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Crowley ISD Boardroom Rewind
May 30, 2024 - Meeting Highlights
Check Out Our Latest Meeting Highlights Video!
Board Approves Walker Elementary Principal
LeShaunne Coxum was hired as the new principal of David L. Walker Elementary School.
Coxum comes to Crowley ISD from Dallas ISD where she has served as an assistant principal since 2021.
Coxum also has worked as a professional school counselor in Fort Worth and Crowley ISDs, a principal intern in Fort Worth ISD and teacher in Fort Worth ISD.
She will replace Nicole Sanders, who was recently named the new principal at Richard Allie Middle School in Crowley ISD.
In other personnel items, the board also approved hiring Lucy Vasquez as the new coordinator of Reading Academies for the district. Vasquez currently works as the coordinator of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in CISD.
Trustees Set Date for Budget, Tax Rate Hearing
Crowley ISD will have its public meeting/hearing to discuss the proposed budget and tax rate at 6 p.m. June 20.
Policy requires a board meeting for the purpose of adopting a budget for the succeeding year. Any taxpayer of the school district may be present to participate in the meeting.
CISD Recognizes District Teachers of the Year
Crowley ISD recognized its Elementary and Secondary Teachers of the Year Thursday night.
Whitney Ruiz, a Pre-K teacher at Sue Crouch Elementary, is Elementary Teacher of the Year. Sonny Coriano, an English-as-a-Second-Language teacher at H.F. Stevens Middle School, is the Secondary Teacher of the Year.
Both were surprised with the news of their wins at the annual All-Stars Celebration earlier in May.
Watch the video below to learn more about each winner:
Trustees Hear T3 Partnership Update
Trustees received an update on the Tarrant To & Through Partnership. The T3 Partnership aims to ensure that more Tarrant County students obtain a post-secondary credential and have the training and skills they need to thrive in today’s workforce.
It addresses four key gaps, including information, expectations, guidance and financial aid, that hinder students from being prepared for, enrolling in and finishing postsecondary pathways.
Key Points:
• 92% of Crowley ISD seniors completed the T3 pledge, which empowers students to commit to their post-secondary success.
• Over 76.5% of juniors have committed to the T3 pledge.
• Sophomores: 98% engaged, 45% completed a discovery assessment, 23% had a planning conversation
• Nearly 75.7% of Crowley ISD students are economically vulnerable, underscoring the importance of the T3 mission.
• T3 reached 22,446 students across Tarrant County in 2023.
Board Welcomes May Student Trustees
Student Trustees for the month of May were Jordan Montgomery from Crowley High School and Ethan Hunt from North Crowley High School.
Trustees Take Oath of Office, Elect Officers
Dr. Mia Hall takes the oath of office for Place 3 on the Crowley ISD Board of Trustees.
June W. Davis takes the oath of office for Place 4 on the Crowley ISD Board of Trustees.
Dr. Mia Hall and June W. Davis took the oath of office to serve a new three-year term as a Crowley ISD School Board Trustee for Places 3 and 4, respectively.
Trustees also elected officers. Officers include:
Daryl R. Davis, II — President
Gary Grassia — First Vice President
Dr. Mia Hall — Second Vice President
Nedra Robinson — Secretary
(L-R): June W. Davis, board member; Nedra Robinson, board secretary;
Kelicia Stevenson, board member; Superintendent Dr. Michael D. McFarland;
Dr. La Tonya Woodson-Mayfield, trustee; Gary Grassia, board first vice president
Dr. Mia Hall, second vice president ; Daryl R. Davis II, president
MEETING VIDEO: To watch a recording of this meeting, please click here.