Hello from Allied Arts!
Art, Health, Library, Music and P.E.
April 2024
Spring is bringing fabulous art to the Butler! The walls of the school are blooming with murals!
Check out these beautiful photos!
Exciting news for Health! Massachusetts has updated the Comprehensive Health Curriculum frameworks which were last updated in 1999. Scan the QR code to access the frameworks OR click the link below.
5th and 6th graders are learning how to manage stress as they participate and a new program from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health called Wander. Click the link to learn more. You can download the free app or play games that help promote relaxation.
Lowell Community Health Center is presenting their "Making Proud Choices" curriculum to 7th and 8th graders.
We are closing out Quarter 3, and we have been experimenting with different robots. The Dash robots that stay at the Butler, have all kinds of sensors that perform the best tricks! The behaviors we program are mostly visual and sound-related. Moving the robots around takes some thoughtful programming.
The Sphero Bolt robots, that are on loan from the District, move around in a very different way from the Dash. Being ball-shaped, the bots roll very fast, with little friction! We also observed an Ozobot Evo which has a very interesting sensor which follows lines of marker on a paper.
Sphero Bolt Matrix Animations combined with Spoken similes: Cutting Corners!
Students are studying Women in Music,integrating Women’s History Month into our curriculum.
5-8TH General Music class is working on drumming techniques, using a variety of drums, sticks and mallets.
Quarter 3 marked the beginning of the new Band, WIN/enrichment program. Students are playing various instruments including trumpet,trombone,saxophone,flute, percussion,clarinet and tuba. Many of these young future musicians are experiencing playing an instrument for the first time! There is much excitement and enthusiasm shared amongst the students!
21st Century after school Bulldog pep band premiered its first series of performances during the
Basketball games, with an outstanding rendition of the National Anthem performed by one of our 7th grade advanced students!
Physical Education
Handball - one of the fastest growing sports in the world. This is what students in P.E. are learning right now. After some experimentation, we decided to show the kids videos of our expectations, and since we started that, the play has been much more successful. The students are really enjoying the game.