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2nd Grade Weekly Letter
Ms. Borges' Class
Weekly Update
Star 360
Test Taking Tips:
- Get plenty of sleep the night before
- Eat a good meal
- Read ever answer before answering
- Take your time
- These tests are adaptive – this means that some questions will be way too hard, and some questions will be too easy. This will find your student’s “just right” independent level.
- The tests must be taken completely independently. The tests assess many foundational skills through the wording of the questions, directions and answers. If a question is even read aloud to the student, it can skew the scores. They will not have questions read to them. They will be responsible for reading everything themselves.
- It is important that student scores are valid and accurate. Assisting your student with the test can lead to inappropriate class placement and an inaccurate representation of student growth over the year. We thank you for your assistance with this!
- You can read more about the assessments at this link: https://www.renaissance.com/2016/09/09/parents-guide-star-assessments/?_ga=2.130369103.1986041436.1565209337-104809528.1565209337
If you haven't tried to log in already please do so before Monday. Practice accessing your student’s testing account prior to the scheduled testing day. This will help us to avoid glitches so that students can complete the assessment in the allotted time. If you find that you can not access the account, let me know! (Be sure not to start the assessment! It is important we do that together in class!)
- https://global-zone50.renaissance-go.com/welcomeportal/5438299
- Username = student id number
- Password = student first name (all lowercase) + the last 3 numbers of the student id
Daily attendance and Excused Absence Link
If you need to request an excused absence please use the below link.
Common LC Questions - Ask Away!
When will small groups start? - We are hoping to start small groups the week of Sept. 21st. In order for this to happen we need to make sure that everyone has taken their Star 360 test.
I missed my class connect session what do I do? - Try not to miss class but if it happens, first make sure that you let me know. Next make sure you go back and watch the class connect recording. (refer to attachment on how to access)