Broncos Bulletin
May/June 2024
Principal's Message
Greetings Bronco families,
It's hard to believe that this will be the last newsletter of the 2023-2024 school year. I am so proud of how much we have accomplished this year. Our students have grown so much over the past year and we are excited to see what next year brings!
There are so many events happening in the next few weeks...so mark your calendars!
Class Groupings for the Upcoming School Year
This is the time of year that our staff works on placements for the following school year. Please understand that a lot of time and thought goes in to class groupings. Staff makes sure that all class rosters are balanced. This means that we take in to account the whole child--socially, emotionally, and academically. It is for this reason that we do not accept parent requests for teachers or requests to have friends to be placed in the same class.
Rest assured that our staff will determine the best placement for your child based on their specific learning needs. We thank you for your trust and understanding as we prepare for the upcoming school year.
Kona Ice Fundraiser
The Kona Ice Truck is coming to Henry Ford! This Friday, May 17th, students will be able to purchase a yummy Kona Ice Cup. 20% of all proceeds will go right back to our Student Activities Fund
Testing Updates
3rd-5th grade students are wrapping up MSTEP testing this week. Many students may still be taking iReady math & reading assessments or DRA3 reading assessments in their classroom.
While there are just 3 short weeks left of school, it is still important to ensure students are arriving at school on time. Classroom instruction begins at 9:00am--morning routines are an important part of your child's day and prepares them for the upcoming day. If your child should be absent for any reason, please call the office to inform us at (313) 827-4700 or enter it into Parent Connect.
Summer Discovery Program
Registration for our Summer Discovery program is wrapping up. Students who are registered will receive more information the last week of school.
Field Day
Henry Ford Field Day is fast approaching! Our field day is a two day event to guarantee all our grade levels have a solid block of time to enjoy all the fun activities. This year, we even have a dunk tank! PTO will be hosting a concession stand so that students can purchase snacks throughout the event. Teachers will be reaching out to parents to help chaperone their field day time; if you're available to volunteer, please let your child's teacher know.
Instrumental Music Concert
Please join us as we showcase our 5th grade band and orchestra students under the direction of Ms. Aleman. They will present their Spring Concert on Tuesday, May 21st at 5:00pm in the Main Cafe
Staff vs. 5th Grade Kickball Game
Our annual student vs staff kickball game will be held on Monday, June 3rd. 5th grade parents are invited and encouraged to come cheer on students (or staff) on as they go head to head to claim victory! The game will begin at 1:30pm and take place on our field off of Mercury Dr. Make sure to bring a blanket or chair! Snacks will be sold as well.
Please let your child's 5th grade teacher know that you will be attending. Parents will need to check in at the office before heading to the field.
Pie in the Face Fundraiser
This year we are trying something a little new...and fun! Students will have an opportunity to pie their favorite teacher in the face. Tickets can be purchased for $1. A random ticket will be drawn and that child will get to throw a pie at the selected teacher's face.
Tickets will be sold the week of May 27th. The event will take place on Tuesday, June 4
5th Grade Promotion Ceremony
Our 5th grade promotion ceremony will be held on Thursday, June 6, 2024. Seating will begin at 2:15pm and the program will begin promptly at 2:30pm. Invitations will be sent to families in the next week. This year we will have Mia's Flower Truck available for families to purchase custom flowers right on school grounds!
Last Day of School
The last day for all students will be Friday, June 7th. This is a half day of school and students will be dismissed at 12:05pm
Upcoming Dates to Remember
- May 17-Kona Ice Fundraiser
- May 20-Forces & Motion Assembly
- May 21-Early Release Tuesday
- May 21-Spring Instrumental Music Concert at 5pm
- May 24-Green School Assembly 2:30pm
- May 27-no school (Memorial Day)
- May 28-LAST Early Release Tuesday for the year
- May 29 & May 30-Field Day
- May 31-5th grade field trip
- June 3-Staff vs 5th Grade Kickball Game 1:30pm
- June 4-Pie in the Face Fundraiser
- June 6-5th grade Promotion Ceremony at 2:30pm
- June 7-Last day of school (1/2 day) dismissal at 12:05pm