Thundercat Weekly
Parent Newsletter - May 20-- May 23, 2024
Newsletter Contents
- RTMS Parents To-Do List
- Important Dates
- RTMS End of Year Information
- No Backpacks or Sling bags
- RTMS Athletic Fan Gear
- Summer Opportunities
- Thundercat TV Episode - 21
- Nurse's Corner
- Attendance News
Links and Resources
Parent To-Do List
1. Submit a 2023-24 FBISD Volunteer Application HERE
2. Add money to School Café Account https://www.schoolcafe.com/fbisd
3. Log on to Skyward to review your child’s grades in all classes
Important Dates
May 20-23 ~ Final Exams (HS Credit Courses only)
RTMS-End of Year Information
Dear Thundercat Families,
It is hard to believe we are moving into our final week of school. This email will contain information about the expectations for next week, semester exams, report cards, summer STAAR results access, summer reading, 2024-25 information, and a principal message.
Expectations for May 20-23
The final week of school is a NO BACKPACKS week. This includes no drawstring bags, totes, or large purses. Students may bring a water bottle, lunch box, and a small purse. Our 1,750 students are excited about summer, but we have our semester exam week to complete first. Our dress code (for example, no pajama bottoms or slippers) is still in effect through the final day of school. Please help make our final week of school a success by ensuring your child keeps the following items AT HOME:
- Headphones/EarPods
- Sunglasses, Bonnets & Hats
- Candy
- Family-sized Bags of Chips or Snacks
- Stuffed Animals & Toys
- Pajamas, Blankets & Pillows
- Confetti Eggs, Water Balloons, Silly String, etc.
- Gift Bags
- Inappropriate School Items
Semester Exams
Only students in high school credit courses will take a semester exam. However, all students will follow the semester exam schedule attached.
Early Release Days
RTMS has two early release days next week – Wednesday, May 22 and Thursday, May 23. School will dismiss at 1:25 pm both days. All students will eat in the classrooms on these days. Parents should NOT make deliveries (including no lunch deliveries) on early release days to students.
Report Cards
The Term 4 report cards will be posted in Skyward on the last day of school. Please login to Skyward to access the report.
STAAR Results
All parents will receive an email from FBISD when STAAR scores are ready to be viewed. To view STAAR results from previous years, click HERE to access the parent portal. The 6-character unique code required to access STAAR scores can be found in Skyward (log on to Skyward Family Access, click Online Forms, next to Student Assessment Results click Fill Out Form, click Student Assessment Access Code). These directions will be included in the summer email from the district as well. STAAR results are anticipated by the end of June.
Summer Reading
Reading is the foundation of all other learning. To encourage students to read over the summer, our fabulous librarian, Mrs. Davis, has created summer reading lists. While highly encouraged, reading these books are optional and no grades will be taken on any recommended reading. Each grade level list is attached.
2024-2025 Back to School Information
2024-2025 Registration & Moves
Registration is open for next school year. Please help encourage family, friends, and neighbors to register HERE as soon as possible to ensure the appropriate number of teachers are in place to start the year. Currently enrolled students do not need to reenroll. If you are moving over the summer, please email Christine.Gruber@fortbendisd.com to update your address if needed.
2024-2025 School Calendar
As you begin planning vacations for the upcoming year, please review the 2024-25 FBISD Academic Calendar attached. Keep in mind that family trips and vacations are considered unexcused absences. It is no secret that our students learn best when they are here for us to teach them.
2024-2025 Student Schedules
Parents can expect to see next year’s student schedules in Skyward no later than Wednesday, August 7 after completion of all back-to-school online verification forms. More information will come from FBISD and me leading up to the start of school.
Save the Dates
Friday, July 26 – Thunder Camp (see attached flyer)
Thursday, August 8 – First Day of School
Principal Message
Thank you all for welcoming me to RTMS. I have enjoyed working with your children and getting to know them this year. Middle school is a challenging time for a lot of reasons, and it is my hope that RTMS can be a safe and loving place for all children to grow. I look forward to the year ahead and continuing our partnership with families. I appreciate your steadfast support and am so optimistic about the future of RTMS. Have a wonderful summer with your kids!
Kate Kargbo, Ed.D.
RTMS Principal
No Backpacks or Sling Bags
May 20-23
RTMS Athletic Fan Gear
Check out our RTMS Athletic Fan Gear and purchase some RTMS swag! Store closes June 17.
Summer Opportunities
Please see the following opportunities around the district
Thundercat TV
Nurse's Corner
Clinic Update:
If your student has medication in the clinic, please come by and pick it up no later than 12:00/noon on the last student day, May 23rd. Any medication that has not been picked up by this time will be disposed of according to FBISD policy. Each school year requires a new doctor’s order with completed forms. Please use the following link to access specific medication forms for your student’s medical needs for school year 2024-25. https://www.fortbendisd.com/Page/888
If you have questions or need to make special arrangements to pick up medication, please call the school nurse at 281-327-3886.
3rd Party Food Deliveries
Attendance News
Below are some frequent Q & A’s and resource information from our RTMS Attendance Clerks to help alleviate your attendance concerns:
1. What should I do if my child is absent? Do I need to call the campus or my student’s teachers?
If your child is absent from instruction, please submit an excuse note (with documentation attached, if available) via email within 5 days of the absence to attendancertms@fortbendisd.com, or have your student drop a note by the attendance office. Phone calls regarding a student’s absence are considered a courtesy, but not an excuse. Please follow up with a written parent note or medical note for the absence to be excused.
2. I believe my child was incorrectly marked absent or tardy.
Please contact the teacher who marked the absence or tardy. If it is incorrect, the teacher will either edit the attendance or contact the Attendance Clerk to make the correction.
3. What is considered Tardy, Late, and/or Absent within the day?
Tardy: 19> minutes since class started
Late: <20 minutes since class started
Absent (W): <40 minutes since class started
4. How do I pick my child up early for an appointment?
Sign in at the Front Office with your state issued I.D. to get a Visitor’s Badge for the Attendance Office. Sign your student out with the Attendance Clerk. Remember to bring a doctor’s note back to school the following day for the absence to be excused. Please note that should you pick your student up during their PE class or lunch time, wait times may be longer than usual, as we are unable to contact a classroom.
5. What is the latest time I can pick up my student?
Please arrive to the school before 3:30 pm to check your student out for an appointment. The end of the school day can be chaotic, as students are shuffling from classes to their dismissal areas; therefore, student pickup is suspended from 3:30 p.m.-4:10 p.m.
6. Can someone else pick my student up early from school?
Yes, provided they are listed as an emergency contact for your student in Skyward. To add someone to your ER contact list, email Christine.Gruber@fortbendisd.com their name, phone number, and relationship to your student, along with a copy of your ID.
7. Why is my student’s absence still showing unexcused?
Once documentation has been submitted, it can take up to 48 hours to be reflected in Skyward. Notes MUST BE SUBMITTED within 5 business days after the absence. If they are turned in outside that timeframe, the absence will still be considered unexcused.
8. What information should be included in the absence note?
Please include your student’s first name and last name, date/s of absence, grade level and reason for their absence.
9. How many days can my student be absent before they need a Medical Note?
According to the FBISD Parent/Student Handbook, a student can be absent 3 consecutive days with a parent written excuse; after the 4th day, a medical note will need to be provided.
10. My student is sick and leaving from the clinic; do I need to check out with the Attendance Office?
You will sign your student out from the clinic only if the nurse or nurse’s assistant has specifically requested that you pick up your student. The nurse will inform the Attendance Office, and your student will be excused for the missed classes. Otherwise, you may sign your student out from the Attendance Office, and they will be called directly from class.
11. Can my student wait for me at the school entrance if they know I am coming to pick them up?
Due to safety reasons and the constant flow of students entering and exiting the building, please DO NOT ask your student to wait for you at the entrance of the school. Students must be checked out according to FBISD policy.
12. My child forgot an item (lunch, band instrument, technology, etc.) at home. How can I get it to them?
We do not deliver items to students, nor will they be called out of class to retrieve them. A table is set up in the vestibule for parent drop-offs. Once you text your student to inform them the item is there, their teacher will determine whether they are allowed to retrieve it. If not, they can pick it up during a passing period.
Links and Resources
FBISD Instructional Calendar (2023-2024)
FBISD Volunteer Application & Background Check
PE Uniforms https://fortbendisd.revtrak.net/FBISD-Schools-1082/ms/thornton-ms/rtms-pe-uniforms/#/list
Immunization Information - FBISD Health Services Webpage
FBISD Student Parent Handbook https://www.fortbendisd.com/cms/lib/TX01917858/Centricity/Domain/91/2023-2024%20Student%20Parent%20Handbook%201.12.24.pdf
Connect to RTMS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RTMSThundercats
Website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/rtms
RTMS PTO https://www.rtmspto.net/
Ronald Thornton Middle School
Website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/rtms
Location: 1909 Waters Lake Boulevard, Sienna, TX, USA
Phone: (281) 327-3870
Twitter: @RTMSThundercats