Back to School Reminders
Welcome back!

We are excited to welcome back students, staff and families for the 2024-25 school year!
First Day of School
- September 4: First Day Grades 1-12
- September 4-6: Kindergarten Family Connection Days (Watch for details from your school.)
- September 9: Kindergarten First Day
- September 6: Early-Release Friday (School Hours)
- September 9: First Day of Developmental Preschool
- September 16: First Day of ECEAP Preschool
New Feature: Report your child absent electronically
New this year, you may report your child's absences online through Skyward/Family Access instead of sending a note with your student or calling the school.
Parents/guardians can now notify the school of a child’s absence through Skyward/Family Access. Be sure you are using your parent/guardian login. Go to the Attendance tab of the portal and input your child’s absence information under the Absence Request section.
Returning Student Registration
Please take a few minutes to review your contact information and make any necessary updates during Returning Student Registration. It is vital for communications that you provide the district with your most current contact information. Parents/guardians who are designated as “primary guardians” are asked to login to Family Access and complete the Returning Student Registration for each child enrolled in the district (new students do not need to complete this step). To prevent redundant or conflicting data updates, only primary guardians will need to update the Returning Student Registration information in Family Access.
Don't remember your password? You can reset your password using the "Forgot Password" link or by contacting your student's school or the District Office (360-652-4500).
Student meals and steps to receive free and discounted services
This year, the free and reduced meals and the family income survey forms have been combined into one form. This means that families only need to complete one form per family. The new form is called the Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefit Application and is available on the Food Services page of our website.
STEP 1: Families are encouraged to complete the Child Nutrition Benefit Application as it helps the district determine family needs and qualify for funding for important learning assistance programs, meals, and grants that support students. It is also used to determine family eligibility for SunBucks (summer EBT meals).
Translations in other languages are available.
If your family is already “directly certified” by the state, meaning you receive state benefits such as ECEAP, Basic Food, Medicaid, etc., you can skip to Step 2: the Consent to Share form.
STEP 2: Many students qualify for free or reduced fees based on their family income, but we need family permission to share that information with the appropriate staff who oversee those programs (example: ASB cards, PSAT and Advanced Placement tests, uniforms, etc.). If you would like to grant permission for your eligibility to be shared ONLY with the staff who oversee relevant programs for your student to receive free or discounted services, please complete the Consent to Share Form.
Thank you for helping us ensure students who need these benefits receive them.
Complete your volunteer application online
Every time students see a family member at the school, they get the message that education is important. Volunteer applications are good for two years before they need to be renewed. To complete or renew your volunteer application, please follow the steps on our website and let your school and/or student's teacher know you are available to volunteer.
Don't forget your ID when you visit school
All visitors are asked to check in and out at the front office when they visit their child's school and to present a valid photo ID. Our new visitor/volunteer system, Raptor Technologies, will print out a sticker badge for you to wear while you are on campus. Thank you for your support as we work to maintain high levels of safety and security. Please contact your school if you have questions or if you do not have a valid ID.
Kindergarten Family Connection meetings
The first day of kindergarten is Monday, September 9. This gives kindergarten teachers a chance to meet with each kindergarten student and their family during a Family Connection meeting at the school Sept. 4-6. The Family Connection meetings are a component of WaKIDS, which stands for Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills. These meetings take place with the student, the student’s teacher and their family/guardians to welcome them to the school. Learn more about how your partnership will help make kindergarten a great experience for your child! Please contact your school if you need more information about the Family Connection meetings or are unable to attend.
Health form reminders
The LWSD Health Services team reminds families to visit the district website to download necessary health forms and make sure the following tasks are complete:
- Students with life-threatening health conditions, i.e. (asthma, seizures, allergies, diabetes, etc.) need to have medication or treatment orders renewed and individual health care plans updated with the school nurse every year.
- If your student has gotten any vaccines, bring an updated Certificate of Immunization (CIS) form to your school nurse.
- Bring an updated IHP (individual health plan) for the nurse (form can be obtained from your school)
- Pick up medication for school, making sure there is a pharmacy label and the prescription matches the health care provider's orders. Ask the pharmacy for a labeled container to have at school, as we can only take a 20-day supply.
- Get sports physicals updated for students participating in sports (required every 2 years).
Please contact your building nurse if you have any questions or concerns.
Bus routes available next week on Skyward
Bus routes will be posted early next week on Skyward Family Access. If you don't remember your Skyward password, you can reset the password using the email on file with your school. If that doesn't work, you can call your school to reset the password for you. Be sure to verify your school has the correct email on file when you call.
Bus safety reminders
Lakewood bus drivers strive to transport students safely to and from school every day. They need your help. Please remind your student to follow the directions of the school bus driver and follow the school bus rules:
1. Be Kind
- Use kind words
- Classroom voice
2. Be Safe
- Face forward in your seat
- Keep body and belongings in seat
- Follow driver’s directions
- Report concerns
3. Be Respectful
- Keep hands to self
- Use headphones/ earbuds
- No eating/drinking
- Throw away trash
See a complete list of expectations on our website. Please help us to be on time to school by being at your stop five minutes early. We will have a great year when we all work together!
Questions? Contact Transportation at (360) 652-4525.
A note for kindergarten parents
Kindergarten students need to be met at the bus stop by a parent/guardian or other adult. They can also be released from the bus with an older sibling or another adult with prior arrangements. Thank you for your cooperation.
Lakewood is a no-walking district
Lakewood continues to be a no-walking district. Because we do not have the benefit of sidewalks between our schools and students’ homes, it is not safe for students to walk. Bicycles, roller skates, rollerblades, scooters and skateboards are also unsafe modes of transportation for the same reasons. It is important for students to take the bus or get a ride to and from school.
If you are driving your student, please exercise caution and patience at all times. During drop-off and pickup times, our roads can become congested. Thank you for partnering with us to keep students safe at all times.
Bus and Van Drivers Needed
Looking for work? New challenge? Looking for a supplemental income? Consider driving for Lakewood School District. Days are similar to student school calendar, same vacation days and summers off. Training provided. We are in need of school bus drivers ($27.18/hr) and car/van drivers ($22.74/hr). Average working hours: 6-8:30 a.m. and 1:30-4:30 p.m. Please contact Lakewood School District Transportation at 360-652-4525 for an application.
School Supplies: Bring your backpack
During the 2024-25 school year, Lakewood School District will provide all school supplies for students except for a backpack. If families cannot provide a backpack, schools will help students access one with the help of our community partners.
Annual Notifications
CTE Nondiscrimination Notice
Lakewood School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, disability, or age in its program or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Lakewood School District offers classes in career and technical education program areas, such as Agricultural Education, Business & Marketing, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, and Skilled & Technical Sciences under its open admissions policy. For more information about CTE course offerings and admissions criteria, contact Lynn Konkol, Director of Teaching and Learning, 360-652-4500. Lack of English language proficiency will not be a barrier to admission and participation in career and technical education programs.
Inquiries regarding compliance procedures should be directed to Lakewood School District, 17110 16th Drive NE, Marysville, WA 98271, Attention: Title IX and Civil Rights Officer, Timothy Haines, 360-652-4500, thaines@lwsd.wednet.edu or ADA Compliance Officer and Section 504 Compliance Officer, Lissan Wipfli, 360-652-4500, lwipfli@lwsd.wednet.edu.
Additional Notifications
Please see our website for important notifications about the following. You are also encouraged to review the Family & Student Handbook.
- Non-Discrimination
- Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
- Tobacco Prohibition
- Dangerous Weapons on School Premises Prohibited
- Drugs/Alcohol Prohibited
- Department of Health & K-12 partnership to promote health and safety
- Annual District Report Cards
- Title I
- Attendance Notification
- Absence Rules
- Notification of Rights under FERPA
- Obtaining Student Records
- Release of Directory Information
- Taking Photos of Students
- The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
- Resolving Complaints
- Telecommunication Devices
- Electronic Resources
- Education Services for Displaced Youth
- Education Services for Youth in Foster Care
- Meal Programs
- Child Find Notice
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Section 504 Plan
- Multilingual Learners
- Language Access Services
- Highly Capable Nomination Notification
- Selection and Adoption of Curriculum
- Life-Threatening Health Conditions
- Meningococcal Disease
- HPV or Human Papillomavirus
- Immunizations
- Healthy Youth Survey
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Federal Program Citizen Complaint Procedures
- Annual Facilities Notification
- HIB, Non-Discrimination and Gender-Inclusive Schools
Quick Links
- School Hours
- District Calendars
- Transportation
- Family and Student Handbook
- LWSD Mobile App
- Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB): Resources and Reporting
- Free and Reduced-Price Meals
- "Say Something" Anonymous Reporting System
- Mental Health Resources
- Homeless Assistance
- Health Forms
- School Menus
- Skyward Family Access