Cunningham Connection
March 23, 2025

Math Games in Grade 1
Principal Message
Dear Cunningham Families
I hope everyone had a great weekend and I hope to see many of you at the Wizards game today! Thank you for all of your support for the Read To Raise fundraiser. We are looking forward to sharing results with classrooms this week. It is not too late to donate for all the minutes students have read. Please read through the entire newsletter for important updates about upcoming events at Cunningham and in the district.
MCAS Schedule Reminder: Families in grades 3 - 5, please click here for the MCAS schedule. We have also included MCAS and other important dates on this school calendar linked to the Cunningham webpage.
Spring CASS Dates:
Looking forward to a great week of school!
Jon Redden
Upcoming Events
- March 28 - Cunningham Science Fair (9 am -11 am in Cunningham gym)
- March 31 - 5th Grade ELA MCAS (Day 1)
- April 2 - 5th Grade ELA MCAS (Day 2)
- April 2 - Preview of Grade 5 Growth & Development Program
- April 7 - 4th Grade ELA MCAS (Day 1)
- April 9 - 4th Grade ELA MCAS (Day 2)
- April 11 - Talent Show (8:45-10:15)
- April 14 - 3rd Grade ELA MCAS (Day 1)
- April 16 - 3rd Grade ELA MCAS (Day 2)
Save the date for our Spring Concerts!
- 4/5th Grade Concert: Friday, May 9 (9am)
- 2/3rd Grade Concert: Friday, May 23 (9am)
- K/1 Concert: Friday, June 6 (9am)
In this Issue
School News
- Cunningham Future Problem Solvers Move on!
- MPS FY26 Budget Update
- National School Breakfast Week
- Cunningham Talent Show
- Cunningham Science Fair
- 1st Grade Information Night
- MFE Teacher of the Year - Nominations are Open!
- Preview of Grade 5 Growth & Development Program
- Read to Raise is on NOW!
- Office of the AG - Rights of Immigrant Students to Attend School
- Music Discovery Night
- Harlem Wizards coming to MHS!
- Grease Tickets on Sale Now!
- Milton Summer Enrichment - Check out the fun!
- MCS April Vacation Camps - Registration is Open
- MCS Summer Camps at Cunningham and Tucker
- Forbes House Lincoln Contest
- Ramadan Food Drive
School News
MPS FY26 Budget Updates
Come join MPS leaders to learn about the budget process and proposal for FY26. These one-hour sessions will provide a brief overview and the chance to ask clarifying questions about what is included in next year's budget proposal, how it was built, and how the override would support our schools, along with all town departments. These forums are open to all MPS community members and are not school specific, so please attend the one that works for your schedule. We do not have the logistical capacity to record the in person meetings but the zoom meeting will be recorded and posted on the budget page. Please join us for a brief presentation and question and answer session on the following days:
March 26th 6-7 pm - Pierce Library
April 1st 8:30-9:30 am - Collicot/Cunningham Cafe
April 1st 6-7 pm on Zoom (link to attend) or One tap mobile: US: +13126266799,,92186903727# or +16469313860,,92186903727#
April 7th 6:30-7:30 pm - MHS Library
Please see Dr. Burrow's most recent budget update (3/20/25) linked here. The town wide override vote is scheduled for April 29, 2025, the date of the annual town election.
2025 Cunningham Talent Show
We had a fantastic "tryout" for the Cunningham Talent Show on March 6th and a fun first practice on March 11th. We look forward to continuing with our optional practices this week on both Wednesday morning (7:15-8:05) and Wednesday afternoon (3:00-4:00) for anyone able to attend. This year we have over 30 impressive acts that we know you, and all the Cunningham students, are going to love seeing at the show on April 11th (8:45-10:15). We are using the movie Wicked as our theme for decorations this year and students will be creating posters for their acts that go along with this theme. If anyone has leftover Wicked themed decorations from a birthday party, etc. that they are interested in donating, please let us know.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Emily McLellan (Music Teacher - emclellan@miltonps.org)
Andy Young (Assistant Principal - ayoung@miltonps.org)
2025 Cunningham Science Fair
Science Fair on Friday from 9:00-11:00:
The Cunningham Science Fair returns on Friday morning and we have over 150 students signed up! If your student has signed up, they will bring their project into the gym when they arrive, go up to their classroom so that their teacher can take attendance, and then return to the gym at 8:45 to prepare their display. Classes will be visiting the Science Fair from 9:00-11:00 that morning. Families are welcome to help their student set-up at arrival and stay/visit the presentations up until 11:00. We look forward to seeing all of the experiments and projects students have completed. Also, if you have a folding table that we can borrow for the presentations, please email Mr. Young (ayoung@miltonps.org). We have about 20 tables, but could definitely use a lot more! Thank you very much!
A Note from the Nurse
Information on head lice and When to keep your child home from school.
Head lice are common in school-aged children. Head lice have nothing to do with cleanliness or parenting skills. They are spread mostly by direct head-to-head contact that occurs when students cluster together. Best practice for prevention is regular surveillance checks by parents/ guardians at home. The hair and scalp around the back of the neck and behind the ears are likely places to find them. For your child’s well-being and to prevent further spread, you should take steps to eliminate lice from your child’s head. For further information and treatment options click on this link Head Lice: What Parents Need to Know
In order to be able to control communicable diseases in school, it is important to keep your student home when sick. This not only benefits your student but other children and staff in the classroom. Use the guidelines listed below should your student become sick, and do not hesitate to seek the advice of your healthcare provider.
Check your student every morning before sending them to school for any of the following influenza-like symptoms. If you are unsure of any symptoms, contact your school nurse for further guidance before sending your student to school.
Fever of 100 F or above
Sore Throat
Achy Body
Vomiting and/or Diarrhea
If your student has any of these symptoms when it is time for school, it is best that they stay home. NOTE: If your student has BOTH a fever of 100° F or more AND a sore throat or cough, it may be the flu. Report these symptoms immediately to your healthcare provider.
Generally, your student may return to school when they are symptom free and it has been 24 hours since the last instance of fever or vomiting/ diarrhea. However, there may be times when it is necessary for your student to see your health care provider before returning to school.
If your child has been diagnosed with a different disease such as strep throat, bronchitis, etc., follow your health care provider's recommendation, when to return to school along with Dr. note.
Celebration for Education - Save the Date!
The Milton Foundation for Education is excited to announce our Annual Celebration for Education will take place on Saturday, May 3rd at 5:30pm at the Boston Quincy Marriott. We will have another exciting Derby themed night filled with great food, dancing and live entertainment. Save the date, tickets will be on sale soon!
Preview of Grade 5 Growth & Development Program
The Milton Public Schools would like to invite you to our district wide program regarding Grade 5 Growth and Development. This program is offered annually to parents/guardians of current 5th grade students. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents/guardians to preview the videos that will be shown to grade 5 students this spring (The Puberty Workshop and Curriculum, Human Relations Media, Inc.).
- April 2, 2025
- 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
- Milton High School Auditorium
Upon completion of the videos, there will be time for questions and answers regarding the program. This is a powerful opportunity to gain knowledge and build skills to help engage your child in conversations about puberty. This program will be presented at your child’s school on April 17, 2025. Please feel free to contact your child’s school nurse with any questions.
PTO News and Events
District News and Events
Green Up Milton 2025
APRIL 12 & 13 (Sat &Sun)
Green Up Milton: A Call to Action for a Cleaner Community
No More Than Ever; Local Action Matters.
As spring arrives, the melting snow reveals litter blown in from cars, waste bins, trucks, and yards, clogging our roadways and waterways. This waste harms the environment, clogs drains, pollutes tree limbs, and contaminates waterways, leaching chemicals into the soil, water, and air. It also poses a threat to wildlife.
But we can make a difference! Join us for Green Up Milton 2025, a weekend dedicated to sustainable initiatives and activities, hosted by Sustainable Milton in partnership with the Milton Department of Public Works.
To participate, gather your group, choose a location, pick a day and time, grab supplies at Town Hall or the Friends of Milton Library Bookshop, and sign up today! Look for more information on our website about other ongoing events all weekend!
Milton Summer Enrichment
MSE registration will open on Monday, March 17th at noon. Check out all the fun (and details) on our MSE 2025 At a Glance brochure linked here.
We hope you'll join us for some fun and interesting classes, including:
- Ooey Gooey Sticky
- Hip Hop Dance
- Cook, Create, Celebrate
- Galaxy Gurus
- and much more!
Music Discovery Night at MPS!
Come celebrate Music in Our Schools Month at Tri-M’s Music Discovery Night! Designed for students in grades 3-8, this fun-filled evening will ignite your child's passion for music through hands-on activities and interactive experiences.
What to expect:
- Instrument Petting Zoo: Get up close and personal with a variety of instruments! From trumpets to tambourines, discover the sounds and textures of different musical tools.
- Music Technology Exploration: Dive into the digital side of music! Experiment with music apps, keyboards, and other tech tools to create your own unique sounds.
- Crafts & Face-Painting: Let your creativity shine! Design musical crafts and visit our fun face-painting station.
- Vocal & Instrumental Jam Sessions: Join talented high school musicians for interactive jam sessions! Sing along, play along, and experience the joy of making music together.
Join us on March 24th from 6-7:30pm 6:00-7:30 PM at Milton High School (drop in and explore different activities as you’d like).
- Vocal Session 6:15-6:45
- Instrumental Session 7:00-7:30 (bring your instrument!)
Come and join us for an engaging night of musical discovery. We can't wait to see you there!
Harlem Wizards coming to MHS!
The Harlem Wizards are coming to town! Milton Public School Staff will be playing against The Harlem Wizards on Sunday March 23rd at Milton High School. The game starts at 4pm and tickets can be purchased through this Link.
Grease Tickets on Sale Now!
Grease is the word! Tickets for MHS Theatre's Spring production of GREASE are ON SALE NOW! Grab your seats at this link before they’re gone. This will sell out! Performances as follows:
- Friday May 2nd at 7PM
- Saturday May 3rd at 2PM & 7PM
- Sunday May 4th at 2PM
MCS April Vacation Camps - Registration is Open
Registration for April Vacation Camps hosted at Cunningham and Tucker Elementary Schools opens at noon on Monday, March 10th on Arbiter Sports. All MPS students in grades K-5 are eligible to register for the camp site location of their choice.
Vacation Camps will be run on Tuesday, April 22 - Friday, April 25 at 8:30 am - 3:30 pm. Cost is $250 and there is no refund for days not used. The last day to cancel and receive a full refund is Friday, April 11.
For more information, please see the flyers below and the April Vacation Camp brochure. If you have further questions, please feel free to email the MCS Office at mcs@miltonps.org.
MCS Summer Camps at Cunningham and Tucker!
MCS Summer Camps Registration opens at noon on Wednesday, March 19th!
We are pleased to offer Milton Public Schools' current students in grades K-5 (rising to grades 1-6) the opportunity to attend a summer camp hosted at Tucker Elementary as well as Cunningham Elementary. Both of our summer programs, Camp Cunningham and Camp Tucker, are full-day licensed programs, each with its own unique features. Registration opens for both camps at noon on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 on Arbiter Sports.
We invite families to learn more about our summer programs and offerings. To facilitate this, we will host two information sessions at each elementary school. The details of the summer information sessions are as follows:
Collicot & Cunningham Schools: Thursday Mar 13, 2025 5:15 pm & 5:45 pm (Collicot Art Room, use cafeteria entrance)
Tucker Schools: Monday Mar 17, 2025 5:15 pm & 5:45 pm (classroom # use side door entrance)
Glover School: Tuesday Mar 18, 2025 5:15 pm & 5:45 pm (classroom # use side door entrance)
If you are unable to attend an information session, please review the Summer Camps 2025 Booklet for more information about Camp Cunningham and Camp Tucker. Check out the MCS Summer Camp Smore here or email the MCS Office at mcs@miltonps.org with questions.
Forbes House Lincoln Contest
The Forbes House Lincoln Contest is open! More information and guidelines for submission can be found here.
Grades K-5, Art: President Lincoln authorized the building of a transcontinental railroad in 1862. When finished in 1869, the railroad connected the states of Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and California. Depict a train making a stop in one of those six states. For older students, think about what trains looked like in the 1860s and what that part of the country may have looked like around that same time in history.
Important Links
Please note: If you change your child's dismissal during the day, please call the office (617.696.4285 ext. 2012) to ensure the message is received. If you need to dismiss your child early, please avoid picking them up between 2:30- 2:45 pm. At that point, some regular dismissals have begun, the office is busy with on-time dismissal and parked cars in the driveway are disruptive to vans and buses.
District Contacts
- Superintendent Peter Burrows, pburrows@miltonps.org
- Asst. Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Regina Watts, rwatts@miltonps.org
- Asst. Superintendent of Finance and Operations Catherine Blake – 617 -696-5041, cblake@miltonpas.org
- Director of Student Services, Danielle Wetmore – 617-696-5040 ext 5572, dwetmore@miltonps.org
- Transportation – 617-696-5040 ext 5510, bus@miltonps.org
- Milton Community Schools Director, Martha Sandoval – 617-696-5040 ext 5544, mcs@miltonps.org
- Director of Food Services, Natalia Perez, 617-696-4470 ext 5514, nperez@miltonps.org
- Director of Nursing, Kim Coughlin – 617-696-4470 ext 5517, kacoughlin@miltonps.org
- Athletic Director, Mike Bierwirth – 617-696-4470 ext 5515, mbierwirth@miltonps.org
- Student Registrar, Sarina Burke – 617 696-5040 ext 5516, registration@miltonps.org