February 7, 2025
11th-12th P/T conferences 4-8pm, no Academic Coaching
12th Valentine's Day parties
12th PTO Papa John's Night, see attached flyer
13th-17th NO SCHOOL
24th Parent Work Night at 6:30 pm
26th PTO Badger Bites at Porky Butts 4-8pm
3rd PTO meeting at 7 pm
5th Wednesday Early release 11:40am, no lunch served; Talent show forms due
7th Spirit Day! Wear your Badger Blue! Yearbook orders due-see flyer below
14th No School
17th-21st Staff Appreciation Week
17th Parent Work Night at 6:30 pm
20th Badger Bite Night at Don & Millies!
25th Tuesday Early release 11:40am, no lunch served
26th Art & Music Showcase 3rd, 4th and Badger Musicians (see graphic below)
31st-April 4th Spring Break
Important events to note:
May 8th K-2 Art and Music Showcase (see graphic below)
2nd Grade
Lizzy Frye
2nd Grade
Ava Carranza
5th Grade
Zoya Macrander
Zae Fisher
3rd Grade
Les Anthony
4th Grade
Emmy Tworek
2nd Grade & Student Services
Charlie Williamsen
Student Services
Michaela Werth
Kindergarten Registration
Do you have a child ready to start Kindergarten in August 2025?
Pine Creek Elementary has begun accepting registrations for incoming Kindergarten students for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year.
If your child will be eligible for Kindergarten this year (age 5 by July 31, 2025), visit our district website www.benningtonschools.org and click on "Enroll New Student" to register for the upcoming school year, and be sure to select the 2025-2026 school year.
Completing registration ensures that you receive communication regarding kindergarten. Determining the enrollment for the next year is also important for future staff planning.
Kindergarten Roundup for students will take place just prior to the start of the school year. More information will be sent on this at a later date. If you have any questions regarding enrollment, please call Mrs. Peterson in our school office or email epeterson@bennps.org
Cold Weather
The colder weather is here and here are some reminders about morning drop off and recess
Morning supervision begins at 7:50 am
Advancing each vehicle as far as possible up the drop off line allows the maximum number of students to exit to their waiting spot safely
Adults waving your vehicle forward are doing so in an attempt to maintain a quick and efficient drop off line
Students begin entering the building as early as 7:55 am--please make sure they have coats, hats and gloves
Students are tardy after 8:05 am
Students have at least one 30 minute recess each day. Please make sure to send your child in clothing and accessories that are warm enough to allow for 30 minutes outside. Students have space in their individual lockers to keep all layers, coats, hats, and gloves!
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The yearbook committee would love to see your pictures! Please click on the following links to add your photos! Be sure to choose the best photos and try not to submit duplicates.
Red Ribbon Week- https://plicbooks.com/go/QR6TGU
Trunk or Treat Monster Mash- https://plicbooks.com/go/E3622E
Kindergarten Field Trips/Class Photos:https://plicbooks.com/go/J6NQP4
First Grade Field Trips/Class photos- https://plicbooks.com/go/JGQAR8
Second Grade Field Trips/Class photos- https://plicbooks.com/go/DZ2CVB
Third Grade Field Trips/Class photos- https://plicbooks.com/go/NFM8L7
Fourth Grade Field Trips/Class photos- https://plicbooks.com/go/6E6NG5
Fifth Grade Field Trips/Class photos- https://plicbooks.com/go/2TNZH3
Badger Bash- https://plicbooks.com/go/ZMR4MA
Badger Blue Days/First Day- https://plicbooks.com/go/EVA2G2
Homecoming (Pj, Hawaiian, Neon, Disney)- https://plicbooks.com/go/NETKC1
PM Club Information
February Menu
Please contact us
Assistant Principal- Krista Bendell (kbendell@bennps.org)
Secretary- Liz Peterson (epeterson@bennps.org)
Health Para- Amanda Hladik (ahladik@bennps.org)
Email: adellwo@bennps.org
Website: benningtonschools.org
Location: 7801 North HWS Cleveland Boulevard, Bennington, NE, USA
Phone: (402)238-2372
Twitter: @pinecreek_elem
Notice of Non-Discrimination
The Bennington Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, religion, veteran status, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition, or other protected status in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Students: Mr. Dan Bombeck, Director of Student Services, 11620 North 156th Street, P.O. Box 309, Bennington, NE 68007 (402) 238-3044 (dbombeck@bennps.org). Employees and Others: Dr. Matt Blomenkamp, Assistant Superintendent 11620 North 156th Street, P.O. Box 309, Bennington, NE 68007 (402) 238-3044 (mblomenkamp@bennps.org). Complaints or concerns involving discrimination or needs for accommodation or access should be addressed to the appropriate Coordinator. For further information about anti-discrimination laws and regulations, or to file a complaint of discrimination with the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education (OCR), please contact the OCR at 601 East 12th Street, Room 353, Kansas City, MO 64106, (800) 368-1019 (voice), Fax (816) 426-3686, (800) 537-7697 (telecommunications device for the deaf), or ocr.kansascity@ed.gov.
Title IX
The Bennington Public School District is committed to offering employment and educational opportunity to its employees and students in a climate free of discrimination. Accordingly, unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation of any kind by District employees, including, co-workers, non-employees (such as volunteers), third parties and others is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.