Dragon News
March 14, 2025
Hello CPS Families,
As the snow melts and we enter the 5th season in Maine known as mud season, students need to wear boots during recess time to play in the field. Our pavement area is for students who aren't wearing boots. Until the frost is out of the ground and the ground hardens, boots will be needed. Our mornings are starting off on the cooler side and jackets are still needed. Is your child missing winter gear items? We have a robust lost and found pile. Please remind your child to look through for items by April 1st. Thank you.
Next week is a busy week with parent-teacher conferences and Friday being a no school day for students as staff have a Professional Development day. Thank you to all of the families that have signed up for a conference time. Please check out our FB page for the sign up and the teachers have shared it on SeeSaw if you'd like to schedule a time.
We look forward to seeing all of the grown-ups on our Thursday Conference Night.
Thank you for all that you do,
Liz and Kahlie
🏀⚽🏈 This is a reminder that there should be no balls or playground equipment coming to school with students! We thank you for your help with this! ⚽🏀🏈
Important Notice to Parents:
Please direct any email regarding student absences and/or student dismissals to your child's teacher AND to our CPS office staff, Bobbie Weymouth (bweymouth@rsu18.org) and Mae Slevinsky (mslevinsky@rsu18.org).
Please be sure to communicate any changes for end of day dismissal plans prior to 2:00pm so students can be sure to receive their notes.
Upcoming Important Dates
March 14th
Last day of Trimester 2
March 17th - 20th
Spring Parent Teacher Conferences
March 21st
Teacher Workshop - No School
March 24th-April 7th
Spirit Fridays
Preschool Enrollment
Update From the Nurse
As a requirement of the state, all Pre K, Kindergarten, 1st and 3rd graders will have vision and hearing checked. Screenings have begun and will continue to take place over the next couple of weeks, if you have any questions or concerns regarding this feel free to give me a call or send me an email.
Cold Weather
We are at the point in the year where the weather is cold and snowy. Please help your child remember to bring the appropriate gear for playing outside including, boots ( and sneakers for inside especially on PE days), jacket, ski pants, hats and mittens/gloves. If you need assistance obtaining any of these items please reach out to the school and we will help attain the necessary items for your child. In talking about winter hats, we encourage you to talk with your kids about the importance of not sharing hats with friends. This is always a time of year when lice makes an appearance and sharing hats is one of the easiest ways for them to spread to others. Periodic checks of your child’s head is the best way to identify any problems early and treat quickly.
Please review the health manual accessible via our school’s website for the full policy on when to stay home and when it is appropriate to return to school. A few key points are fevers, diarrhea and vomiting. Your child must be free of both without medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
We are also seeing students that are in need of a change of clothes for various reasons, so it would be helpful if they keep a seasonally appropriate change of clothes including socks in their backpacks daily.
Box Tops
The Box Tops app makes it easy to earn cash for CPS! Simply download the app by using the QR code provided below and select China Primary School as the recipient. Take a photo of your grocery receipt and Box Tops does the rest!
Please be sure to send your child with snacks for snack time each day.
Donations of extra (healthy) snacks (goldfish/pretzels) are always appreciated!
Lost and Found
Updates from our PTO
Next meeting is Thursday, April 3rd at 6pm on Google Meet! Here's the link: https://meet.google.com/kvu-jxtp-vuo
Missed our last meeting? You can find the minutes from February's meeting on our Facebook page.
It’s here!! READ-A-THON!
Is your reader up for the challenge?
-Register today! https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/323736363032/1
-Share your reader link on social media, by text or by email. All funds raised help with our mission of supporting the staff and students of China Schools!
-From March 24-April 7, read-read-read and record the minutes in the Read-a-thon portal
-Before April break, the top 3 readers with the most minutes by grade at CPS and CMS with get to pie a teacher or staff member from their school!
We are excited to announce that we are teaming up with the Maine Mariners for a fundraiser. This applies to the March 21st game only and you have to buy tickets through this link! What that means?
• Discounted tickets for you
• $5 from each ticket sold to China Schools PTO
• An awesome experience gift for the hockey lover in your house
We thank you for your continued support and hope to see you there!!!
Looking ahead: Read-a-thon March 24th-April 7th
Want to stay in the know? Add the PTO public calendar to your phone! It has all the important school dates and events for CPS and CMS, and PTO happenings. Check out this post for how to add it or a PDF copy if you prefer: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/egVxio2x5BrF2thB/?
If you haven’t already, join our Facebook group to stay in the know: https://facebook.com/groups/chinaschoolspto/ And we are always here at chinaschoolspto@gmail.com!
China Rec Sports
This year we have Cal Ripken Majors (12 and under – born on or after 5/1/2012), Minors (10 and under), Coach Pitch (8 and under), and T-Ball (4-6, co-ed). All baseball and T-ball registrations are managed at chinarecsports.com. Register soon to ensure that your player gets a hat and a shirt for the season! Last day for registration is April 4th. Softball is available through CAYSA at caysa-me.org.
Starting Sunday, March 16th, China Rec Sports will be offering free clinics to get warmed up for the 2025 season. See the attached chart for time and location of these clinics, which will continue in the gym until the fields are dry enough to get outside.
Special Notes:
* On Sunday, March 16th, for the Cal Ripken session, we will start with 10 minutes of Q&A. Where this program is starting up this year, we’d like to have a chance to touch base and see if there are any parents who have questions.
* On Sunday, April 6th – for Coach Pitch and Cal Ripken players, we will host player evaluations instead of clinics. This allows us to create team rosters and ensure a competitive season. Please make every effort to have your player at evaluations.
Junior Achievement
JA Maine is seeking over 300 volunteers this spring to deliver learning experiences in classrooms throughout Maine including 4 opportunities at China Primary School. As a volunteer you’ll be working with students on the fundamentals of good money management, work and career readiness, and entrepreneurship, as well as sharing professional insight to inspire and build skill sets in our state’s future workforce and leaders: students. Reach out to our Program Team to learn more! https://maine.ja.org/ or email jjamison@jamaine.org
Show Your School Pride
CPS swag now available through Elliot Office Products! Link here!
Current Openings at CPS
Special Education Ed Tech/Ed Tech I - 7 hours/day
We, in RSU 18, are also always looking for excellent substitute teachers, nurses, and education technicians. Please reach out if you have interest or questions about this. You can see our current openings here!