South Campus Sentinel
March 2024
A Message From the Principal
As we head into the last week of 3rd quarter, Spring Break, and our 4th quarter, my message is all about finishing strong and showing leadership skills all along the way.
Please pay close attention to the 3rd-8th grade testing schedule. Students arriving after testing has begun will not be allowed in the classroom. Once testing begins, students are confirmed as being "tested," for this reason, we will not call students out of the classroom early. Make sure you are not scheduling appointments that conflict with the schedule below. Reach out to your student's teacher/s if you have additional questions.
Principal Gant
AASA Testing Schedule
Our W ildly I mportant G oal (W.I.G.) for testing is 100% participation. We need support from home in order to achieve this goal. Mark your calendar for grade-level testing day for your student.
This year, only high school students will have Remote Instruction days, they are marked on the schedule. The purpose is to ensure we have the most ideal test taking environment. On the days marked Remote Instruction, we have a large number of students who are not testing and this would keep the hallway noise to a minimum.
School Improvement
Skyline South Campus Families
We are always looking for ways to better serve our school community. Part of the improvement process includes surveying parents, students, and staff on a yearly basis. Family surveys went out last week. We have over 300 families in K-8th grades, if you are 1 of 6 families that has already completed the survey, THANK YOU! If you did not receive the invite or have not completed the survey yet, please do so before Friday as the survey will close at that time.
There are 2 links below; one for elementary families K-4th grade; and one for middle school families, 5th-8th grades.
K - 4th Grade Families:
5th - 8th Grade Families:
Attendance Corner
We track student attendance on a daily and monthly basis. Here are our attendance rates for this school year:
August - February Overall: K-8th Grades 92%
See chart below for grade level detailed attendance.
Location: 7450 S. 40th St., Phoenix, AZ 85042
Phone: (602) 437-3331
Habit of the Month...
K-3 Habit of the Month...
4-8 Habit of the Month...
Skyline South Campus Parents & Guardians,
It's that time of year to save your spot for next school year. our re-enrollment process is underway and we need to hear from each of you. This helps us plan and hire for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.
If you do not plan to re-enroll next year, please let your registrar know as soon as possible by email:
K-4th Grade: Ms. Tonya:
5th-8th Grade Ms. Lisa:
Mark Your Calendar!
March 4th-8th
Monday - Dr. Seuss Day
Tuesday - Anime vs Disney Day (no toy weapons please or toys at all)
Wednesday - Anything but a Backpack (get creative)
Thursday - Clash of the Class Day
Friday - Dress as an 'S' Day
Reach out to your student's teacher if you have specific questions.
March 4th-8th
Wednesday, March 6th
Please join us for our 4th Annual Skyline South Campus Art Walk! Art Walk activities include gallery style viewing of student art works, food trucks, dance performances, and just a good time for all! We hope to see you from 5:00-6:30 PM.
Campus Closed
No classes and offices closed from Saturday, March 9th through Sunday, March 17th. Students return on Monday, March 18th.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
You will be able to view your student's report card through your Infinite Campus Parent Portal as of Monday, March 11, 2024.
Thinking Ahead...April 4th
Our 2nd Semester Leader-in-Me Family Night is set for 5:30-7:00 pm on Thursday, April 4th. A light dinner will be served. Be on the lookout for an RSVP some time after Spring Break.