Psychology Newsletter
December 2023
Important Deadlines
Regular Academic Session Courses (08/21/2023 - 12/06/2023):
- 12/6/2023: Last day to request a complete withdraw from all classes in the term. Last day of class.
- 12/7/2023: Reading day, no classes.
- 12/8/2023: Final exams begin.
- 12/14/2023: Final exams end. Final grades are available in UAccess as soon as the instructor posts them.
Seven Week Second Session Courses (10/12/2023 - 12/06/2023):
- 12/6/2023: Last day of class.
- 12/7/2023: Reading day, no classes.
- 12/8/2023: Final exams begin.
- 12/14/2023: Final exams end. Final grades are available in UAccess as soon as the instructor posts them.
- 12/18/2023: FIRST DAY OF WINTER CLASSES. Last day to use UAccess for adding classes, changing classes, or changing sections.
- 12/19/2023: Last day to drop without a grade of W. Last day for a refund. Instructor approval required on a Change of Schedule form to ADD or CHANGE classes.
- 12/22/2023: First day of holiday closure, no classes.
- 12/25/2023: Last day of holiday closure, no classes.
- 12/30/2023: Instructor's and dean's signatures are required on all Change of Schedule forms to ADD or CHANGE classes.
- 1/1/2024: Last day for students to withdraw from a class online through UAccess. Last day to file for Grade Replacement Opportunity (GRO).
- 1/2/2024: Instructor and dean's signatures required on a Late Change Petition in order to withdraw from class and students must have an extraordinary reason for approval.
- 1/5/2024: Last day for students to submit a Late Change Petition to their college.
- 1/9/2024: Last day of class.
Important note: this is not an exhaustive list of all dates and deadlines.
Contacting Psychology Advisors
Appointments can be scheduled with your assigned advisor or you can search all Psychology advisor availability via Trellis.
Advisor Assignments:
- Rani Metz advises Psychology majors and minors with last names beginning A-D, F & G
- Melanie Lipton advises Psychology majors and minors with last names beginning E, H & I
- Randy Yazzie advises Psychology majors and minors with last names beginning J, K, L, M
- Alan Truong advises Psychology majors and minors with last names beginning N-Z
- Ryan Smith advises Psychological Science & Pre-Psychological Science major
Attend Zoom Drop In Advising on Wednesdays from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Zoom link:
- You will be placed in a virtual waiting room. Please make sure your screen name is accurate and you have your student ID number ready
- We will meet with students on a first come, first served basis. Wait times may vary.
- The meeting duration is up to 10 minutes. If you need additional support, you will be referred to an appointment with an advisor at a later date.
- The Zoom drop in room could be locked before 4:00 pm if capacity is reached.
Fall 2023 Finals Season Resources
Make Or Pick Up A Free Finals Goodie Bag!
Dates: Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Time: 4pm – 6pm
Location: Make a goodie bag-CATalyst Studio OR just pick up a pre-filled goodie bag-Room B252
Description: Take a creative break! Stop by our makerspace, CATalyst Studios, in Main Library, to create your own stamps from erasers, like the one used in the photo.
We'll show you how and provide all materials needed.
Then, decorate a goodie bag and fill it with treats and supplies to help get you through finals.
Or, just come to B252 and pick up a pre-filled bag. It's your choice!
Free Snacks for Finals!
Dates: Friday, December 8, Saturday, December 9, and Sunday, December 10, 2023
Time: Starts at 7pm until supplies are out
Location: Main Library Lobby
Description: Pick up your pick-me-up to recharge for finals! Limited supply, so get them while they last!
Finals Study Break: Pause for Paws
Date: Saturday, December 10, 2023
Time: 3pm – 5pm
Location: Inside the Main Library on the 2nd floor lobby
Description: Take a break from studying for finals and visit with cute therapy animals from Pet Partners of Southern Arizona!
Career Corner
Welcome to the Career Corner Column, December 2023 Edition
Do you want to increase your chances of being competitive in your career field after graduation? Do you want to increase your chances of starting with a higher salary? You should definitely consider gaining some hands-on experience during your undergrad!
Did you know you can earn credit towards your psychology degree while test driving your career, building your resume, expanding your network for potential future possibilities, increasing your likelihood of obtaining a job/grad school admission post-graduation by 50%, and potentially increasing your starting salary?
Hands on experiences include Directed Research in a Lab, Internships, Preceptorships, or Volunteering.
Here are the 3 easy steps:
- Find, apply, and obtain your position in any of these experiences,
- Download, save, and complete the corresponding form with your supervisor/faculty advisor,
- Submit the corresponding form to the correct email address (found on top of each form) the semester before you would like to earn credit.
Explore your opportunities for any of these experiences here: Click here
We have Shanda Romans, our dedicated Experiential Learning Coordinator to help you out with any of these steps! All you have to do is schedule an appointment via Handshake using this link: Click here
If you are a psychology minor, please email
Could you benefit from taking a class that walks you through the process of preparing and applying to graduate school in Psychology and related fields? If so, consider registering for PSY 396C on UAccess now!
Are you actively applying to graduate school? Do you need a professional to review your Resume and
Personal Statement? If so, please check out the following services:
- Resume/C.V. Editing dropbox You can upload your Resume/CV and get professional feedback within 2-4 business days from professionals at Student Engagement Career Development.
- Personal Statement Tutoring is available via drop-ins or you can drop in or schedule a tutoring appointment to help you write/edit your statements with the Writing Skills Improvement Program.
I'm excited to share that we will have at least 10 (probably more) events this Spring 2024 semester. I'm working hard to update the schedule on our website before you leave for break. Please bookmark the following page and check back often: Career Prep Events
Career Core by Kaplan: Getting Started with Career Core with Coach Devon
Date: Saturday, December 2, 2023
Time: 2pm – 3:30pm
Location: Virtual Session
Description: Looking to jump start your journey to a fulfilling career? This orientation session will introduce you to the wealth of career exploration and career readiness content available through Career Core. The facilitator will show you how to navigate the Canvas platform, help you figure out where to dive in, and share tips about how to get the most out of the live coaching sessions.
Zoom room:
Link to more info and RSVP:
Career Core by Kaplan: Exploring a Career in Finance Services w/ Coaches Alec & Annie
Date: Monday, December 4, 2023
Time: 5pm – 6pm
Location: Virtual Session
Description: During this session, your coaches will share more about their own career journeys, the breadth of career opportunities in this industry, and their advice for exploring/pursuing those careers. There will also be time for open Q&A.
Zoom room:
Link to more info and RSVP:
Career Core by Kaplan: Creating Your Career Action Plan w/ Coach Alec
Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Time: 5pm – 6pm
Location: Virtual Session
Description: In this session, your coach will help you identify key learnings from your career preparation work so far and create your action plan. You’ll also workshop setting SMART goals to help guide both your immediate next steps and your longer-term career planning.
Zoom room:
Link to more info and RSVP:
Career Core by Kaplan: Maximize Your LinkedIn Presence with Coach Dii
Date: Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Time: 5pm – 6pm
Location: Virtual Session
Description: Learn how to use LinkedIn as a tool for career exploration, networking, and your eventual job search. Hear your coach’s best practices for developing an effective LinkedIn profile, and you can even volunteer to have your profile reviewed live!
Zoom room:
Link to more info and RSVP:
Career Core by Kaplan: Landing Your First Job After College with Coach Lucas
Date: Thursday, December 7, 2023
Time: 6pm – 7pm
Location: Virtual Session
Description: As your graduation date approaches, trying to find your first job after college can feel like a game of musical chairs as the chairs dwindle and the anxiety increases. In this session, your coach will share practical resources and concrete action steps you can take to land that first job as well as non-traditional ways to keep building your career and skills post-graduation.
Zoom room:
Link to more info and RSVP:
In closing, If you have an idea for an event or want to learn about something specific related to career, professional, and graduate school preparation, please email me directly at I will see what I can do!
"Together, We Got This!"
Christy M. Ball, M.Ed.
Associate Professor of Practice
Director, Undergraduate Career Development
Shanda Romans
Experiential Learning Coordinator
Stressbusters Health & Wellness App
A FREE mental health app for all students!
- Guided meditations
- Relaxation videos
- Daily reminders
- Positive affirmations
- Campus Health & Wellness Events
- How-To videos
- Free 5-7 minute back rub events
- Health links
University Libraries
Find a place to study and collaborate
Get the technology you need
- Borrow laptops, tablets, WiFi hotspots, and more
- Charge your devices
- Create and innovate in CATalyst Studios
- Make and print 3D objects
- Use computers at the library
- Use specialty software
Find sources for your papers
Do better on your assignments
Victim Services Division of the Pima County Attorney’s Office Crisis Intervention and Victimology Training
This is a well-structured, comprehensive, and hands-on training. The training teaches basic crisis intervention skills, concepts, and techniques. In addition, it examines various types of crimes and the specific victimization dynamics that victims of crimes may face, including common trauma reactions. This training is also the gateway into volunteering or participating in an internship with the Victim Services Division.
The training will be held at the Tucson Police Department Substation located at 1310 W. Miracle Mile Rd. from 6:00pm-9:00pm every Tuesday and Thursday from February 6, 2024, through February 29, 2024. Anyone interested in attending the training or volunteering with the division must come to one of the informational sessions.
Washington State University’s Improving Prevention Through Action (IMPACT) research lab is looking for a research coordinator to join our group. The IMPACT lab conducts action-oriented, mixed-methods research on quality program implementation and sustainability, as well as conducting evaluations of evidence-based preventive interventions. In doing so, IMPACT aims to understand and close the gap between science and the real-world practice of prevention in Washington State and beyond. The coordinator will contribute to and help lead all aspects of the lab’s research, including working on grant proposals, contributing to scholarly writing/presentations, project management, budgeting, and supervision of undergraduate/graduate students.
External (non-WSU employees) applicants can apply here. Current WSU employees can apply here. The position will remain open until filled and application screening will begin November 12thth, 2023.
Please contact Clara Hill ( or Cassandra Watters ( if you have any questions.
Scholars Committed to Opportunities in Psychological Education (SCOPE)
SCOPE is a mentoring and training program for racial and ethnic minority undergraduate students interested in attending psychology graduate school
For more information, review the webpage here:
Intro to Psychology en español - PSY 101 taught entirely in Spanish in Spring 2024!
PSY 101 - 003 Introduction to Psychology
Curso que abarca una visión general de la psicología, incluyendo historia, sistemas y métodos; estructura y funciones de los sistemas nervioso y endocrino; aprendizaje; motivación y emoción; percepción; memoria; pensamiento y lenguaje; personalidad; desarrollo; cognición y comportamiento social; psicopatología y psicoterapia.
This class is taught entirely in Spanish. 4th semester proficiency in Spanish required for
success in this course.
Class Information:
Hybrid (Flex In-Person)
In Person: TuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PM
Course has an Online component through D2L
Gen Ed: Exploring Perspectives, Social Scientist.
(open to all majors)
Enrollment Requirements:
- Enrollment not allowed if you have previously taken PSY 150A1 or INDV 101 "The Structure of Mind and Behavior"
- Fourth semester proficiency in Spanish required
- Department Consent Required, please email: if interested in enrolling.
ANDSA - The Autistic and Neurodivergent Student Association
ANDSA (the Autistic and Neurodivergent Student Association) is a space for neurodivergent Wildcats and their allies to come together in a safe space to learn and grow as a community
Follow Us on Social Media
Psychology Advising
How to Make an Advising Appointment
Advising appointments are for majors only can be scheduled by going to Trellis. Students can search for any of the names listed below to meet with.
Psychology minors, please email or the assigned advisor based on your last name.
Rani Metz - Academic Advisor I (
Alan Truong - Academic Advisor I (
Ryan Smith - Academic Advisor II (
Randy Yazzie - Senior Academic Advisor (
Melanie Lipton - Assistant Director, Academic Advising (
Location: 1503 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States
Phone: 520-621-7439