questions about the company that I work for and it was nice to share that information." -Rubber Products, Plastic and Thermoplastic Fabrication Human Resources Representative
"I enjoyed meeting the students and was inspired by their work ethic." -School District Administrator
"The CNC Machining program is a pretty impressive program. And the students that I personally spoke with were all AMAZING!" -Polyurethane Foam Fabrication Human Resources Representative
"I liked meeting young adults that were excited about preparing for the future. Gives me hope for our local area." -Construction Company Project Manager
"I was impressed by how prepared the dental assisting students were for the interview. I liked interacting with like minded students who are interested in dentistry and helping people." -Dental Practice Office Manager
"I was really impressed by a few of the students. It is encourage to know there are such fine young people out there." -Project Manager, University
Feedback from Students
Following mock interviews, we asked our students:
What is one thing you learned during the process of building your resume or participating in mock interviews?
"I learned the do’s & don'ts of building a resume and different interview skills such as questions to ask the interviewer, how to remain confident, etc." -Pre-Nursing Student
"How the more time you put into preparing, the better you do." -Construction Trades Student
"I have learned that making a good first impression is crucial to landing a position." -Education Professions Student
"Speaking to adults confidently." -Early Childhood Education Student
"I feel much better prepared for a real interview, I have a better idea of what questions to ask, and how to sound professional and confident." -Computer Networking Student
"Participating in the mock interview gave me a better insight on the opportunities available around us and how EACC students have the greater advantage as most have gained experience being involved with our internships." -Pre-Nursing Student
"I learned that it's good to list my credentials and emphasize my skills from earning certifications and being recognized for what I've accomplished. It makes for great perks to mention in my interviews." -Criminal Justice Student
"I feel more confident with my skills." -Graphic Design Student
"Helped me to be less nervous when talking to a professional." -Cosmetology Student
Stay Involved!
The Elkhart Area Career Center is always looking for new industry and business partners! Here are a few ways that EACC partners are involved in creating opportunities for students:
- Visit EACC programs and speak with students
- Host EACC students for a workplace tour
- Attend one of the EACC's three annual employer-student events
- Offer job shadow opportunities
- Create an internship position
- Serve on an advisory board for one of our programs
- Participate in EACC's advisory meetings or annual stakeholder meeting
- Sponsor an EACC event or program
- Establish a scholarship for EACC students
- Donate a new industry-specific gift or tool for an EACC graduate
Contact Brenda Metcalfe at bmetcalfe@elkhart.k12.in.us for additional information or to schedule a visit!
EACC Growth
Update on Construction Process
As mentioned in our last newsletter, construction is underway at the Elkhart Area Career Center to better serve our growing student population and skilled workforce needs. The EACC has two spaces currently under construction.
Surgical Services
The first space expands on EACC's successful Surgical Services Program, in collaboration with Ivy Tech Community College, by renovating the far north corner of the main EACC building and providing additional classroom and lab space. When the renovation is completed, the EACC will house a full-scale replica operating room. During the day, this space will be used by EACC students to advance their future careers in surgical services and sterile processing, and in the evening, Ivy Tech Community College will host adult programming of the same nature. This space is expected to be ready for students in Fall 2024.
EACC Main Building Expansion
The second space currently undergoing renovations is the front area of the EACC's main building. This expansion will provide additional classroom and lab space for our popular Criminal Justice, Veterinary Careers, and Exercise Science programs. This space is expected to be ready for students when the 2025-2026 school year begins.
CLICK HERE to see enlarged image.
Coming Soon: Student Success Center
As a result of relocating the Exercise Science program from the second floor to first floor, EACC will be centralizing all student support into a Student Success Center. This space will house EACC's instructional support team, which includes:
- Dual Credit (College) Math
- Dual Credit (College) English
- Dual Credit (College) Career Exploration
- Success Coach
- ENL (English as a New Language) Services
- Special Needs Coordinator
Centralizing these support services will provide a single location where EACC students can seek assistance with their schoolwork.
EACC Career Fair 2024: Tuesday, May 7
Registration Now Open!
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Times: 8:30-10:45am and 12:15-2:30pm
Location: Elkhart High School Gymnasium
Students will be seeking a variety of positions, including full-time employment, summer employment, job shadows, and internship placements.
Space is limited! Register Now!
Awards and Honors
Awards and Honors
Spring is competition and awards season for many Elkhart Area Career Center programs! Please join with us in celebrating our EACC students' outstanding accomplishments!
NTHS Induction
Earlier this month, a record-breaking 175 EACC students were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society!
The National Technical Honor Society is an educational non-profit that exists to honor, recognize, and empower students and teachers in Career & Technical Education. As the honor society for Career & Technical Education, NTHS serves over 100,000 active members annually in both secondary and postsecondary chapters across the country.
Since its founding in 1984, nearly 1 million students have become NTHS alumni. NTHS honors the achievements of top CTE students, provides close to $300,000 in scholarships annually, and strives to help connect education and industry to build a highly skilled workforce.
Students are nominated by their instructors, must have 3 or less absences and tardies, and have an “A” in their Career Technical Education Program at the end of first semester.
Congratulations to our new National Technical Honor Society inductees!
See the full list of EACC inductees here: NTHS Inductees 2023-2024 or check out the live-streamed video produced by the EACC's Audio-Video students: NTHS Induction Ceremony 2023-2024
SkillsUSA Regional Competition
SkillsUSA teaches teamwork, leadership and reinforces industry standards within each individual contest category. Students advance through district, regional, state, and national competitions. SkillsUSA provides opportunities to network, potentially meeting future employers.
Winners at the state and national levels can win medallions, scholarships, tools, leadership development materials & other awards. Over $1 million in scholarships are available through SkillsUSA annually. Every year at the national level a very select few are chosen to compete internationally.
Congratulations to our Regional SkillsUSA Winners! The SkillsUSA State competition will be held Friday and Saturday, April 19-20, 2024 at the Indianapolis State Fairgrounds. The first place winners at State will head to the National Competition held in Atlanta, Georgia, June 24-28, 2024.
Graphic Design
Law Enforcement
Construction Trades
Job Interviews
See the full list of EACC SkillsUSA Regional Winners here: SkillsUSA Regional Winners 2023-2024
American Advertising "Addy" Awards
The American Advertising Federation of Fort Wayne, Ad Fed, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and improving the advertising industry, fostering higher standards of practice in advertising, expanding recognition of advertising, and cultivating a better understanding of the economic and social values of advertising to all people. The organization coordinates annual awards to recognize excellence in advertising.
An annual awards ceremony is hosted to recognize outstanding work from the advertising industry, where EACC students are invited to compete against college students.
Congratulations to our 16 EACC graphic design and photography students who walked away with Gold, Silver, and Bronze honors! See the full list of award winners here: American Advertising Awards 2023-2024
Vincennes University: Anything But Hair Competition
Congratulations to Audrey Kinnison (1st place) and Natalie Padilla (2nd place) for taking top honors in Vincennes University's 2024 “Anything But Hair” Competition. The competition called for students to decorate a styrofoam mannequin head to represent an event or interest that stood out in their lives. Vincennes' had over 120 entries from career center and college students. EACC students earned three of the top 10 spots with 1st and 2nd going to EACC students.
Congratulations to cosmetology students Audrey and Natalie for their outstanding work!
Scholastic Awards
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are presented by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. The Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to identify students with exceptional artistic and literary talent and present their remarkable work to the world through the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. The Awards give students opportunities for recognition, exhibition, publication, and scholarships. In 2023, students across the United States and Canada entered more than 300,000 original works in 28 different categories of art and writing.
Graphic Design and Commercial Photography students brought home 16 Gold Keys, 11 Silver Keys, 23 Honorable Mentions, and 1 Honorable Mention Portfolio! Students who earned Gold Keys advance to the national awards!
Congratulations to our award winners! Check out the full list of winners here: Scholastic Art Awards 2023-2024
Indiana Association of School Broadcasters (IASB) Awards
The Indiana Association of School Broadcasters is an organization consisting of and supporting Indiana high schools and colleges to promote professional excellence and student recognition in the area of media education. IASB membership consists of secondary schools and post-secondary schools that offer academic, career technical education or extra-curricular programs related to electronic media.
Annually, the IASB Awards Ceremony recognizes winners from 42 different categories that span five different divisions in the broadcasting and digital media fields.
Congratulations to audio/video students Maya Baez-Leon and Fabian Montoya Marin for bringing home 3rd place honors in the Short Film category!
Midwest Museum of American Art: Youth Art Awards
Youth Art Month is an annual exhibit at the Midwest Museum of American Art. The exhibit is held annually in conjunction with National Youth Art Month and provides an opportunity for students,grades 9 through 12, who have realized success in the visual arts to have their work exhibited in a museum setting.
This exhibit focuses on the vitally important work carried out in the area of art education throughout the year and is unique because it seeks to explore topics in art education such as cognitive and emotional health and self and visual awareness, as well as, an appreciation of individual differences.
Congratulations to the following EACC students for their recognition!
- Tom Grove Memorial Award for Photography: Alani Guman Rios (Commercial Photography)
- Tom Grove Memorial Award for Photography: Aiden McFall (Graphic Design)
- Northern Indiana Artists Youth Art Award: Endesha Henderson (Commercial Photography)
- Goshen Photographers Guild Youth Award: Brendon Velasco (Commercial Photography)
Previous EACC Newsletters
Did you miss our previous newsletters? Now is a great time to catch up!
Thank you to our outstanding 2023-2024 sponsors!
A heartfelt thank you to Bane-Welker, Beacon Health System, Builders Association of Elkhart County, Gurley Leep, Marson International, and NIBCO. Your support helps ensure continued success and growth of EACC programs and students. We appreciate your support!
Interested in sponsoring the EACC? Contact Brandon Eakins at beakins@elkhart.k12.in.us
Do you have suggestions for the EACC newsletter? Was this forwarded to you and you'd like to be on the distribution list? Please email Brenda Metcalfe (bmetcalfe@elkhart.k12.in.us).