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EO Green Hornet Hive Updates
August 20, 2024
WEB: Where Everyone Belongs!
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Principal's Message
E.O. Green Junior High School Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We are excited to begin this journey with you and your students. As a quick reminder, school begins on August 21, and it will be an early dismissal day, with students released at 1:00 PM.
Attendance is crucial for a successful school year, so please ensure your students arrive on time and ready to learn every day. The first days of school are always filled with excitement, but I also want to encourage everyone to be extra careful during drop-off and pick-up times to ensure the safety of all our students and families.
It's important that your student check their schedule on Student Connect, as some schedules have changed. Staying informed will help them start the year on the right foot.
Looking ahead, Picture Day is scheduled for August 30. You can find more information on our website. ID cards will be distributed on September 3, following the Labor Day holiday, when the school will be closed on September 2.
To stay informed about school events and updates, I highly recommend downloading the HESD app, signing up for ParentSquare, and regularly visiting the E.O. Green website.
Let’s start this school year off strong, and together, we’ll make it a great one!
Warm regards,
D. Topi Sanchez
E.O. Green Junior High School
Dates to Remember & Instructional Calendar
August 21: First Day of School 😊 Dismissal at 1 pm.
August 30: Picture Day
September 26: Back to School Night
Bell Schedules 2023-24
Click on the link to view the Bell Schedules:
The Hive Wellness Center: August Activities Calendar
Clubs & Sports
Advisors: Mrs. Nelson, Ms. Pariso, & Ms. Lopez
Informational Meeting: Tuesday , September 3 at 2:45, Room 58
Advisor: Mr. Ramos
Meeting Days: Wednesday 1-2:30 pm & Friday 2:30 - 4 pm .
Advanced group will Friday 4-5:15 pm
Theater Club: Starting soon!
Advisor: Ms. Xayaphone
Informational meetings: Tuesday August 27 and Thursday August 29 during lunch.
Practices/Meetings: Tuesday, Thursday, & some Fridays
Girls Volleyball
Coaches: Mr. Matthew and Mr. Jay
Tryouts: August 29th & Sep 3
Time : 3 - 5:15 pm
Practices: scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursday ( some changes due to schedule games)
Season begins the week of September 16.
Parents' Corner
Report Card Schedule
Grading Timelines & Report Card Schedule
Trimester 1: August 21 - November 8
Progress Notices: October 4
Trimester 2: November 12- March 7
Progress Notices: January 24
Trimester 3: March 11- June 17
HESD Homework Policy
Wellness Talks: Video
Video: How can I take care of myself so I can be the best parent I can be?
( link- in English)
( enlace- en Español)
211 online resources for families: text, online or by calling families can access 211
online: https://211ventura.org/ (link / enlace)
text: text zip code to 898-211
call: dialing 211
Counseling Support for Military Families and Students
New to the area and looking for a youth sponsor:
Topics Available through MFLC
Military and Family Life Counseling Program
Attendance & SARB Process
When students arrive at school on time, prepared with supplies and dressed appropriately, they will be successful.
Pupils are required by law to attend school punctually and regularly. Tardies count against perfect attendance.
Excused absence: Absence for proper causes are listed in the California State Education Code for illness, medical, dental or doctor appointments, and bereavement and require a note from doctor after the third absence.
Unexcused absence: Absence for any reason other than the above is unexcused. Truancy is a violation of State attendance laws.
Parents must write an absence note or call the school office within 24 hours of a child’s absence.
If not cleared with office in 3 days, absences will count as unexcused
Notes must be brought back on the first day after an absence and must include:
Date the note is written
Date of absence
Name of student
Teacher and homeroom number
Reason for the absence
Signature of parent or guardian
Relationship to student (mother, guardian, etc.)
School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
California law: The principal or designee is required by law to notify parents when a child accumulates 3 unexcused absences and/or tardies in excess of 30 minutes, or a combination thereof (EC 48260).
Referral to the District Attorney (EC 48293):
What charges may be filed against the parent(s) guardians?
An infraction may be filed against parent/guardian
There are possible additional penalties to parents.
fines and/or 1 year in jail
Parent may be ordered to attend parenting classes
Parent may be ordered to sign student in at school office every day
Student Penalties:
Any or all of the following penalties: fines or community service
From The Health Office
This is link for respiratory virus from California department of public health:
E.O. Green Junior High
There are many ways to get in contact with your teacher:
Email or written note
Phone call and leave a message / voicemail
Google Classroom
Principal- email: dsanchez@hueneme.org
Website: green.hueneme.org
Location: 3739 South C Street, Oxnard, CA, USA
Phone: (805)986-8750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EOGreenJuniorHigh
Twitter: @EOGreenHornets