South Maple Elementary Newsletter
October 2024
Upcoming Dates
October 23.................Picture Retake Day
October 31.................Halloween AM
November 1...............No School Students/Staff PD
November 15.............No School Students/Staff PD
November 28-29.......No School/Thanksgiving Break
"Need to Talk?"
Sometimes things happen at school involving your child. Please remember to kindly contact the classroom teacher first to gather information regarding your concerns.
Parent-Student Handbook
Front Pick Up
Students getting picked up out front MUST LOAD ON THE PASSANGER SIDE/CURB SIDE of your vehicle unless arrangements have been made with the principal. This is for the safety of students and those exiting the parking lot.
Bus Riders: Parents will receive confirmation via Text and/or E-mail through Gaylord Schools Messaging System of route number. At that time we will have AM and PM estimated pick-up and drop-off times located on the GCS Webpage. Please allow extra time in these first few weeks as we are establishing routes.
SME Car Rider Arrival/Dismissal Information
- The student day will begin at 7:55AM and ends at 2:35PM.
- As many of you are aware morning and afternoon traffic is very congested in our area. Please drive safely and follow traffic laws. The arrival/dismissal attachment below will provide detailed information.
- SME staff will assist all students in locating their classrooms. Please say your goodbye before or when they exit your vehicle, this includes the first day of school.
- Students must be picked up by 2:55
- Click on the link below for more details
Emergency Drills
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Even though meals will be provided for free, it is extremely important for families to complete the Education Benefits Online application in order for Gaylord Community Schools to receive full access to federal and state funding for education programs that support our students.
You may also complete paper documents: Please complete and return the printable version to the South Maple Office or email completed forms to kimmelm1@gaylord.k12.mi.us
Office Hours
Diane Parker, Principal
650 East Fifth Street
Gaylord, MI 49735