Spokane Regional Opioid Task Force
July 2024
Thank you, MOLINA for your generous sponsorship!
With these funds, we intend to update the Spokane Regional Opioid Task Force Website with task force member input. These funds will provide the annual hosting fee of the website, maintenance, and updating associated costs for the website. Thank you personally to Rob Stevens, with Molina, for your assistance and partnership in advocating for this for the task force!
Thank you, Wellpoint for your financial sponsorship!
With these funds, West Spokane Wellness Partnership intends to support our parenting programs, family programs, community outreach, the Spokane Regional Opioid Task Force, and future medication take back days!
National Overdose Awareness Day
Please check back for information on the 2024 Overdose Awareness Day memorial taking place in Spokane put on by members of the Spokane Regional Opioid Taskforce! (We are confirming our location!)
International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) – held on August 31 every year – is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died and acknowledge the grief of family and friends left behind.
Our theme for 2024 is “Together we can”, highlighting the power of our community when we all stand together.
#TogetherWeCan #IOAD2024 #EndOverdose
Spokane International Overdose Awareness Day Event(s)
Tri-Cities Second Annual Overdose Awareness Day Event
Accessing Fentanyl Test Strips in WA. State
DanceSafe is a non-profit whose programs include drug education, sexual health education, political advocacy, and event outreach. You can purchase Fentanyl Test Strips directly from their website, found here: https://dancesafe.org/about-us/
Upcoming training opportunity on SB 6109 - Public Health Guidance on High Potency Synthetic Opioids
SB 6109 Training
The Administrative Office of the Courts is partnering with the Department of Health to hold a statewide webinar on September 13th from 12:00-1:oopm to present on the recently released Public Health Guidance on High-Potency Synthetic Opioids. This guidance was legislatively required by the recent passage of Senate Bill 6109 which mandates that courts give “great weight” to this guidance when determining if a child needs to be removed from the home. The flyer for the event is attached here which contains additional information and the registration link.
Registration link: Meeting Registration - Zoom
All court and system partners involved in child dependency cases are welcome to attend, including those with lived experience as youth, parents, caregivers, and foster parents., so please feel free to send this invitation out widely to your networks.
We will be recording the webinar and making it available for later viewing, but we would prefer that people come to the live event.
One Heart Back to School Event
Along with an afterschool program, One Heart is hosting a Back to School Event. Last year's 2023 back to school event made a huge impact. They hosted the event at 4 sites over 2 days that had music, carnival games, inflatables, snacks/food, and more. The event reached 1,100+ grade-school kids who were geared up with new shoes and socks, 400 haircuts were provided, 9,000+ basic essentials (toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorants, feminine hygiene products, combs, floss, and child-friendly hand sanitizer) were passed out, 125 pairs of pants given out to Cheney students, 250+ pairs of underwear were given out to Northside students, there was 297 volunteers, 18 sponsors, 11 other non-profit organizations were collaborated with and invited and 39 neighborhoods were reached.
This year's event will be held on August 17, 2024, from 11am-1 pm. There will be 3 locations, Real Life Spokane (10101 N Nevada St), the One Heart Center (1827 E Pacific Ave), and the West Central Community Center( 1603 N Belt St). One heart explains "We know we aren’t the only answer, but by partnering with companies, organizations, and individual people in the community, together we can help set school-aged kids up for success. Whether you are an individual who wants to get involved, a family who wants to serve together, or a business, church, or organization who wants to support on many different levels, we are always looking for more people who have the same heart- who will share ONE HEART- for kids who may have needs that need to be met". One Heart is looking for volunteers and sponsors for the event. If interested visit their website and sign up: https://oneheartspokane.com/back-to-school-event
River City Youth Ops is thrilled to announce an exciting new initiative: the West Central Bike Bus Project! This innovative program aims to provide a fun, healthy, and eco-friendly way for our youth to get to school. Here’s what you need to know:
What is a Bike Bus?
A bike bus is a group of students biking to school together under the supervision of adult volunteers. It’s like a traditional school bus but on bicycles! This initiative not only promotes physical activity and environmental awareness but also builds a sense of community among our youth.
Why Are We Doing This?
Our mission is to create opportunities for youth enrichment in their neighborhood through community engagement, job training, and education. By providing a safe and supportive way for students to bike to school, we aim to:
- Enhance mobility and independence for our youth
- Foster a stronger sense of community
- Promote physical health and environmental consciousness
- Ensure equitable access to transportation
Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help bike with the students to school. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with the community and support our youth.
River City Youth Ops Bike Bus Guardian Permission Form
The West Central Bike Bus Volunteer Sign Up
Thank you very much and feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
Chelsea Hardenbrook | Operations Manager, River City Youth Ops
25 W. Main Avenue, Suite 310, Spokane, WA
Cell: 509-954-6675 | Chelsea.Hardenbrook@projecthopespokane.org
www.youthops.org | When we plant seeds, people grow.
NAMI’s Strength Over Silence Video Series: Stories Of Courage, Culture And Community
In this series, NAMI highlights perspectives on mental health across backgrounds and communities. Through candid and courageous stories of lived experience, these mental health champions share their resilience and recovery, emphasizing the importance of culture and identity in the mental health movement. Here is one of their amazing videos.
See all of them here: https://www.nami.org/Get-Involved/Awareness-Events/Bebe-Moore-Campbell-National-Minority-Mental-Health-Awareness-Month/Strength-Over-Silence
Peer Spokane now has a Narcan vending machine on site!
Find narcan near you at: https://stopoverdose.org/find-naloxone-near-me-washington-state/
ART DOJO project at Spokane Juvenile Detention Center continues
In 2020, West Spokane Wellness Partnership partnered with Spokane Juvenile Detention to host an Art Dojo workshop with Poet Jordan. Youth at the center worked closely with Poet Jordan and the detention center staff to create art as a form of art therapy and then use art to create murals at the center. In April, via an ARTS WA. grant that we received, Poet Jordan was able to come to the center again and work with a new group of youth. Attached is their newest mural in the making! A huge kudos to the Spokane Juvenile Detention Center staff, including Brianna Covert for your dedication, collaboration, and commitment to the continuation of this project.