Letter from Principal Soliz
November 3, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Good morning!
Thanksgiving luncheon is quickly approaching. For faster service buy your tickets online using the QR code on the flyer below, otherwise you will have to go through the serving line to pay for your luncheon.
Family Movie Night coming November 15 from 5:30-7:30 in the CRES cafeteria. CIS will be showing Inside Out 2. There will be free popocorn. Bring a blanket or lawn chair.
Thank you to all the vistors who came to read to our students. It was a great day!
Reminder: Please follow the car rider drop-off and pick-up policy. We want for our students to be safe everyday. Always use the crosswalk closer to the front of the school. Keep your eyes on the road and always drive slow and safe. There is nothing more inportant than the safety of our students and staff.
Yvette Soliz, Principal
November 15: Communities in Schools presents: Family Movie Night
Family Movie Night on November 15 @ 5:30-7:30 in the CRES cafeteria. More information is coming!
Thank you for joining us at our Sonic Event!
We enjoyed the company and the fun family evening! If you are curious, Lisa Rios, ECSE teacher won the slush drinking contest.
Thank you to all our reading guests!
Our students enjoyed listening to all the readers.
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Cases are on the rise in Texas
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Cases are on the rise in Texas
Pertussis has exclusion criteria from school.
Ways to prevent Pertussis infection are:
Stay up to date on vaccines
Practice proper hand hygiene
Practice cough etiquette
Speak with the campus nurse if you have any questions
All medications (prescription and over the counter) must have a physician order this school year. Visit the link below for forms:
October 2024 Hays Health Huddle Newsletter
If you are interested in helping our teachers, please volunteer. We would love to see parents on campus. Reach out to Araceli Ramirez at (512) 268-8505.
Box Tops
Buy the brands you already love and make a difference for your school! Just scan your receipt within 14 days of purchase to earn cash for your school with every participating product you buy.
Late arrivals
Arriving late? Please walk you child into the office and sign them in. It's for their safety.
Five in the office
Per district policy, only five visitors in the office at a time.
Our office staff is responsible for individuals entering our school. This safety procedure ensures that staff appropriately accounts for individuals going into the main building. It is strictly for accountability and safety of our children and staff.
Thank you for understanding that safety comes before convenience at Camino Real.
Healthy Kids Running Series
My name is Latoya, coordinator for the local Healthy Kids Running Series Buda/ Kyle. I am excited to share the attached Hays CISD approved flyer for the upcoming 2024 Fall Season.
It starts September 22 at Buda City Park and runs for 5 Sundays until October 20th, 2024.
September 22
September 29
October 6
October 13
October 20
Registration is now open at https://runsignup.com/Race/TX/BudaKyle/HKRSBudaKyleTX
As young as 2 until 14 years old.
Thank you for sharing the attached flyer via parent newsletter or other modes of communication.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could share on social media as well if possible.
Our Early Bird Special ends September 1st and would hope you can share through your portals of communication before this date for your students to take advantage of this discount.
Please let me know if you have any questions. look forward to hosting your students this season.
Want to check Parent Portal?
Attached is a document with step-by-step instructions on how to check Parent Portal for transportation information.
Transportation Changes
Reminder: Call the office before 1:00 to make transportation changes.
Thank you for donating to our school!!
One Chapel
Plumber Near Me: 101 Petras Way, Kyle, Tx
The Wassell Family
Academy Kyle, Tx
HEB, Buda, Tx
District Dress Code
Our District School Board has approved the 2024-25 dress code.
Traffic patterns
Due to increase in student enrollment. We changed our traffic pattern last year with the help and support of our District's Safety and Security Department. We were charged with getting traffic off of Rhode Rd as quickly as possible for our community. Please go slow, be patient with us and each other.
The map below shows the traffic plan.
- Orange triangles are cones and signify closed to traffic.
- The purple arrows are the entry point to the school.
- The green arrows are the exit.
Dismissal Procedures
This is a reminder.
Per our district policy, if you are picking up your child after-school, you MUST remain in the car line. Parents who chose to park and walk-up will not get served until all the cars are gone. It is faster to stay in line.
Thank you for following our district and campus procedures.
Smart tags
What are Smart tags?
Hays CISD uses the Secured Mobility Authorized Ridership Technology (SMART) tag system for all students who ride the bus to and from school. Each of our buses is outfitted with a tablet equipped with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) reader, mobile connectivity, and GPS. Students place their campus-supplied SMART tag ID badges on the tablet's sensor when loading and unloading their bus.
Students are required to wear Smart Tags on the bus.
How can I track my child?
Download the NEW SMARTtag Parent App!
Link to download the SMARTtag Parent App:
SMARTtag Parent App Instructional Video (YouTube):
Planning on picking up your child before the end of the day?
If you have an appointment, and you must take your child from school early be on campus before 2:00 pm. If you arrive after 2, we will not release your child. No expections. We need your help in adhering to our policy. Plan your pick up so you are at Camino Real on time.
Change of transportation
Call the office for all transportation changes. Do not call the teacher. We have procedures to ensure that you child is prepared for the mode of transportation that you have requested. Please call the office as early as possible and before 1:00 pm.
Safety Changes
Only 5 people allowed in the office at a time. This is district policy. Our front office staff keeps our school safe by manning the door that allows visitors into the building. The fewer people in the office the more vigilant they can be in keeping that door secure. Thank you for helping us keep our school safe. Safety is never convenient.
Hays Clothes Closet
Request Forms:
If you have a Hays CISD student (PK-12) and are in need of assistance, please fill out appropriate form.
Si su estudiante de Hays CISD necesita asistencia, completa formulario apropiado.- For clothes, food & school supplies/Para ropa, comida y Ăștiles escolares Email: Clothes.Closet@hayscisd.net
- For food assistance only/Solo para asistencia alimentaria
Dates/Times of Operation vary and are listed on applications.Donations Accepted:
21003 IH 35
Monday-Friday 7:30-4:30 PM
Bell Schedule: 2023-24 School Year
6:50-Doors Open
7:25-Warning Bell7:30-Tardy Bell
Important Dates: More Information Coming Soon
1-Student/Staff Holiday
4-Student Holiday
5-Student Holiday
11-Veteran's Day Program (students and veterans only)
12-Board Meeting @ Keller Building @ 5:30
15- Family Movie Night @CRES cafeteria 5:30-7:30
18-Board Meeting @ Keller Building @ 5:30
19-Career Day (students only)
21-Thanksgiving Luncheon PK, K, 2, 4
22-Thanksgiving Luncheon ECSE, FL, 1,3,5
25-29 Thanksgiving Break
2-6-Winter Wonderland Parent Hall Decoration
9-12-Awards Assembly (Teachers will send invites)
12-Curriculum Night
16-Board Meeting @ Keller Building @ 5:30
16-20-Holiday Dress up days (More info coming)
23-Jan 7-Winter Break
Free Breakfast and Lunch for all students
Free and Reduced Meals Application
Extend-A-Care Y
Valid ID
Camino Real Elementary
Website: https://www.hayscisd.net/cres@
Location: 170 Las Brisas Boulevard, Niederwald, TX, USA
Phone: (512)268-8505
Facebook: facebook.com/caminoreal
Twitter: @theTEAMCRES