Athens State University RIC
Summer 2024!
Our sessions this summer are a mix of virtual and in-person. There is something for everyone!
If you have specific questions concerning any of these sessions, please reach out to Brad Lewis Brad.Lewis@athens.edu
Have a great rest of the school year and an even better summer.
Registering For Professional Learning Sessions
Who May Attend
Any public school teacher, administrator, or board member may attend professional learning sessions hosted by an Alabama Regional Inservice Center (ARIC).How to Register
All professional learning sessions are listed in PowerSchool Professional Learning. The only exceptions are the NBCT Bootcamp sessions at Jacksonville State and the nine virtual sessions for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) through the University of Montevallo. These sessions require completion of a Google Form.
Educators can register for sessions using PowerSchool Professional Learning accounts. All professional learning sessions have hyperlinked registration links. Look for the Register Here wording under each session. Contact district PowerSchool personnel or district technology administrators for assistance with accessing the platform. Retired educators no longer with a school district or without a local education agency (WOLEA) can send a support request to PLadmin@alsde.edu for support.
PowerSchool Credit
For your credit to show on your transcript, you need to complete the survey attached to the complete course. You can find this survey in your "Courses" tab in the "My Survey" section.
Please note, all session confirmations are sent to the email associated with PowerSchool accounts. Please verify contact information in PowerSchool (e.g. email addresses, phone number, etc.)
Click on the button below for a Spreadsheet view of Summer 2024 sessions.
Register for Sessions listed in the Spreadsheet by Hovering Over the Title.
Professional Learning Locations
Athens State Regional Inservice Center
- Physical Location: 1115-A Hwy 31 South Athens, AL 35611
- Beside ServPro and across the highway from Moran Carpets.
- Summer Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sandridge Student Center Ballroom
- Athens State University Campus
- 300 North Beaty Street Athens, 35611
- Front Entrance on the Hobbs Street side (Building # 4 on Map)
- Look for Hebrew the Bear Statue
Alabama Center for the Arts in Decatur
- Downtown Decatur
- 133 2nd Ave. NE Decatur 35601
- Near Morgan County Courthouse
Athens State University Campus Map
Session Descriptions by Subject
Title: New Teacher Workshop
Description: Region 2 Specialists will provide an overview of ARI, OMI, MTSS, OSI resources available for new teachers. Sessions will focus on classroom management, student engagement, instructional strategies, time management, differentiation and lesson planning based on grade level/subject standards.
Date: Thursday, July 25
Time: 8:30 am - 3:15 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Athens State Ballroom
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Dr. Brad Lewis, Athens State Regional Inservice Center DIrector.
Presenters: Region 2 Specialists
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
Register HERE
ATIM Summer Professional Learning
- Presenter - Jennifer Priest, Region 2 ATIM Specialist
- All Sessions will be held at the Athens RIC on Hwy. 31
Mastering Digital Portfolios: Beyond the Binder
Title: Mastering Digital Portfolios: Beyond the Binder
Description: Participants will learn how to use Google Sites as a digital portfolio for students to use to document learning. Participants will also learn how to use Sites as a lesson hub and delivery platform for lessons.
Date: Wednesday, June 5
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Jennifer Priest, Region 2 ATIM Specialist
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Integrating Computer Science with Firia Robotics (TEAMS)
Title: Integrating Computer Science with Firia Robotics (TEAMS)
Description: STATE APPROVED TEAMS PD - 6-12 Grade Science and Math Teachers
Firia Labs and ATiM will train 30 TEAMS teachers, 6-12th grade, in a 1 day PD.Teachers will learn Python programming basics using the Firia Labs CodeX curriculum and practice and apply effective pedagogical strategies for integrating CS project-based learning into math and science classes. Projects will link to Alabama math and science standards.
Date: Thursday, June 6
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Jennifer Priest, Region 2 ATIM Specialist
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
Register HERE
Date: Thursday, June 20 (Presented at AETC Conference)
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: AETC Conference in Mobile
Facilitator: Jennifer Priest, Region 2 ATIM Specialist
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
Register HERE
AI Essentials for All Educators
Title: AI Essentials For All Educators
Description: Join us for an engaging professional development session focused on understanding the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implications for education. This session will provide educators with valuable insights into how AI is shaping the future of learning, practical strategies for integrating AI technologies into the classroom, and considerations for fostering ethical AI use among students. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of AI concepts and concrete ideas for leveraging AI to enhance teaching and learning experiences.
Date: Thursday, June 13
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Jennifer Priest, Region 2 ATIM Specialist
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
Register HERE
Interdisciplinary Intersection: Unleash Learning Through STEM Integration
Title: Interdisciplinary Intersection: Unleash Learning Through STEM Integration
Description: Participants will learn how to integrate various STEM concepts into their curriculum/lessons. Participants will be provided with hands-on learning experiences using tech tools and robotics to enhance learning.
Date: Tuesday, July 16
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Athens State University - McCain Hall
300 North Beaty St.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Jennifer Priest, Region 2 ATIM Specialist
Clock Hours: 5 Hours
Register HERE
Tech-Savvy Teaching: Increasing Student Engagement Using Technology
Title: Tech Savvy Teaching: Increasing Student Engagement Using Technology
Description: Participants will delve into a variety of tech tools, platforms, and strategies specifically tailored to enhance student engagement across different subjects and grade levels. This course will equip educators with practical techniques to captivate students' interest and promote active participation. This course is ideal for educators at all levels, including teachers, instructional coaches, curriculum specialists, and administrators, who are passionate about enhancing student engagement through the strategic use of technology. Whether you're new to integrating technology in the classroom or seeking to refine your existing practices, this course offers valuable insights and practical strategies to elevate your teaching and inspire student success.
Date: Tuesday, July 23
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Jennifer Priest, Region 2 ATIM Specialist
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
Register HERE
See Awesome Small Group Instruction at Vinemont Elementary - June 13!
Text-Dependent Writing in ELA
Description: While text-dependent writing should occur in all content areas, this session will focus on how best to incorporate skills necessary to ensure students are using text-derived evidence to support their writing within their ELA class. Relevant and ready-to-use strategies will be the focus of the session. Teachers will also have facilitated collaboration time with colleagues in order to build upon strategies to better implement cognitively complex texts for all grade levels. This session will assist teachers with preparation for standardized exams, but the focus will be quality Tier I instruction.
*ELA teachers of grades 4-12 are the target audience.
Date: Monday, April 29
Time: 12:00 - 3:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Charissa Lambert, Office of School Improvement Literacy Specialist
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Supporting Struggling Secondary Readers
Title: Supporting Struggling Secondary Readers
Description: This session will focus on noticing the skill gaps of struggling readers in the secondary classroom in order to explicitly instruct reading strategies to sharpen their skills. The session is open to anyone supporting secondary teachers and content area teachers. Teachers will gain a repository of strategies that all will enhance instruction for all students but will specifically build bridges for students needing more support.
*ELA teachers of grades 6-12 are the target audience.
Date: Tuesday, April 30
Time: 12:00 - 3:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Charissa Lambert, Office of School Improvement Literacy Specialist
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
ACAP Cognitive Complexity Training (Grades 2-8)
Description: The primary purpose of the cognitive complexity training is to learn about the cognitive complexity embedded with the Text-Dependent Writing prompts included in the English Language Arts ACAP Summative.
In this training, participants will analyze 3 text-dependent writing prompts across grades and genres to examine the type of thinking, action, or knowledge that must be demonstrated and communicated for a student to accomplish a task. Participants will discuss classroom application and review additional supporting resources provided by DRC.
Date: Tuesday, June 18
Time: 8:30 - 11:30 AM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Carissa Blair, AL-MTSS Specialist
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Moves that Maximize: Connecting the ELA COS, Proficiency Scales, & ACAP
Title: Moves that Maximize: Connecting the ELA COS, Proficiency Scales, and ACAP Resources to Guide Instruction.
Description: Participants will have the opportunity to examine the 2021 ELA COS Standards for K-3. The focus will be on interpreting the critical components of these standards and identifying resources that can be effectively utilized to unpack them. Additionally, participants will gain an understanding of the basic components of proficiency scales and delve into the process of implementing these scales to guide both instruction and assessment. This session will further explore how to use proficiency scales as a tool for determining student mastery and planning targeted instruction based on assessment outcomes.
Date: Tuesday, June 18
Time: 8:30 - 11:30 AM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitators: Ken Kirby and Kim Goodwin
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Date: Tuesday, July 16
Time: 8:30 - 11:30 AM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitators: Ken Kirby and Kim Goodwin
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Help! I'm an Elem.Principal In Charge of Implementing the Literacy Act (Virtual)
Title: Help! I'm an Elementary Principal In Charge of Implementing the Alabama Literacy Act (Virtual)
Description: As the 2024-2025 school year begins, there are additional facets of the Alabama Literacy Act (ALA) that must be put into place to support students in achieving reading proficiency. This includes students who have been retained in third grade and those who have been promoted to fourth grade utilizing a good cause exemption. This session will highlight the steps necessary to build structures at the local level. These structures support full implementation of instruction, based in the science of reading and lead to increased efficacy among teachers. Participants will also have time to collaborate with peers regarding structures that are working to improve literacy outcomes for students. There are some great things happening in Alabama schools!
Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Time: 12:30 - 3:30 PM
Format: Virtual
Facilitators: Ken Kirby and Tracie Howard
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Help! I'm an Elementary Principal In Charge of Implementing the AL Literacy Act
Title: Help! I'm an Elementary Principal In Charge of Implementing the Alabama Literacy Act
Description: As the 2024-2025 school year begins, there are additional facets of the Alabama Literacy Act (ALA) that must be put into place to support students in achieving reading proficiency. This includes students who have been retained in third grade and those who have been promoted to fourth grade utilizing a good cause exemption. This session will highlight the steps necessary to build structures at the local level. These structures support full implementation of instruction, based in the science of reading and lead to increased efficacy among teachers. Participants will also have time to collaborate with peers regarding structures that are working to improve literacy outcomes for students. There are some great things happening in Alabama schools!
Date: Tuesday, July 16
Time: 12:30 - 3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitators: Ken Kirby and Tracie Howard
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Dyslexia Awareness Training
Title: Dyslexia Awareness Training
Description: Experience Dyslexia is designed to increase awareness of the difficulties and frustrations that people with dyslexia, as well as those with the characteristics of dyslexia, encounter daily. We hope this experience will provide insight into working more effectively with these students and lead to greater empathy and understanding.
Date: Monday, July 15
Time: 8:00 - 11:00 AM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitators: Kim Hargett and Melissa Penley
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Date: Tuesday, August 20
Time: 8:00 - 11:00 AM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitators: Kim Hargett and Melissa Penley
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Maximizing Multisensory Strategies
Title: Maximizing Multisensory Strategies
Description: Explode and reload with multisensory strategies that are sure to build better readers. If you think you've seen it all and done it all... This training is for you! We will multiply and extend those strategies that prove to be the most beneficial to learning!
Date: Monday, July 15
Time: 12:00-3:00 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitators: Kim Hargett and Angela Richardson
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Date: Tuesday, August 20
Time: 12:00 - 3:00 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitators: Kim Hargett and Angela Richardson
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
An Overview of the ELA COS Standards 2021 (Virtual)
Description: This professional learning will provide K-5 educators the opportunity to delve into the 2021 Alabama Course of Study: English Language Arts (ELA COS). Participants will have an opportunity to explorethe content and grade-level standards. Participants will be able to interact with, not only teachers who teach the same grade, but other grade-levels to explore the similarities and differences as students move through the progression of English Language Arts standards across grade levels.
ELA Couse of Study: https://www.alabamaachieves.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2021-Alabama-English-Language-Arts-Course-of-Study.pdfDate: Wednesday, July 17
Time: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Vironica Simmons and Sara King
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
Register HERE
Text-Dependent Writing ACAP Support (Virtual)
Description: The Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program (ACAP) features a text-dependent writing (TDW) portion for second through eighth grade students. This professional learning session will guide participants to a new deeper understanding of the TDW portion of the assessment. Participants will analyze the cognitive complexity of TDW and explore instructional strategies for student success. Participants will develop next steps for classroom instruction and take away information to guide long term planning.
Date: Tuesday, July 30
Time: 8:30-11:30 AM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Misty Wilson and Charissa Lambert, Office of School Improvement Literacy Specialist
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
MetaMetrics Lexile Framework
Title: MetaMetrics: Putting Lexile Measures to Work for Alabama Educators
Description: This session provides an overview of the Lexile Framework in Alabama, including the practical application of its measures for students, educators, and families. Attendees will gain insights into where to locate the measures, how to use them to track growth/progress toward college and career readiness, and how to effectively utilize the measures to drive informed classroom instruction. Participants will learn to navigate the intricacies of multiple measures and experience real-world classroom examples that demonstrate how to incorporate the Lexile Hub tools and resources to enrich teaching strategies and ultimately enhance student outcomes.
Date: Wednesday, July 31
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 AM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Mandie Bechard
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
Register HERE
HQIA Differentiating for ELs by Proficiency Level - An Introduction
Title: HQIA Differentiating for ELs by Proficiency Level - An Introduction.
Description: Participants will learn about the stages of language acquisition and ways to differentiate activities to meet students where they are and move them to the next level.
Date: Monday, June 17
Time: 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Robin Stutts, Regional EL Specialist
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
Register HERE
High Quality Instruction and Assessment for ELs Protocol/ All Five Criteria
Title: High Quality Instruction and Assessment for ELs Protocol/All Five Criteria
Description: This session will introduce teachers to the five HQIA for ELs criteria. Sessions will focus on key indicators showing how to teach content to English learners while developing their English proficiency. This session will include a review of asset-based instruction, support for various proficiency levels, teaching academic vocabulary with a variety of activities, how to scaffold the teaching of language and content and using multiple forms of assessment for ongoing evaluation of English learners.
Date: Monday, June 17
Time: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Robin Stutts, Regional EL Specialist
Clock Hours: 4 Hours
Register HERE
Strategies for Teaching ELL (Session 2)
Title: Strategies for Teaching ELL (Session 2) - Continuation of Earlier PD from January 29
Description: Participants will gain an understanding of strategies educators can use in teaching English Language learners. Participants will receive the text "50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners".
Date: Tuesday, June 25
Time: 8:30 - 11:30 am
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Robin Stutts, Regional EL Specialist and Amanda Howse
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
HQIA Asset-Based Instruction for ELs
Description: Participants will learn how and why we leverage cultural and linguistic differences to maximize instruction and help students build on their language proficiency.
Date: Wednesday, June 26
Time: 8:30-10:00 am
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Robin Stutts, Regional EL Specialist
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
Register HERE
HQIA Student-Centered Engagement for ELs
Description: Participants will learn strategies that engage English learners to demonstrate independence in listening, speaking, reading, and writing within all disciplines.
Date: Wednesday, June 26
Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 noon
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Robin Stutts, Regional EL Specialist
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
Register HERE
HQIA Academic Discourse for ELs
Title: HQIA Academic Discourse for ELs
Description: Participants will learn a variety of activities to teach vocabulary and plan ways to engage English learners in the use of all four language domains (listening, reading, writing, and speaking).
Date: Wednesday, June 26
Time: 2:00 - 3:30 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Robin Stutts, Regional EL Specialist
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
Register HERE
HQIA Scaffolding for ELs
Title: HQIA Scaffolding for ELs
Description: Participants will learn how to consider students’ zone of proximal development and select scaffolds appropriate to the level of support that students need to progress.
Date: Thursday, June 27
Time: 8:30 - 10:00 am
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Robin Stutts, Regional EL Specialist
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
Register HERE
HQIA Formative Assessment for ELs
Title: HQIA Formative Assessment for ELs
Description: Formative assessment provides teachers with real-time feedback necessary to adjust instruction to better meet the needs of English learners. Participants will explore multiple forms of formative assessment activities to allow English learners to demonstrate their understanding and progress.
Date: Thursday, June 27
Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Robin Stutts, Regional EL Specialist
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
Register HERE
HQIA Differentiating for ELs by Proficiency Level - An Introduction
Title: HQIA Differentiating for ELs by Proficiency Level - An Introduction. (Repeat Session)
Description: This course provides an overview of the Guidance for High-Quality Instruction and Assessment (HQIA).
Date: Thursday June 27
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Robin Stutts, Regional EL Specialist
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
Register HERE
CANCELED - High Quality Instruction and Assessment for ELs Protocol - CANCELED
Title: High Quality Instruction and Assessment for ELs Protocol/All Five Criteria
Description: This session will introduce teachers to the five HQIA for ELs criteria. Sessions will focus on key indicators showing how to teach content to English learners while developing their English proficiency. This session will include a review of asset-based instruction, support for various proficiency levels, teaching academic vocabulary with a variety of activities, how to scaffold the teaching of language and content and using multiple forms of assessment for ongoing evaluation of English learners.
Date: Wednesday, July 17
Time: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room B)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Robin Stutts, Regional EL Specialist
Clock Hours: 4 Hours
Register HERE
OMI: Everyone Counts
Description: Come along with us on our journey to exemplary mathematics teaching and learning for all! The Everyone Counts Overview is designed to address the distinct needs of building level and district level administrators within all Alabama schools catering to students in kindergarten through fifth grade. This overview will focus on the following:
-Creating a mathematics school improvement team-Developing and communicating a shared vision for high-quality mathematics teaching and learning
-Collecting and analyzing relevant data to inform school improvement goals
-Connect mathematics strategic planning to ACIPs
-Supporting continuous professional growth for teachers and instructional leaders.
Date: Tuesday, June 11
Time: 8:30 -11:30 AM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Christy Lockhart, OMI Regional Coordinator
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Date: Wednesday, July 17
Time: 8:30 -11:30 AM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Christy Lockhart, OMI Regional Coordinator
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
OMI: An Overview of the Numeracy Act
Description: In this session, participants will have the opportunity to discover the efforts undertaken by the Office of Mathematics Improvement in implementing the Alabama Numeracy Act. This legislative initiative was established to tackle fundamental aspects of K-5 mathematics education, employing building-based mathematics coaches to enhance the teaching and learning experience.
Date: Tuesday, June 11
Time: 12:30- 1:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Christy Lockhart, OMI Regional Coordinator
Clock Hours: 1 Hour
Register HERE
Date: Wednesday, July 17
Time: 12:30- 1:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Christy Lockhart, OMI Regional Coordinator
Clock Hours: 1 Hour
Register HERE
MetaMetrics Quantile Framework for Mathematics
Title: MetaMetrics: Putting Quantile Measures to Work for Alabama Educators
Description: This session provides an overview of the Quantile Framework in Alabama, including the practical application of its measures for students, educators, and families. Attendees will gain valuable insights into where to locate the measures, how to use them to track growth/progress toward college and career readiness, and how to effectively utilize the measures to drive informed classroom instruction. Participants will learn to navigate the intricacies of multiple measures and experience real-world classroom examples that demonstrate how to utilize the Quantile Hub tools and resources to enrich teaching strategies and ultimately enhance student outcomes.
Date: Wednesday, July 31
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Mandie Bechard
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
Register HERE
Media & Math: Teaching Scientific Inquiry & Problem Solving (K-5)
Title: Media and Math: Teaching Scientific Inquiry and Problem Solving through PBS LearningMedia Resources (Grades K-5)
Description: "Weaving problem solving and the scientific method into your instruction can enhance any elementary classroom. Want actionable strategies and high-quality instructional materials to enhance your elementary math and science teaching? Curious about how 21st century digital skills, curriculum and streaming media fit into your STEM curriculum? Need a reliable ready to go parent activity or sub plan? Learn about the amazing elementary math and science resources from PBS LearningMedia.
Date: Wednesday, August 28
Time: 8:30 - 11:30 am
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Cornelia Beckett, APTV Education Specialist
Clock Hours:
Register HERE
The University of Montevallo is offering several VIRTUAL professional learning options for teachers of Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) students. Below is a list of all sessions. Several Session Titles and Dates have changed. Be sure to review the dates below and complete the Google Registration Form. Remember, ALL Sessions are VIRTUAL ONLY.
- May 30: Intro. to Generative AI for Deaf Educators and Sign Language Interpreters
- June 6: Pediatric Hearing Technology Updates
- June 13: Empowering Deaf & Special Education Through Unique Learning System
- June 20: Outreach Services and Current Trends in Deaf Education in Alabama
- June 27: Effective Communication Planning for Deaf and Hard Of Hearing Students in Alabama
- July 11: Supporting Literacy Development of Students
- July 18: Overcoming Language Deprivation: Strengthening L1 in the Classroom
- July 25: Navigating the Arrival of A New Deaf Student: From Start to Success
- August 1: Developmentally-Appropriate Practice (DAP) and Its Core Tenets and Applications in Early Childhood Deaf Education
- August 8: Best Departments in Preparing the Home for Language Acquisition & Deaf Children
- August 15: Empowering Parents: Legal Advocacy Skills for Navigating Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children's Rights
AI for Administrators
Title: AI for Administrators
Description: Join us for an engaging professional development session focused on understanding the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implications for education. This session will provide administrators with valuable insights into how AI is shaping the future of learning, practical strategies for integrating AI technologies into the classroom, and considerations for fostering ethical AI use among students. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of AI concepts and concrete ideas for leveraging AI to enhance teaching and learning experiences.
Date: Monday, June 10
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Jennifer Priest, Region 2 ATIM Specialist
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
PLUACLD1135: Managing Operations and Resources to Promote Student Success
Title: ATH RIC PLUACLD1135: Managing Operations and Resources to Promote Student Success.
Description: The purpose of this professional study is to build capacity in a school leader's ability to manage the operations and resources of the school to impact student success. The role of a school leader is multi-faceted, and it is vital that all resources align to the needs of students. During this study, school leaders will focus on three areas:
1. Developing Focused Driven Continuous Improvement Plans (ACIPs)2. Using fiscal resources to promote students' academic success & well-being
3. Utilizing resources to meet the needs of all students.
Requirements of the professional study: Complete a self-assessment at the beginning/end of the study Participate in a continuous improvement plan peer review Attend three face to face professional learning sessions and develop action steps at the end of each session:
Date: Thursday, June 27
Session # 1: Developing Focused Driven Continuous Improvement Plans (ACIPs)
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room B)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Brad Lewis, Athens State University RIC Director
Clock Hours: 1 ACLD PLU
Register HERE for All Three Sessions
Date: Thursday, August 29
Session # 2: Using Fiscal Resources to Promote Students' Academic Success and Well-Being
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
Date: Thursday, September 24
Session # 3: Utilizing Resources to Meet the Needs of All Students
Time: 12:00 - 3:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
Register HERE for All Three Sessions
APLDS: Alabama Principal Act Overview
Title: APLDS: Alabama Principal Act Overview
Description: Principals and Assistant Principals will receive a detailed overview of the Alabama Principals Leadership Development System including program requirements, professional development options and annual stipends
Date: Monday, July 1
Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Brad Lewis, Athens State University RIC Director
Clock Hours: 2 Hours
Register HERE
ATOT Scoring Rubric: Removing the Guesswork When Rating Instructional Practices
Title: ATOT Scoring Rubric: Removing the Guesswork When Rating Instructional Practices
Description: In this informative session, classroom observers gain invaluable insights into effectively applying the Cognia Scoring Rubric to accurately and consistently rate the instructional practices of classroom teachers. Participants will leave the session with increased skill, confidence, and readiness to conduct post-observation conferences.
Viewing teacher practices through the lenses of implementation, authenticity, and effect on learner
Systematic approach to assigning rating values to observed teacher practice
Correlation of ATOT items with Alabama Core Teaching Standards to provide a common language of what effective teaching looks like in the classroom
Six-step protocol for conducting post-observation conferences
Date: Tuesday, August 13
Time: 8:30 - 11:30 AM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Barry Wiginton, ALSDE-ATGP Support Specialist
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
ACIP Planning for New Administrators
Title: ACIP Planning for New Administrators
Description: New principals, assistant principals, and district administrators will receive an overview of the ACIP planning process. The session will cover Cognia's four improvement phases including: Envisioning, Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating. New administrators will also receive tips on how to utilize their school's ACIP to document activities and achievements.
Date: Monday, August 19
Time: 8:30 - 11:30 am
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Dr. Layne Dillard, OSI Regional Specialist
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Alabama's Teacher Observation Tool: An Overview for New Administrators
Description: Newly appointed administrators will gain insight into all aspects of the Alabama Teacher Growth Program (ATGP). Participants will leave the session with insights into applying the scoring rubric to accurately and consistently rate teachers’ instructional practice. Participants will also enhance their ability to provide focused, formative feedback to classroom teachers by correlating items in the Alabama Teacher Observation Tool (ATOT) with sub-standards in the Alabama Core Teaching Standards (ACTS).
*This is an initial overview of how to use the Alabama Teacher Observation Tool and will fulfill the requirement of the 6-hour training on the Alabama Teacher Observation Tool when seeking the ACLD PLU in the future.
Date: Tuesday, August 20
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Barry Wiginton, ALSDE-ATGP Support Specialist
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
Register HERE
Autism Network: Practical Tips for Helping Children Succeed in the Classroom
Title: Autism Network Emotional Regulation: Practical Tips for Helping Children Succeed in the Classroom.
Description: Learn how the core features of autism impact emotion regulation, while learning practical strategies to support emotion regulation for students both with and without autism in the classroom. Participants will learn the core features of autism and how those features impact diagnosis and emotion regulation, explore the relationship between diagnosis and emotion regulation, and learn practical strategies to support emotion regulation for students with and without autism in the classroom.
Date: July 16, 2024
Time: 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Format: Virtual
Facilitators: Dr. Sarah Ryan and Cynthia Ellis
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
Register HERE
Setting Your Classroom Up for Success: Practical, Easy Tips, Tricks, & Strategie
Description: Teaching young learners can be so much fun but very challenging at the same time! Creating an effective structure for an early childhood education classroom, that caters to children with autism and other special needs, as well as typically developing children, involves careful planning and consideration of individual differences. This session will provide practical, realistic examples of how to manage your day in a classroom in order to maximize the potential of all students. Participants will acquire strategies for structuring classrooms to ensure that maximum learning occurs, gain knowledge for managing challenging behaviors, and develop an understanding of the importance of routine and conssitency when managing an early childhood classroom.
Date: Thursday, July 18
Time: 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Suzanne Napp
Hours: 1.5 Hours
Register HERE
NEW DATE - Managing Severe Behaviors in the K-5 Classroom
Description: In this session, participants will learn general classroom management strategies to help them more effectively manage the classroom and help it run more smoothly. Participants will also learn techniques to manage and in some cases prevent severe behaviors. These strategies will also help teachers improve the flow of learning and decrease disruptions.
NEW DATE: July 15
Morning Session: 9:00 - 11:00 am
Afternoon Session: 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Jessica Tyler
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
Register HERE (AM)
Register HERE (PM)
Creating and Consuming Media in Your STEM Classroom (TEAMS)
Title: Creating and Consuming Media in Your STEM Classroom (TEAM Approved PD)
Description: Students are creating and consuming media every day, so how can you utilize media in the best way for instruction in your STEM classroom. We’ll examine ways to utilize consuming media and begin creation on media projects. Find out how you can create a variety of media to teach STEM concepts and guide students in their own media creation. We’ll use technology that is easily accessible and easy to use.
Date: Friday, June 14
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Facilitator: Tracey Carter, APTV
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Integrating Media and Technology In Your Secondary Classroom
Title: Integrating Media and Technology in Your Secondary Classroom
Description: Find out how Alabama Public Television and PBS can help you integrate media into your secondary classroom. Learn how to integrate creating and consuming media into your classroom and how to integrate free resources from APT and PBS into your favorite technology tools.
Date: Friday, July 19
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Facilitator: Tracey Carter, APTV
Clock Hours: 3 hours
Register HERE
Project-Based Learning for the Secondary Classroom
Description: Teachers of all subject areas are invited to spend the day exploring the potential of project-based learning as a transformative approach to classroom instruction. An overview of project-based learning will occur as well as time for teachers to collaborate in designing potential experiences for their own class. Topics discussed will include identifying key components of project-based learning, creating rubrics, facilitating productive group work, and managing long-term projects. Sample project-based learning experiences will be shared along with resources to assist teachers in planning project-based experiences in their classroom.
Date: Thursday, June 20
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Facilitator: Blake Busbin
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
Register HERE
A Closer Look at the ACTS & the Dimensions of Alabama Teacher Observation Tool
Description: Are you a classroom teacher or school administrator looking to enhance your understanding of the Alabama Core Teaching Standards (ACTS) and their profound influence on teaching and learning? This full-day training session is designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview of these standards and their practical implications in educational settings.
Date: Wednesday, September 11
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Barry Wiginton, ALSDE-ATGP Support Specialist
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
Register HERE
NBCT Small Talk
Description: Participants will engage in weekly, virtual conversations about the NBCT process. Each week participants will learn more about one of the four components as well as network with other educators interested in pursuing their NBCT certification.
Date: Wednesday, June 5
Time: 2:30 - 4:00 PM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Patty Maze, NBCT 2007, 2017
Clock Hours: 1.5 hrs.
Register HERE
Date: Wednesday, June 12
Time: 2:30 - 4:00 PM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Patty Maze, NBCT 2007, 2017
Clock Hours: 1.5 hrs.
Register HERE
NBCT Boot Camp
Description: This amazing 2-day in-person event is led by Dr. Melissa Shields and a host of amazing NBCT teachers. This is great for folks wanting to learn about the process or for those that are deep in it. Register so you can get the latest information and schedule. This is an IN-PERSON event at the JSU Inservice Center. (Not on campus-- at 100 Gamecock Drive, Anniston in the McClellan Building)
Dates: July 17 - 18 (In Person). Friday, July 19 (Virtual)
Time: In-Person (8:30-4:00 PM); Virtual (8:30-4:00 PM)
Format: In-Person and Virtual
Location: Jacksonville University Regional Inservice Center (McClellan Building)
100 Gamecock Drive
Anniston, AL
Facilitators: NBCT Teachers
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
- July 17 & 18 Register HERE
- July 19 Register HERE (virtual)
PowerTeacher Pro: Overview of Use and Features
Description: An overview of the PowerTeacher portal and gradebook. Learn how to set up your gradebook, copy assignments, run reports, and more!
Date: Monday, June 17
Time: 8:30 - 10:30 AM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Kendall Tankersley, PowerSchool Tech Coach
Clock Hours: 2 Hours
Register HERE
PowerSchool Enterprise Reporting
Title: PowerSchool Enterprise Reporting
Description: Learn about one of the most exciting ways to pull student data from PowerSchool SIS: Enterprise Reports. Learn how to filter, adjust, download, and subscribe to student data!
Date: Monday, June 17
Time: 11AM - 1PM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Kendall Tankersley, PowerSchool Tech Coach
Clock Hours: 2 Hours
Register HERE
PowerSchool Counselor/Registrar Training
Title: PowerSchool Counselor/Registrar Training
Description: A basic overview of the functions in PowerSchool SIS for individuals new to the admin portal. Learn how to navigate, search and perform basic functions. Overview enrollment, student information and more!
Date: Monday, June 17
Time: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Kendall Tankersley, PowerSchool Tech Coach
Clock Hours: 2 Hours
Register HERE
Navigating Excellence: A Comprehensive Overview of PS Special Programs (Virtual)
Description: Join us as we embark on a journey to streamline your workflow and optimize the management of PowerSchool Special Programs. Our presenter will guide you through an in-depth exploration of the system's features, providing practical insights and best practices to enhance your experience.
· Document Navigation Mastery
· User-Friendly Interface
· Customization for Unique Needs
· Efficient Data Retrieval
· Collaborative Features
· Troubleshooting Tips
By the end of this session, you will leave with a newfound confidence in navigating PowerSchool Special Programs, armed with the knowledge and skills needed to maximize the platform's potential for the benefit of both educators and students."
Date: Tuesday, June 25
Time: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Format: Virtual
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Sherri Winingham, ALSDE Special Ed.
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Insights Unleashed: Special Programs - A Comp. Reporting Overview (Virtual)
Title: Insights Unleashed: PowerSchool Special Programs - A Comprehensive Reporting Overview (Virtual)
Description: Join us as we guide you through a comprehensive overview of the reporting features, empowering you to harness actionable insights that drive informed decision-making and improve the overall efficiency of your special education program.
· Strategic Report Generation
· Customizable Data Metrics
· Real-Time Analytics
· Compliance and Audit Trail Reporting
· Interactive Dashboards
· Effortless Report Sharing
Attend "Insights Unleashed" to unlock the full potential of PowerSchool Special Programs reporting. Arm yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to extract meaningful data, gain valuable insights, and drive positive outcomes for both educators and students. Elevate your reporting proficiency and make informed decisions that positively impact your special programs. Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize
Date: Tuesday, July 16
Time: 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Sherri Winingham
Clock Hours: 2 Hours
Register HERE
Schoology: Overview of Use and Passback Feature (Virtual)
Description: Overview the features of Schoology and learn how to create assignments, align learning objectives, and use outside resources to supplement your material. In addition, learn about the grade passback process from Schoology to PowerTeacher Pro and how to configure this setup.
Date: Monday, July 22
Time: 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Caitlin Maddox, Schoology Coach
Clock Hours: 2 Hours
Register HERE
Schoology: Overview of Use and Passback Feature
Title: Schoology: Overview of Use and Passback Feature (in Person)
Description: Overview the features of Schoology and learn how to create assignments, align learning objectives, and use outside resources to supplement your material. In addition, learn about the grade passback process from Schoology to PowerTeacher Pro and how to configure this setup.
Date: Thursday, August 22
Time: 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
1115 Hwy 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Caitlin Maddox, PowerSchool Tech Coach
Clock Hours: 2 Hours
Register HERE
MTSS PLC: Not Just Another Meeting (Virtual)
Title: MTSS PLC: Not Just Another Meeting (Virtual)
Description: Crank up the bulldozers and backhoes! It’s time to dig the footers and lay the foundation for constructing dynamic problem-solving teams (PST) incorporating strong Tier I instruction, application of RTI and PBS models, and focused communication during PLC and PST meetings. Allow the guiding questions to help you consider the effectiveness of your existing PST process and generate ideas for improving problem-solving for all students.
Target Audience: District- and school-level administrators, PST/RTI/PBS coordinators and school counselors.
Potential Audience: Instructional specialists, teacher leaders or anyone directly involved in the leadership/coordination of PST.
Date: Wednesday, June 12
Time: 8:00 - 11:00 am
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Kristie Shankles
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Problem Solving Team Guidance Overview: Instructional Leaders (Virtual)
Description: Crank up the bulldozers and backhoes! It’s time to dig the footers and lay the foundation for constructing dynamic problem-solving teams (PST) incorporating strong Tier I instruction, application of RTI and PBS models, and focused communication during PLC and PST meetings. Allow the guiding questions to help you consider the effectiveness of your existing PST process and generate ideas for improving problem-solving for all students.
Target audience: District and school-level administrators, PST/RTI/PBS coordinators and school counselors.
Potential Audience: Instructional specialists, teacher leaders or anyone directly involved in the leadership/coordination of PST.
Date: Wednesday, June 12
Time: 12:00 - 3:00 PM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Kristie Shankles
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Description: Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach teachers and school staff how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addiction challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including ADHD), and eating disorders.
Date: Monday, June 24
Time: 8:00-4:00 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Athens State University (Room C)
1115 Highway 31 S.
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitators: Heather Myers and Briana Hawkins
Clock Hours: 8 Hours
Register HERE
Media Mentorship for Media Specialists
Title: Media Mentorship for Media Specialists
Description: Library media specialists occupy a unique role in the 21st century information ecosystem. Media mentors are professionals who work with youth, educators, and families to help them choose the best media for their needs and to prompt them to think critically about the use of information technology in their daily lives. In this training, we'll explore the role of a media mentor in and out of the school library, digging into actionable strategies, lesson plans, and public media resources to develop you in acting as the link between students, teachers, and the multiple formats of media used to navigate and learn in daily life
Date: Wednesday, August 21
Time: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room C)
Facilitator: Cornelia Beckett, APTV
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
Register HERE
Storytelling, the Science of Reading, and Public Media
Title: Storytelling, the Science of Reading and Public Media
Description: Using PBSLM Resources to Teach Storytelling: an introduction to using the rich reading and writing curricular resources on PBSLM to teach storytelling (verbally, pictorially, or in writing) in alignment with the literacy standards of the Alabama Course of Study and the Science of Reading.
Date: Thursday, September 12
Time: 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Format: In Person
Location: Regional Inservice Center (Room A)
Facilitator: Cornelia Beckett, APTV
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Register HERE
Alabama Art Education Association (AAEA) Mini Conference
Description: A day of multiple sessions focusing on best practices in art education. Sessions include both elementary and secondary. topics.
Date: Saturday, May 18
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00PM (Lunch on your own.)
Format: In Person
Location: ACA’s Visual Arts Building
133 Second Avenue NE
Decatur, AL 35601
Facilitator: Local AAEA Educators
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
Classrooms 312, 313, 314, and 225.
No fees to participate. No pre-requisites.
Register HERE
CLAS Summer Conference: June 9 - 12
Date: June 9 - 12
Format: In Person
Location: Mobile Convention Center, Mobile, AL
Convention Theme: All Roads LEAD to Learning
AETC Summer Conference: June 19 - 21
- June 19 - 21, 2024 - Mobile Convention Center
- Early Bird Registration: $140 through April 15
- April 16 - May 31: $150
- Late Registration after May 31: $175
- Register Here
Athens State Physical Education Summer Conference
Description: Participants will learn various teaching strategies, games, and more by attending the conference.
Date: Wednesday, June 26
Time: 8:30 am - 12:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Athens State University (Carter Gym)
300 N. Beaty Street
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Jonathan Thompson
Clock Hours: 4 Hours
Register HERE
Gulf Coast Conference on the Teaching of Writing
If you are interested in attending, please contact Brad Lewis as the Athens State University Regional Inservice Center will provide registration fees for 10 teachers from our Region to attend. You must be from Region 2 (Athens City, Blount County, Cullman City, Cullman County, Decatur City, Hartselle City, Lawrence County, Limestone County, Morgan County, and Oneonta City) to qualify for the complimentary registration fee.
Date: July 1 - 4, 2024
Format: In Person
Location: Perdido Beach Resort, Orange Beach, AL
MEGA Conference: July 8 - 12
Mark your calendars for MEGA Conference July 8-12, 2024 in Mobile, Alabama! Hosted by the Alabama State Department of Education, this year’s conference will provide attendees with opportunities to engage in meaningful discussions, attend in-depth training sessions, and learn from leading experts in fields across the educational spectrum.
- July 8-12, 2024 • Mobile Convention Center •
- Pre-registration (through March 15th) $180 •
- Registration (through June 1st) $200 •
- Late Registration (June 2nd until conference) $215
Alabama CTE Summer Professional Development Conference
AL CTE Summer Professional Development Conference: July 24 - 26
- Mobile Convention Center
- Register HERE!
Athens State University Regional Inservice Center
Location: 1115 U.S. Hwy 31, Athens, AL, USA
Phone: 256-216-6622
Facebook: facebook.com/AthensStateRIC
Twitter/X: @AthensStateRIC
Instagram: @athensstateric
- Dr. Brad Lewis - RIC Director (256) 233-6574 Brad.Lewis@athens.edu
- Deepa Manandhar - Program & Financial Assistant (256) 233-6576 Deepa.Manandhar@athens.edu
- Physical Location: 1115-A Hwy 31 Athens, AL
- Website: https://www.athens.edu/academics/education/in-service-center/