Hawk Highlights
Friday, December 6, 2024
Upcoming Dates
December 6- Report Cards -see Infinite Campus Parent Portal
December 17- Orchestra Concert (7:00 pm, Old Orchard Junior High)
December 18- 4th and 5th Grade Writing Celebration with Families (2:45-3:15)
December 19-Board of Education Meeting, 7 pm, 9440 Kenton Ave or online; all are invited
Dec 23-Jan 3- Winter Break
January 6 Return to school
January 20- Martin Luther King Day, No School
Mission Moment
Our 2nd graders showing off their fun personalities during "Cooking Up Super Sentences"!
Report Cards
Your child(ren)'s report card is ready for viewing in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Click HERE for directions on where to locate the report card and teacher comments, information on standards based grading and how it differs from traditional grading, and an explanation of the 4 point scale used in District 68. Please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher with any questions.
Health Updates
We are excited to share the success of our recent health clinics! Our flu shot clinic helped keep our community healthier this season by vaccinating 33 students, while our dental clinic provided care and bright smiles to 54 students. Thank you to all the families who participated and to our dedicated healthcare partners for making these clinics possible-and, of course, to Ms. Vakharia for organizing everything!
Proper Attire Reminder
We would like to remind you to please ensure your children are dressed according to the weather. All children must go outside for outdoor recess (unless indoor recess is called due to a wind chill of less than 15 degrees or it's actively raining). Please send your children with the following:
- Warm/Snow Pants
- Gloves or mittens
- A warm hat
- Snow boots/warm shoes
- Layers
We also recommend keeping a set of extra clothes in school in case they need a change during the day.
Upcoming 4th & 5th Grade Orchestra Concert 🎻🎶
Our 4th & 5th grade musicians are thrilled to present a beautiful music program for family and friends before winter break. Here are the concert details:
• Who: Elementary Orchestra Concert (Beginning & Intermediate groups)
• When: Tuesday, December 17th at 7:00 PM (students arrive at 6:30 PM)
• Where: Old Orchard Junior High School, B-Gym
District Orchestra T-shirts (to be distributed the week of the concert) & black pants
We’ll send a reminder as the date approaches. Remember, all concerts are FREE and open to everyone! Come support our young musicians as they showcase the music they’ve worked so hard to perfect.
Thank you for your continued support!
Donations To C.A.R.E Animal Shelter
The Highland Cub Scouts are collecting items to donate to C.A.R.E Animal Shelter in Skokie. Please consider helping our furry friends by donating unopened and non expired dog/cat food and toys. There will be a collection box near the front office until Friday, Dec. 13. Thanks for your help!
Our next restaurant night is Wednesday, Dec. 11 at Chipotle. Be sure to mention Highland when you place your order! See the flyer for more information Thanks for supporting our school!
MONDAYS: 8:40 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
TUESDAYS-FRIDAYS: 8:40 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
A portion of the proceeds benefits the PTA. BUY SPIRIT WEAR HERE
9700 Crawford Avenue, Skokie, IL 60076
Phone: 847-676-5001
Fax: 847-676-5099