Teacher Business Boot Camp 2025
Erie County - 2025
About this experience...
This summer, teachers, career coaches and school counselors from districts in Erie County will have the opportunity to participate in the Fourth Annual “Teacher Business Boot Camp” being organized by Erie County’s Business Advisory Council, North Point Educational Service Center, Greater Sandusky Partnership, and Firelands Forward.
This program will show teachers what really goes on behind the scenes in the manufacturing, healthcare, professional services, and tourism sectors of the county. Participants will tour six sites and gain first-hand experience about the rewarding careers available in these industry sectors of Erie County and the skills students need to obtain and retain these positions.
The schedule for the five-day Boot Camp experience includes:
Day 1 (August 4, 2025) – Orientation: 8:30 AM – Noon
Day 2 (August 5, 2025) – Interactive tours of two different companies and a conversational lunch with industry leaders: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Day 3 (August 6, 2025) – Interactive tours of two different companies and a conversational lunch with industry leaders: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Day 4 (August 7, 2025) – Interactive tours of two different companies and a conversational lunch with industry leaders: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Day 5 (August 11, 2025) – Wrap Up/Presentations: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Teachers and counselors who are selected for participation in the Boot Camp will receive the following benefits:
· Three graduate level credits from Ashland University. (This is a $540 savings being funded through a generous workforce development grant by the State of Ohio and local sponsorships)
· Materials to use in the classroom based upon information learned throughout the week. All educators will be required to create a project/unit to use with students during the 2025-26 school year.
· Instruction and guidance from top-level professionals at participating businesses, North Point Educational Service Center, and Erie County Economic Development Corporation.
The cost for each participant is only $50 for this dynamic five day experience.
Deadline to apply is April 11, 2025. Notification of acceptance into the program will occur by mid April.
What did teachers and counselors from Erie County's previous Boot Camp experiences have to say?
“The Erie County Teacher Business Bootcamp was truly eye opening. There are a wealth of opportunities in our area for students who wish to directly enter the workforce after high school and for students who wish to return to Erie County to live and work after completing a post secondary education program. The job of all educators is to inform students of these vast opportunities and to prepare students with the skills needed to be a successful employee and citizen. We can all work in partnership to improve the success of our students, businesses, and Community. ” -- Katie Harkelroad, Vermilion Local Schools
“The Erie County Boot Camp opened my eyes to the needs of area businesses and how educators can work with students to prepare them for careers in Erie County, Ohio. It was fascinating and fun to tour area businesses and learn how they operate. I am so proud to live and work in Erie County, Ohio.” - Mary Darr, Perkins Local Schools
“The teacher business boot camp was a great learning experience. It definitely gives you a greater appreciation for the complexities that many of the manufacturing businesses in our nation maintain, and manage seamlessly.”- Gabrielle Constante, Sandusky City Schools
“I learned so much more than I imagined. We have some amazing opportunities for our students right here in Erie County. Participating in this program was extremely eye opening, very interesting, and has gotten me excited to head back to school this year. I think every high school teacher should go through this program. Yes, state standards are important...but the Teacher Business Boot Camp showed me what else we all must try to teach our students. Sign up. You won't regret it!” - Roger Blevins, Huron City Schools
“As the Global Internship Experience Coordinator for Sandusky City Schools, this Boot Camp provided an incredible opportunity to not only connect our students to potential internships, but also to share with students that Erie County offers incredible employment opportunities post high school and/or college.” -- Brandy Bennett, Sandusky City Schools
“The Teacher Business Boot Camp was a remarkable program that will greatly impact my teaching for years to come. It opened my eyes to so many aspects of our local businesses. The best part was how each teacher was able to customize their experience to fit their needs based on the questions asked and how the final project was applied. I can’t wait to share this new insight with my students. I also appreciate the newly formed relationships with local businesses and teaching colleagues.” -- Jenni Seel, Edison Local Schools
“It is amazing what we do not know and how much this week can better inform us (teachers) for our students. I loved every part of the boot camp and was impressed by all the businesses!” - Rachael Kaufman, Huron City Schools
“I am so glad that I was able to participate in the Erie County Teacher Boot Camp. I have learned so much valuable information about area businesses and the local opportunities for our students. I am excited to share the resources and knowledge I obtained by participating in this program! We all know that knowledge is power, and the more information we can get to our students the better. If you have the opportunity to attend the teacher boot camp, I highly recommend it!!” - Rachel Lill, Vermilion Local Schools
North Point Educational Service Center
Email: csanchez@npesc.org
Website: www.npesc.org
Location: 4918 Milan Road, Sandusky, OH, USA
Phone: 419-627-3900
Twitter: @NorthPointESC