Granger School Weekly Newsletter
January 7-11, 2019
Quick Reminders/Planning Ahead
Welcome Back!
Jan. 8 One-Act Play performance in student center @ 7:00 pm
Jan. 9 Basketball Pictures
Jan. 10 Universal Technical Institute meets with Jr. & Seniors
Jan. 10 Jr. High UIL One Act Play at Temple College
Jan. 16 Board Meeting 6:30 pm
Jan. 21 No School
Jan. 28 PTO & SHAC combined meeting 6:00 pm Cafeteria
Feb. 9 Father-Daughter/Mother-Son Dance 6:30-9:30 pm
Thurs. Feb. 14 Elementary Valentine's Day Party
Wednesday: Soft Chicken Tacos
Thursday: Lasagna
Friday: Hamburger
You're Invited!
Granger ISD Junior High One-Act Play is going to competition Thursday, January 10 at Temple College.
They will be performing the comedy, Any Body for Tea? By CB Gilford
We are performing our full dress rehearsal Tuesday, January 8, in the student center at Granger School at 7 pm. The community is welcome to attend. We will accept donations that night which funds the program and pays for the scripts, the trip to competition and the meal after.
GYAA Baseball/Softball 2019 Registration
Ages 4-14 (Pre-K-8th Grade)
Girls Age as of Jan. 31st
Boys Age as of April 30th
Registration information:
Place & Time: Old Gym from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Dates for registration: Jan. 12, 19, 26 & Feb. 2nd
ONLINE starts Jan. 14th
FEB. 10, 2019
Jan. $70/player
Feb. $75/player
Any questions, please contact:
Careta Miller or Colter Gawint
Back from winter break with an appetite - to learn!
FCCLA Fundraiser
$1 bars (almond, dark, milk chocolate, caramel, crisp)
$2 boxes (mint melt-away, caramel swirl, chocolate covered almonds)
*Can not be sold within school during the school day!
Testing Schedules
RTI Progress Monitoring Calendar
*Jan. 8-11 Reading MOY
*Jan. 14-18 Math MOY
Jan. 22-25 OFF
Jan. 28-Feb. 1 Reading
Feb. 4-8 Math
Feb. 11-15 OFF/Make-Up
Feb. 19-22 Reading
Feb. 25-March 1 Math
March 4-8 OFF/Make-Up
March 11-15 OFF (Spring Break)
March 18-22 Reading
March 25-29 Math
April 1-5 OFF
*April 8-12 Reading EOY
*April 15-18 Math EOY
April 23-26 OFF
April 29-May 3 Reading
May 6-10 Math
May 13-17 OFF/Make-Up
May 20-24 OFF
Granger Lion Basketball
Jan. 8 @ Home vs Thrall 4:00 JV2, JV1, Varsity
Jan. 11 @ Holland 4:00 JV2, JV1, Varsity
Jan. 15 @ Home vs Meridian Round Rock JV1, Varsity
Jan. 18 @ Mumford 4:00 JV2, JV1, Varstiy
Jan. 22 @ Granger vs Milano 4:00 JV2, JV1, Varsity
Jan.25 Hearne 4:00 JV2, JV1, Varsity
Jan.29 @ Home vs Thorndale 4:00 JV2, JV1, Varsity
*Remember to check school website and Dojo in case of any last minute changes due to situations beyond GISD control.
Friendly Reminder
***All students in grades 7-12 have the 2018-19 $35 laptop insurance due please.***
Granger ISD
Email: dgriffis@granger.txed.net
Website: grangerisd.net
Location: 300 North Colorado, Granger, TX, USA
Phone: 512-859-2173
Facebook: facebook.com/GrangerISD
Twitter: @Granger_Lions