Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know For the Coming Week
July 28, 2024
A Note From Principal Hauser
Thank you to all of you for helping to make our first week of school so successful.
Carline Signs
On Friday we sent car riders home with a sign to place in the window during afternoon pick-up. Please place the sign in the front passenger side window. With so many new students it will help speed up the dismissal process. Thank you!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS - Parent Orientation/Curriculum Nights
This is where you will meet with the grade level teachers and learn all about this year's grade level content, field trips, classroom procedures and more!
Kindergarten - Thursday, August 22 at 6:00 PM
First Grade - Tuesday, August 13 and 6:00 PM
Second Grade - Thursday, August 15 and 6:00 PM
Third Grade -Tuesday, August 13 and 6:45 PM
Fourth Grade -Thursday, August 15 and 6:45 PM
Fifth Grade - Thursday, August 15 and 6:45 PM
School Improvement Team Election
We have four parent seats opening up for the 2024-2025 school year. The SIT is the governing body of the school and positions are elected. The team meets once a month in the evening from 5:30-6:30 pm. The time commitment on this team is minimal beyond the monthly meetings. As a member of the team you will learn a great deal about the inner workings of our school and programs and become a part of the decision making process in terms of budgeting and programming. An electronic ballot will be sent out in next week's message. Our first meeting will be held on August 12. If you are interested in serving on the SIT please complete the survey below no later than Friday, August 2. SIT Interest Form
Student Absences and Educational Opportunities
In recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of students who are missing school for family vacations and trips, especially during the first months of school. You have committed to the year-round schedule and our calendars are typically posted at least a year in advance. Please do your best to prevent this from happening as it is very disruptive to your child's education and the rest of the class. With that being said, I do understand that there are times when great educational opportunities arise. When this happens, please contact me directly by email to request educational leave. In the email explain how the trip is educational in nature. I will either approve or deny the request based on a variety of factors. The difference between an approved or denied request determines if the absences are excused or unexcused. If approved, your child will be provided with a packet to document the educational experiences and be expected to make up any work they miss while gone. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Positivity Project
This week's focus is on the character strength of curiosity.
Kindergarten Color Days
Join our kindergarten students as they celebrate color days for the next two weeks.
Friday, July 26th purple
Monday, July 29th blue
Tuesday, July 30th green
Wednesday, July 31st red
Thursday, August 1st brown
Friday, August 2nd yellow
Monday, August 5th white
Tuesday, August 6th pink
Wednesday, August 7th black
Thursday, August 8th orange
Friday, August 9th gray
Cafeteria Menus - Free for all students
A Message From Your PTA
Welcome Back Dinner - August 1, 2024 – Please RSVP and pay by noon on Tuesday, July 30th if you haven’t done so already:
Please join us on Thursday, August 1 at 6:00 pm at Easley for a welcome back dinner hosted by the Easley PTA. If you haven’t done so already, please RSVP at this link so we can make sure we have enough food. Dinner is free with a PTA membership which can be purchased for $7 each at this link. Without a membership, dinner is $4 per adult and $2 per child. Each meal includes a hot dog, chips, dessert and a drink. You can also pay for dinner plates at the same link Please note this link is the only credit/debit card payment option available. We encourage everyone to pay by noon on July 30, so that we can send a ticket home with your child on Wednesday, July 31st. The ticket will allow your family to bypass the check-in line and go straight to the food. Payments at the door will need to be in cash or via a check made out to "Easley PTA". Hot dogs are kosher and we will have a vegan option. We look forward to seeing you there!
PTA newsletter with key dates, how to join and volunteer opportunities:
The PTA is key to our strong community at Easley and we encourage you to get involved in whatever ways you can. We have designed opportunities so that you can participate, no matter how much (or little) time you may have. Here is a link to a newsletter with all the info you need including how to join the PTA, key dates, and ways to get involved. Haga clic aquí para ver el boletín en español.
Membership does not carry over from year to year, so you must sign up again if you were a member last year. Anyone can join the PTA, including students.
First PTA meeting is on August 12th
Our first PTA meeting will be held on August 12th at 6:30 pm in Easley's media center and via Zoom. Spanish interpretation will be provided. More information is forthcoming.