What's Up Westside
March 7, 2025
March is Women's History Month! From the classroom to the community, women have played a vital role in shaping education and empowering future generations. We recognize and celebrate the incredible women—teachers, staff, students, and leaders—who nurture, lead, and empower our students, ensuring they have the tools to thrive every day.
Month At A Glance
- March 10: WSHS Booster Club Meeting (West Seattle Realty, 7pm)
- March 11: Parent to Parent Night (WSHS Room 129, 6–7:30pm)
- March 14: Big Band Dinner Dance (WSHS Commons, 6–9pm, Tickets)
- March 17–31: Smarter Balanced Assessments (Grade 10)
- March 20: PTSA Student Spotlight (WSHS Library, 6:30–8pm)
- March 23: Yearbook Presale Ends (Pre-order via SchoolPay)
- March 26: WSHS Job Fair (11:45am–2:30pm)
- March 27–29: Spring Musical: Chicago (WSHS Theater, 7:30pm, Tickets)
- March 29: Saturday Study Hall (WSHS Library, 9am–12pm)
For WSHS Families
WSHS Booster Club Meeting
Monday, March 10, West Seattle Realty (2715 California Ave SW), 7pm
Parents, alumni, and passionate fans are all welcome to learn how you can support the WSHS athletic program.
Parent to Parent Night
Tuesday, March 11, Room 129, 6–7:30pm
Join other parents in a safe space to talk about the issues facing you and your teen. All are welcome at Parent to Parent night facilitated by school social worker Crissa Parsley.
Big Band Dinner Dance
Friday, March 14, WSHS Commons, 6–9pm, Tickets
Celebrate the WSHS Music program at this fun event for the whole family! There will be music provided by each of the bands, orchestras, and choir; dinner prepared by the WSHS Culinary Arts program; a silent auction; and dancing to the wonderful West Seattle Big Band directed by Jim Edwards. We are also looking for some volunteers to help with the event; sign up here.
PTSA Student Spotlight
Thursday, March 20, WSHS Library, 6:30–8pm
We will be showcasing the exciting programs our student leaders bring to WSHS. Come learn from student representatives about their club's mission and accomplishments. See how your PTSA donations allow us to fund grants and co-sponsor events that benefit the entire student body. Let's celebrate our students!
2024–2025 Yearbook Presale
Ends Sunday, March 23, via SchoolPay
The 2024–2025 Kimtah Yearbook will be on sale for three weeks, March 3–23. This will be the final presale and we cannot guarantee that there will be additional yearbooks available for purchase in June. Order this month to secure your copy! Pre-order a yearbook for $55 online via SchoolPay or bring cash or check (payable to WSHS) to the Fiscal Office during lunch or before and after school. Questions? Email Maria Penner, Fiscal Specialist, mpenner@seattleschools.org.
Sign Up Your Business for the WSHS Job Fair
Wednesday, March 26, 11:45am–2:30pm, Sign Up
Do you own or manage a local business or organization? Do you work for a great local company? You are invited to showcase your spring, summer and fall positions available to our high school students and soon-to-be graduates.
Spring Musical: Chicago
Come on down and paint the town with WSHS's spring musical, Chicago! Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the razzle dazzle of this hit American musical. If you love murderesses, sensational media and all that jazz, then this is the show for you!
MultiCultural Night
Friday, April 25, WSHS Gym and Commons, 6–8:30pm
All are welcome to join our school community for our 2nd annual Multicultural Night celebration hosted by the student and staff Racial Equity Teams! This all-ages, family-friendly event is all about celebrating our school’s diversity, sharing cultures, and bringing our community together. The festive evening will feature live music and dance, crafts, games, a fashion show, delicious food and much more! The event is free and open to all WSHS families due to a generous grant from the PTSA.
The student-led organizing committee is currently seeking performers and volunteers to help make the event a success. Please fill out the interest form if you have a talent to share or would like to volunteer to help!
Support the West Seattle 5K
Register for the West Seattle 5K
Sunday, May 18, Alki Avenue, 9:30am, Register Now
Did you know that 100% of proceeds from the West Seattle 5K fund Saturday Study Hall, student club grants and teacher grants for WSHS? Please sign up and bring your family, neighbors and friends to join us for this fun community event benefiting YOUR student's school.
Sponsor the West Seattle 5K
If you'd like to become a sponsor of this fantastic community event, read about sponsorship opportunities here and contact the sponsorship team at sponsorwshs5k@gmail.com. We offer a variety of sponsorship packages, one of which is sure to fit your needs and budget.
Volunteer for the West Seattle 5K
We are seeking adults to help with safety patrol on the run course. Please email us if you are interested at westseattle5k@westseattle5k.com.
Help Plan Future West Seattle 5Ks
We are seeking community members to help lead the event in future years. There are three big jobs to oversee: Marketing, Sponsorships, and Logistics. Interested? Please email westseattle5k@westseattle5k.com for more details.
Student Life
Smarter Balanced Assessment: English Language Arts/Literacy
March 17–31, Grade 10 Only, WSHS Library
All students in grade 10 are expected to take the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) in English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and Math. These assessments are used to help educators and families measure how students are meeting academic goals and grade level standards. These assessments are also the first opportunity for students to meet their required graduation pathway.
Grade 10 students will test with their ELA teacher in the school library. The student's district laptop is required.
A parent or guardian may opt their student out of the SBA by submitting a Refusal Request. Students who do not participate will receive a “zero” score on the assessment and be considered non-proficient. This may impact the student’s future class choices.
The SBA for Math will be administered May 27–30. If you have questions or concerns about the SBA, please contact Amy Doll at asdoll@seattleschools.org.
Saturday Study Hall
Saturday, March 29, WSHS Library, 9am–12pm
Contact your teachers to get missing or late assignments, test corrections, and study guides then come to Saturday Study Hall. Tutors will be available for students who are currently facing academic challenges in core classes. Bring your laptop, missing work, and a desire to learn. Breakfast is provided! Questions? Email Amy Doll.
WSHS Alumni Association Scholarship
Application Due Tuesday, April 1, Apply Now
The WSHS Alumni Association provides scholarships to WSHS graduating seniors who, without the help the scholarships provide, may not be able to realize their dreams of a college education. Financial need is considered along with academic achievement. Questions related to this application may be directed to Sandy DuBuque, Scholarship Chairperson, at WSHSAAScholarship@gmail.com.
PTSA Presents
WSHS PTSA Seeks Board Members for 2025–2026
We are currently seeking dedicated parents, teachers, and students to join the PTSA Board for the upcoming 2025–2026 school year! If you are passionate about supporting our school community and making a positive impact on students' experiences, we encourage you to consider a leadership role.
Available Positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Committee Chairs (Various)
Being a part of the PTSA board is a rewarding experience that allows you to collaborate with others and advocate for the needs of students and staff. If you're interested or would like more information, please email president@wshsptsa.org.
Counseling Corner
Seniors: Scholarship Opportunities Begin Here
Thousands of scholarships are available to seniors and go unclaimed every year! Here are a few available opportunities for Seattle Public Schools students.
Book an Appointment with Your School Counselor
The WSHS Counseling Office prioritizes student meetings. Students can book an appointment with their assigned school counselor through the Counseling Center website. Parents/caregivers who would like to speak with a counselor should please email wshscounseling@seattleschools.org. Counselor assignments are as follows:
- Erica Nguyen: Last Names A–Et
- Kinsey Hedeen: Last Names Ev–Marg
- Mallory Neuman: Last Names Mari–Pig
- Christine Nutters: Last Names Pin–Z
Athletic Announcements
This Week's Varsity Sports Schedule
- March 14: Baseball vs. Sumner (SWAC, 7pm)
Join the Westside Girls Ultimate Team
Registration Due Wednesday, April 30, Register Now
Registration is now open for the spring high school girls league. Whether you are new to Ultimate or have played for years, we have a spot for you!
Seattle Public Schools News
School Board Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 12, JSCEE, 4:15pm
The Seattle School Board welcomes members of the public to the Regular meetings of the Board. This meeting will also be live streamed on SPSTV .
Nominate an Outstanding SPS Educator!
Nominations Due Friday, March 14, Submit a Nomination
Do you know an amazing principal, educator, counselor, or staff member making a difference in Seattle Public Schools? The Alliance for Education is accepting nominations for three prestigious awards:
- Thomas B. Foster Award for Excellence
- Philip B. Swain Excellence in Education Award
- Adrienne Weaver Science Teaching Award
These awards honor exceptional SPS staff who are advancing educational justice and racial equity in their schools and classrooms.
Career and Technical Education Career Quest Internships
Applications Due Wednesday, April 23, Apply Now
Students can earn high school credit while exploring future careers. This summer, SPS is partnering with industry partners to offer students paid learning and internship opportunities. Students interested in biology can earn a $500 stipend for successful completion of an externship and class at the Allen Institute. Students interested in tech jobs of the future can attend Amazon Career Quest for a $500 stipend.
Skilled Trades Pre-Apprenticeship
Fill out an Interest Form today!
SPS is currently accepting students from all schools to pre-apprenticeship programs at Ingraham and Interagency High Schools. This advanced CTE program is a one year, half-day course which prepares students for careers in construction. This is a 3-credit course eligible for equivalency credits in Math and Science. Students are exposed to a variety of jobs in the building trades and instructors provide support in determining how their personal skills and work style fit within each industry. Students who earn certification can qualify for priority hire for trades apprenticeships and on SPS construction projects through the Student and Community Workforce Agreement.
Community Connections
Community Reuse and Recycling Event
Saturday, March 8, South Seattle College, 9am–12pm
Seattle residents can drop off these items for free:
- Small electronics or appliances
- Paper for shredding
- Household batteries
- Fluorescent light bulbs
- Small propane cans
- Foam blocks and peanuts
- Clothing and textiles
Teen Action Fair: Our Future is Within Grasp
Saturday, March 22, 10am–3pm, Gates Foundation Discovery Center
The annual Teen Action Fair explores what we are truly capable of when we come together to create change. Meet with local organizations and discover how you can get involved in your community. Learn about volunteer opportunities and programs that appeal to a wide variety of interests. There will also be tours, fun activities, and snacks. This event is FREE and no registration is required.
YMCA Earth Service Corps Environmental Symposium
Friday, March 28, University of Washington, 8:30am–1:30pm, Register
The Symposium gathers passionate, motivated student leaders to learn about the environmental issues facing our world and how to create a sustainable future for our schools, communities and beyond! Participants will take part in hands-on workshops led by local organizations and designed to educate students about environmental topics as well as give teens the skills they need to address environmental issues in their schools and communities. Lunch will be provided. Register online by March 14.
Helpful Links
If you would like to share news or publicize an event or opportunity relevant to the West Seattle High School community, please contact us at communications@wshsptsa.org.