MacArthur Notes
November 3, 2024
Principals' Update
Greetings MacArthur Families,
We have finished our first quarter of the 2024-2025 school year! We continue to partner with families in support of consistent school attendance. We aspire to have all children in school each day when healthy. Thank you for reaching out to communicate any barriers your family is facing related to school attendance to help us problem solve together. Please review the attendance reminders below for more information on how we are required to communicate with families related to attendance.
This week, our MacArthur School community met for an all school assembly to discuss our core values of leadership and kindness. We prepare for World Kindness Day on November 13th with a kindness competition each fall. Your child likely came home with their first MacArthur Kindness Boomerang on Friday. Thank you for brainstorming acts of kindness that your children can complete at home or at school and log them on their boomerang. We will be crowning our kindest classrooms during our November assembly. Students are encouraged to write down their kind acts, decorate their boomerang, add their name to the back, cut it out, and bring it back to school to decorate the halls of MacArthur. Last year, we completed approximately 1, 730 acts of kindness during November. We hope to top that number this year!
Our Multicultural Festival is less than three weeks away! Mark your calendar for Thursday, November 14th from 3:45 pm - 5:30 pm. Click here to sign up to participate. We are excited to celebrate his event once again. All are welcome to enjoy this special, community event! https://forms.gle/ATb4gn6yDwHw21Ut5
Congratulations to our 5th graders for their amazing two-voice poems to complement their Literacy learning earlier this week. The creativity and energy made for an exciting afternoon of presentation.
Feedback Requested: Waltham Public Schools is once again looking for your input via our twice a year family feedback survey. Link - http://surveys.panoramaed.com/waltham/family24 Please complete at your convenience. Information about the surveys can be found here in multiple languages. We continue to increase our participation and look forward to hearing your feedback on what is working well and what we could refine in support of making our school a more supportive and inclusive community for learning for our students and families.
Save the Date: Our MacArthur Winter Concert will take place on Thursday, December 19th. Times for each grade level band are being finalized and will be shared as soon as available.
Reminder: School will be closed for students on Tuesday, November 5th due to Election Day. Thank you for voting and donating to the 5th Grade Bake Sale/ Lunch Sale here. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0C48AFAB2CA6F58-51301266-election#/ Your help is greatly appreciated to benefit special events being planned for the 5th graders!
Have a wonderful week!
In Partnership,
Mr. Kmiec and Mr. Howes
Lunch Menu
Waltham Recreation
Healthy Waltham Food Pantry
Next Dates: Nov 7 & Nov 21
Notes from the Nurse:
Starting Monday Nov. 4th, we will begin conducting mandatory vision, hearing and scoliosis screenings. These school screenings are part of the Massachusetts law. If your student fails the screening, you will be notified and referred on for further evaluation.
Danielle King, BSN, RN
781. 314.5723
Attendance Reminders
Consistent schooling allows for students to feel a stronger connection to their school experience, a deeper sense of belonging, and the opportunity to make appropriate progress related to their academic and social goals. With your support we can achieve these goals together! Thank you for contacting Mr. Kmiec, Mr. Howes, or Ms. Santana with any questions related to attendance.
1) School Hours: 8:25 - 8:42 arrival window. Students are welcome to enjoy breakfast or wait with their class lines! Students arriving after 8:42 am are tardy. Dismissal is at 3pm. Thank you for prioritizing on time attendance to set your child(ren) up for success each day.
2) Absence Communication Phone Line: If your child is ill and needs to be absent, please call 781-314-5722 and leave a message on Ms. Santana's voicemail to record your absence. We are collecting data on illnesses and why absences occur to best support the school community as a whole.
3) Consistent with state guidelines, there is no classification between absences. All absences are considered unexcused (see bottom of page 35 in the Waltham Public schools elementary student handbook). If a family shares a medical note, it provides us with additional information for the absence and is logged in your child's attendance profile. However, it does not excuse an absence.
4) School Required Communication: After your child reaches five absences, schools are required to communicate with families that you have met this threshold per Mass General Law (see Elementary Student Handbook for more information). Letters are shared with families to update them about the importance of consistent school attendance. When necessary, meetings are scheduled to outline action steps to improve attendance.
5) Chronic Absenteeism: Schools receive an accountability rating related to their absenteeism rates each year. Chronic Absenteeism refers to students who miss 10% of school days, otherwise known as 18 absences in a school year. Each year, we strive to reduce our level of chronic absenteeism to ensure all of our students have the opportunity to make appropriate growth in school. If your child is approaching the chronic absenteeism benchmark, MacArthur administrators will be meeting with you to identify barriers to attendance and create action steps necessary for families to meet the requirement of having their child in school.
During the 24/25 school year, we will be communicating regularly with families to share more about our attendance data. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any attendance questions to help us continue to collaborate in support of our children. Your partnership is appreciated!
PTO Notes
NEXT PTO MEETING: Join us for our November PTO Meeting on Tuesday, November 12th at 7pm. Link will be included here next week.
MacArthur Cookbook
The MacArthur PTO has extended the date for recipe submissions! Please help us make this possible and submit using the form below. https://forms.gle/WU8Xx5KPMHUpq6PK9
Sip & Script - Parents Night Out
Join the MacArthur Elementary PTO
November 25th 6:30 PM
Craft Food Hall Waltham MA
Class includes 1.5 hours of instruction and demonstration, our beginner’s calligraphy kit (two nibs, black ink pot, 2 letter guides, tracing paper, and straight pen holder), and all materials to write on. Everything is yours to keep at the end of the workshop!
Feel free to come early, grab your seat, and purchase any food or drinks (food and drinks are available to purchase throughout the class, too!).
Class will start promptly at 6:30 PM!
A percentage of sales will be donated to the MacArthur Elementary School PTO!
Purchase tickets using the link below.
https://sipandscript.com/event/private-event-modern-calligraphy-with-macarthur-school-pto/ (https://sipandscript.com/event/private-event-modern-calligraphy-with-macarthur-school-pto/)
Charleston Wrap
Organization ID 2327
Charleston Wrap fundraiser is almost over !! Please share the link and get your ordered submitted ASAP!
It's one of MacArthur PTO largest fundraisers. All orders placed online are 40% profit except for personalized items and boutique items, which are 30% profit. Please click the link to shop.
For any Questions contact KatieRyanBrowne@gmail.com
MacArthur Elementary School
Absence Line - (781) 314-5722
Email: kevinkmiec@walthampublicschools.org
Website: walthampublicschools.org/macarthur
Location: 494 Lincoln Street, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: 781-314-5721