Lenski Weekly Update
August 16th, 2024
From the Principal's Desk
We had such a wonderful week back to school! It was so fun to reconnect with students and families and open our doors to our new kindergarteners. The energy throughout our school was incredible! Our staff is honored to be part of your child educational experience. Thank you for your love and support!
Enjoy your weekend!
With Lenski Love,
Lenski Star Photo
We will take a school-wide STAR photo next Friday, August 23rd. Please have you student wear their new Lenski Rocks shirt.
A HUGE thank you to PTO for helping us pay for these fun school-wide shirts!
New this Year: Friday Afternoon DJ!
Would your student like to choose the song for the Friday dance party at the end of the day on Fridays? Sign Up Here!
From the Office
Back to School Night
We are excited to have an opportunity to connect with parents and share about what your student will experience this year. Please join us to learn about the curriculum, field trips, specials, and other topics. Please note that Back to School Night is for parents. Please plan on other arrangements for your Superstar.
4:15-4:30: K-2 Gifted & Talented Presentation in the Library
4:30-5:15: K-2 Meetings in Teacher Classrooms
5:15-5:30: Students Taking 6th Grade Math in the Library
5:15-6:00: 3-5 Meetings in Teacher Classrooms
6:00-6:15: 3-5 Gifted & Talented Presentation in the Library
We also understand that Newton will begin their Back to School Night the same evening. If you need to leave a few minutes early, not a problem! We look forward to connecting with you on August 22nd!
The final morning bell rings at 7:50am (8:50am late start Wednesdays). Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to learn at that time.
Students arriving after 7:50 will be counted as tardy.
You can now report your student’s absence directly through the LPS Infinite Campus Parent Portal, ensuring a seamless and efficient communication process.
Access the How-To Guide for further instructions.
You may also still call the Attendance Line to report an absence at 303-734-5600
Annual Family Check-In
It is time to complete the LPS Annual Family Check-In!
Every year parents are asked to review and update the information the district has for their student, family, or household.The link can be found in the Campus Parent portal on the left side under “MORE”. Click on Annual Family Check-In. This needs to be completed prior to the first day of school.
Student Fees
Student fees are due on or before Tuesday, September 3rd. You may pay your fees online through your Infinite Campus Family Portal account. You may also pay by check using this form.
School Grounds
Dogs are the cutest things ever!!! However, we aren't allowed to have them on campus for various reasons. We love this time of year when the weather is so nice and more folks are walking to drop-off and pick up their kids, but we ask that you please leave "Fido" at home when coming on school grounds. Thank you for your cooperation with this!
Primary Playground: At dismissal families are able to play on the primary playground until 3:15. At that time, the primary playground is reserved exclusively for our after school program until 6:00 PM. Thank you for your flexibility!
Recess Parent Pals!
If you are interested in volunteering to help during lunch recesses, we would love to have you! Check in as usual at the kiosk. Then, come into the front office to receive your yellow vest. You may come up with your own game, or click here to preview games with videos. We’ll also have a binder with additional ideas in the office to choose from.
Recess schedule:
Kg 11:15-11:35 (primary playground)
1st 11:35-11:55 (grades 1-5 are on the intermediate playground)
2nd 11:55-12:15
3rd 12:15-12:35
4th 12:35-12:55
5th 12:55-1:15
Show Off Your Superstar Pride!
Check out our NEW amazing shop for all your Lenski gear. Every item is customizable and shipped directly to you. Best of all, 10% of all sales is given back to Lenski.
Go Superstars!
Get your gear here!
From the Counselors
How do we help students at Lenski?
Work with teachers to support social and emotional learning
Teach social / emotional skills in small groups
One-on-one brief, solution-focused meetings with students
Provide referrals to outside mental health resources for more in-depth counseling
Mental health and social/emotional consultation and collaboration with parents
If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please feel free to reach out to us:
Contact Mrs. Baez if your child has an IEP, is being evaluated for an IEP, or is in a small group with Mrs. Baez.
Contact Mrs. Ritchey if your child does not have an IEP, if you question is related to 504 plans, or your child is in a small group with Mrs. Ritchey.
Shannon Ritchey, School Counselor
Sabine Baez, School Psychologist
Back to School Resources:
Staff Pre-service Learning and Fun
Staff pre-service learning and fun. We are so excited to welcome students back to school!
Welcome Kindergarten
Important Dates
August 22nd: Back to School Night
K-2: 4:30-5:15
3-5: 5:15-6:00
August 23rd: Lenski STAR school-wide photo (WEAR YOUR NEW LENSKI SHIRT)
September 2nd: Labor Day-No school
September 6th: Annual Family Movie Night on the Lawn
September 20th: LENSKI FUN RUN!